
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2015英语会考听力更新完毕开始阅读

Maybe I can have my own one day.

M: Really? But you need loads of money to open a shop.

W: Yes, I know, so I have to work hard. Oh, I'm late! I have to go. Bye!



W: Carl, what happened? You were absent from school yesterday.

M: Oh, nothing serious. My family were busy moving out of our old flat. W: You are not staying in town anymore?

M: No, we bought a new apartment near the harbor. W: Do you like it?

M: It's lovely! It's on the tenth floor, and you can overlook the beach. You know I like

swimming. By the way, would you like to join me for a swim this Saturday? W: Err. I'd love to but I don't think I can. M: Why?

W: My mum has already made an appointment for me to see a doctor. I've got some eye problem these days.

M: Err, can you come over tomorrow evening?

W: Sorry again. I've been having evening courses this week.

M: Oh well, I really hope you could come and visit my new home soon

W: Can I visit you during the school holidays? It's only two weeks from now. M: Great idea!


Text 8

M: Hello, this is Tony with Contribution of Community. I'm speaking here to let you know

we'll have a truck in your area on the ll'h. We accept donations of clean used clothing, blankets and bedding. We also accept TV sets and computers, small children's toys, books and magazines. There is a special need this winter for warm hats and gloves. If you would like to donate, please put all your things in a large bag or box, and set them in front of your house by 7 a.m Wednesday, the 11th. Make sure the bags or boxes are marked \letters. Our driver will leave you a donation receipt. If you have any questions. please call us at 1888-555-5353. Thank you, and have a great day!


题的关键信息。此段对话你将听两遍。 Text9

M: So, you mean you want to move into a home-stay family. Is that correct?

W: Yes, that's right. I've been staying with my aunt. Now my cousin is arriving from Singapore

and my aunt needs the room for him.

M: Oh. that's bad luck Well, I'll need to get some personal information. What's your full


W: Trista Lee, T-R-I-S-T-A Lee.

M: T-R-I-S-T-A. OK, and how old are you, Trista?

W: 23, only just. It was my birthday on the 7th of January.

M: Happy Birthday for yesterday. How long have you been in Australia?

W: A year in Perth and six months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney, and I've got more friends here. M: What's your address at your aunt's house?

W: Flat one, 1539 Forest Road Canterbury. And the post code is 2036. M: OK. What are you studying now?

W: I was learning General English in Perth and now I'm studying the History of Western Art,

because I'm trying to get into Arts Management next year.

M: Sounds good, but it'll take you a long time. When would you like to move out from your

