
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2015英语会考听力更新完毕开始阅读

Text 1 M: Two return tickets to New York, please. W: OK. Here you are, sir. But I’m afraid you have to hurry up. The next train leaves at 10:30. You’d better go directly to Platform 2. 听下面一段对话,回答第2题。 Text 2 W: Good afternoon. M: Good afternoon. Do you still serve lunch at this time? W: Yes. How many of you would like to eat here? M: Two. W: All right. Would you like to see the menu? 听下面一段对话,回答第3题。 Text 3 W: What’s your plan for the summer vacation? M: I’m going to travel. When I was in college, I read all about the Great Wall, and the Summer Palace. Now that I’m teaching English in China, it’s a great chance for me to go and visit them. 听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第6题。 Text 4 M: Hello! Can I help you, madam? W: Yes! I came here to see a movie yesterday, and I remembered I got my watch with me. But when I got home, I found it lost. I think I might have lost it here. Could you please see if anybody’s found it? M: OK, I’ll have a look. What does it look like? W: Well, it’s a Stills quartz watch. It has a black leather band and a very plain face with no numbers. Oh, and it has a second hand. M: All right. I’ll check and see if it was left behind yesterday and I’ll call you as soon as possible. By the way, your phone number, please? W: Oh, it’s 8075 6511. Thanks a lot. M: You’re welcome. 听下面一段对话,回答第7题至第8题。 Text 5 W: Hi, there, Martin. How are you going with your final paper for Australian studies? M: Oh, good. I’ve finished it actually. W: Lucky you. What did you do it on? I’m still trying to find an interesting topic. M: Well…. It’s really hard to decide. And my teacher recommended some topics, like banana growing, seafood industry, and animal protection. W: Which one did you prefer finally? M: Banana growing. W: Oh, it sounds interesting!

听下面一段对话,回答第9题至第10题。 Text 6 W: It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it? M: Yes, beautiful. Enjoy it while it lasts. It’s supposed to be really cold tomorrow. W: Really? What’s the weather forecast? M: It’s supposed to snow early tomorrow morning and then there’s a chance of freezing rain in the afternoon. W: That doesn’t sound pretty. M: Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning? W: Well, I’m going to drive to Birmingham to see some friends for the whole day. M: Oh, I thought we were going to play bowling together in the afternoon. W: I’m sorry, I forgot about that. How about next time?

听下面一段对话,回答第11题至第13题。 Text 7 W: It’s time for you to wake up, Tom. M: Five more minutes. I’m really tired this morning. W: It’s time for you to get ready for school. M: I’ve got that, but let me just sleep for a little bit longer. W: You know, Tom, if you just go straight back to sleep, you won’t get up. M: I promise I’ll get up and get ready in five minutes. W: There’s a lot you need to do in the morning. M: I know, and I’ll get it all done soon after I get up. W: I don’t want you to be late for school. M: I won’t. W: OK. Only five more minutes. M: Thanks a lot. 听下面一段独白,回答第14题至第16题。 Text 8 Welcome to today’s Talk Show. Now let’s introduce today’s guest Bob Smith. Bob is a person who is always living in his own little world. His only interest in life is the construction job he holds. He seldom takes part in social activities, like doing sports and games or going to parties. After work he’ll go straight home and watch his favorite TV shows. At about eight o’clock he goes to bed to rest up for the next day’s work. He tries to leave all the important decisions to his parents. If he has nothing to do, he’ll just stare into space and think of his little world. Now, let’s come to know Bob Smith, welcome! 第二节:听下面一段对话,根据题目要求在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下第17题至第20题的关键信息。此段对话你将听两遍。 Text 9 W: Good morning, sir. Welcome to Volunteer Department, and sit down, please. M: Thanks. Well, I’d like to do some volunteer work in my spare time. W: All right. That’s great. But before that, we just want to get to know a bit about you. M: OK. W: First of all, can I have your name? M: Roger Groats. W: Oh, would you please spell your last name? M: G-R-O-A-T-S. Groats. W: OK, G-R-O-A-T-S. And what kind of work do you do? M: I work for Cityscape Magazine. I’m an editor. W: All right. That’s a good job. And what are your interests? M: Well, I like baseball, and I play poker once in a while. Oh, I do like reading. W: OK, when are you free on weekends? M: Sunday is the best day for me. W: Great! Just one more question, what’s your phone number? M: My phone number is 2745 6913. W: OK. 2745 6913. Thank you, Roger. You can expect our phone call in a day or two. M: Great, I look forward to hearing from you. 请将你的答案填涂或书写在答题卡上。






W: Tony, can you help me? M: Yes.

W: Would you put a bottle of glue on each desk, and a pair of scissors, too, please? M: OK. And paints? W: No, not for today.



W: Hi, Max, are you on your way to have your piano lesson yet? M: Yes, Mum. I’m just waiting for the bus.

W: But your piano lesson will start in ten minutes. Why don’t you take a taxi? M: OK. I’ll take a taxi that comes along. Bye, Mum.



M: Are you going on holiday with your sister again this year?

W: Yes, she’s coming home from Canada tomorrow, and then we’re going away next week. M: Where’re you going?

W: My sister wants to go to Italy. But I prefer France this year, and I’ve booked a hotel there. I

hope she doesn’t mind.



M: So who is your hero, Lucy? W: My grandfather.

M: Your grandfather? You can’t be serious!

W: Why not? My grandfather was a fireman in London. He saved lots of people and even got a

medal awarded by the Queen. M: Oh, really?

W: Yes, he was a fireman for 40 years, and after he stopped working, he was a volunteer in

children's hospitals.

M: That's amazing. I'd really like to meet him. W: No problem. You can go with me some day. M: Great!


Text 5

W: Excuse me. Do you know if I can catch Bus No.25 at this stop? M: No, only Bus No. 52. You can catch Bus No. 25 on Hillside Street. W: How can I get there?

M: Go straight ahead and turn right at the first crossing. Then you can find you're onto Hillside

Street. The stop will be on your right.

W: Thank you would you happen to know how often Bus No. 25 runs? M: Every 20 minutes, I believe.



M: Hi. Tania. Where're you going?

W: To the clothes shop in Spring Street. I've got a part-time job selling clothes there on


M: You're working! Are you serious? Why?

W: Well, you know. I'm in the local cycling team, and I want a new bike. So I'm saving up to

buy one. M: Good for you.

W: Thanks. I really enjoy working in the shop. I want to know more about running a shop.
