
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2015英语会考听力更新完毕开始阅读

Text 8

W:Good morning ! Can I help you ? .

M:Yes , I want to take a tour in Venice.

W:OK, sir , well , the flights ..... ., no , no , they were all books monthes ago , I`m afraid .

M: Can we go by ship? I`ve read that arriving by sea in Venice is the high spot of a holiday in

Italy .

W:Hmm.... Yes , no problem . By the way , how many of you are going there ?

M:I`m going with my mother . She was born in Vencie . She left when she was a child . But she`s

never been back .

W:Really ? But the best hotels have been booked for monthes too . Err .....I`ve got one here , with

two freee rooms ___ the Casa Salvatore Hotel. M: What did you say ?

W: The Casa Salvatore Hotel , sir , It`s an old hotel but a good one .

M: That`s where my mother was born ! Her family once lived there years ago ------ so , she really

is going home !


W:Good morning,sir.I'm a reporter from BBC.We're doing a survey on local people and I wonder if you'd mind answering a few questions. M:OK,go ahead.

W:Your name,please? M:Klaus Barbie.

W:Klaus,it's that K-L-A-U-S? M:Yes,it's that K-L-A-U-S.

W:OK,Klaus,what do you do for a living? M:I'm a professional football player.

W:Oh,really?Great.And what's the most exciting thing that's happened to you recently? M:I became a father.Just call me Dad.My wife and I had our first baby last month. W:Oh,that's wonderful. M:Mm-hmm.

W:And who do you admire most in this world right now?

M:Well,I admire my wife...uh...,she's going to be a great mother. W:Fantastic.What do you want to be doing five years from now?

M:Well,...uh...five years from now I'd like to have more kids and write books about my family.That's my dreaming life.

W:Oh,that's great.Can I have some more questions? M:Well,no problem.






Text 1

M: What’re you going to do on such a beautiful day ,Jane?

W:I ’m going to have a picnic with my family this afternoon. How about you? M: I’ll go swimming with my brother.


Text 2

M:The party has already begun. Helen hasn’t come yet. Did you invite her? W: Yes, I did. But she couldn’tcome . She’s having a piano class right now.


Text 3

W:I hope we’ll have a good flight. M:So do I. I don’t like flying. W: Are you going on holiday?

W: No, I’m travelling on business. I work for a computer company .And you?

W:I’m a professor. I’ going to give a lecture this affternoon. I hope the flight won’t be late.


Text 4

W:Can I help you?

M: Yes, I’m doing some research on the Second World War.Do you have any books on the


W: These books over here are about that. They minght be helpful. W: Oh,great .Can I take this one out?.

M: I’m sorry .It’s for reference only,so it must stay in the library. But you’re welcome to look

through it.

W: OK.Thanks for your help. M: My pleasure.


Text 5

W: Peter, can you help me for a minute? M:Yes, what?

W:Will you sweep up the rubbish and take it out? M:OK! But do I have to do in now?

W:Well,you don’t have to do it now, but don’t forget to do in today. M:All right. I really must go now. I’ll have an exam this morning.

W:Oh, will you? You mustn’t be late. Maybe you should ask your father for a ride. M:Dad is so busy that I dare not bother him Bye. W:Bye.


Text 6

M: Excuse me,I’m new in this apartment building.Could I ask you about some of the rules here? W:Yes, of course.

W: First, about parking. Is it OK to leave my car behind the building? W: Sure.You’ll see some parking spaces there for the people living here. M:And what about when I have guests?

W:Well, guests aren’t allowed to leave their cars in the back. They have to park in the guest

parking area inthe front.

M:I see. And are there any rules about house pest?Am I allowed to have a dog, for instance?

W:Cats are allowed, bue some other animals like dogs and snakes,I’m afraid, aren’t permitted.

You see, dogs bark at ninght and snakes are too dangerous,so the people living here have decided against in.


Text 7

I’m Michael. At my school there is a breakfast club. Thin is a place to play with my

friends before school starts. Last week, we had a special time at the breakfast club. Everyone had to be there at 7 am. When I arrived, I was surprised to see there were many different colored tablecloths on the tables.And our school had invited a famous cook called Mark here. He showed us how to make bread. Togeether with him was a farmer who taught us something about the crops on his farm. I had some photos taken with them. But my favorite part of the morning was watching the sausages coming out of the sausage machine.I hadn’t seen

anything like it before! It was fantastic and I really enjoyed it.


Text 8

M: Right then, ma’am, could you tell me exactly what happened?

W:Well,I got home at about nine o’clock, and I went straight to the kitchen, to make a cup of


M:And you didn’t notice anything unusual?

W:No,I Was quite tired you see,and I was thinking about work, but when I went to the cupboard I

stepped on sonm broken glass and thenI saw that someone had broken the kitchen window. I was so shoced.

M;Yes,a very unpleasant experience for you. So what exactly was taken, do you think?

W:Well,all my jewellery, I’m sure from the bedroom, and some valuable silver things from a


M:OK, ma’am! We’ve got the information, and we’ll look into it right away.


题的关键信息。此段对话你将听两遍。 Text9

W:Excuse me , please. I’ve lost my scarf, and it’s a precious gift from a C hinese friend.

M:Oh, I see. Well, I’ll have to fill out this Lost and Found Report for you. W hat of scarf,


W:Well,it was a scarf made of silk.

M:A ailk scarf .And where did you leave it?

W:I’m pretty sure I left it in the coffee shop around the corner. M:And when was that? W:About 1:30,I think.

M:I’m sure it will turn up. Now could you give me your name? W:Mrs.Alita Vogler.

M:Could you spell your family name, please? W:V-O-G-L-E-R,Vogler.

M:V-O-G-L-E-R.And your phone number, please? W:89372124.

M:89372124.All right. Don’t worry about it any more We’ll let you know as soon as we get any

information on it. W:Thank you very much.




