江苏省盐城中学2015届高三上学期12月月考试题 英语 Word版含答案

发布时间 : 星期四 文章江苏省盐城中学2015届高三上学期12月月考试题 英语 Word版含答案更新完毕开始阅读

71. The interviewer felt surprised that _____.

A. some people are against the idea of the talent B. the writer denied the genetic role

C. genetic talent exists along with eugenics

D. the writer worked in an industry of anti-genetics

72. The purpose of using examples of John McEnroe and Ivan Lendl in Paragraph 6 is to show that


A. nurture can compensate for the lack of talent B. inborn talent is vital to winning sport

C. both McEnroe and Lendl were the great players

D. Lendl was less talented but more prepared than MeEnroe

73. The underlined phrase “has the upper hand” in paragraph 8 possibly means _____. A. is less important B. gives some support C. has an advantage D. is easily available 74. What’s the harm of 10,000-hour practice? A. All the kids’ hard work was in vain.

B. Kids’ mental growth may suffer from early specialization. C. Both kids and parents may become new tigers. D. Parent-child relations may become tense. 75. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Success depends on the balance between nature and nurture. B. Nurture outweighs nature in sporting.

C. All the world-class tennis players have great talent. D. Talent plays a decisive role in athleticism.

第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。

Around the world, more and more young people are failing to find stable jobs and live independently. A new study from IIASA population researchers explains why.

The number of young people who fail to transition from childhood to independent adulthood is growing – more and more young people find themselves without full-time jobs, relying on their parents, or staying longer in school. These changes can be traced changes in the global labor force and education according to a new study published today in the Finnish Yearbook of Population Research.

“Young adults are doing increasingly worse economically, in spite of living in wealthy regions of the world,” says IIASA population expert Vegard Skirbekk. “At the same time, older adult age groups have been doing increasingly better.”

Skirbekk, along with IIASA researchers Warren Sanderson and Marcin Stonawski conducted the study in order to examine the common factors that help young people transition to adulthood. They call the problem, “Young Adult Failure to Thrive Syndrome.”

While the phenomenon had been recognized in individual countries, including Italy, France, Spain, and Japan, explanations have often focused on recent causes such as government fiscal(财政的)difficulties. But the new study shows that failure to thrive can be traced to global economic and demographic(人口统计的)shifts beginning in the 1980’s.

The study finds that failure to thrive can be tied to three major economic factors worldwide. First, an increasingly globalized labor force means that workers can move more easily between countries. Second, education levels have soared around the world, meaning many more workers are available for skilled positions. Third, more women have joined the labor force. All these factors

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mean more competition for jobs, particularly for young people who have little practical experience.

In addition to changes in labor supply, technological changes have both created and destroyed jobs, with a trend towards fewer industrial jobs and more service sector jobs.

“These changes mean that even as economic conditions have improved for some in the population, young people are worse off today than they were 20 years ago,” says Sanderson.

The researchers say that such economic disadvantages also have an effect on demographic questions such as fertility(生育)rates and family formation, as many young people cannot start families until later in life for lack of enough money.

Title: Young Adult Failure to Thrive Syndrome More young people can’t work (76) _______ or live independently A phenomenon around the world. ●They fail to have full-time jobs. Changes in young people ●They are (77) _______ on their parents and stay in school longer. ●Their economic conditions are (78) ________. ●The research team (79) ______ of Skirbekk, Warren Sanderson and Marcin Stonawski. ●They examined the common factors helping young people turn to The new study adulthood. ●The new study finds that global economic and demographic shifts are (80) _______ for young people’s failure to thrive. ●The labor force is increasingly globalized, meaning workers can move more easily (82) _______ . (81) _______ of young ●The quick increase in global education levels means more workers adult failure to thrive are (83) ______ for skilled positions. syndrome ●More women have joined the labor force. ●Changes in technology have (84) ______ industrial jobs but created more service sector jobs. One effect Many young people refuse to build families and have babies as they can’t (85) ________ to. 第五部分 单词拼写(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下列句子,根据所读内容在空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

86. The old man who often wears shabby clothes in fact is a billionaire, and no one knows the a_________ amount of money he has.

87. There is now an increasing demand for private cars which are more e_________ in their use of fuel.

88. To work as an interpreter, you need f___________ in at least one foreign language. 89. Her study was simply f____________ with an antique desk and chair.

90. We desperately need more books, TV plays and films to satisfy our children’s t_______ for new knowledge.

91. There are strong ___________ (争论) for and against capital punishment.

92. Teaching young children is a _____________ (具有挑战性的) and rewarding job.

93. The government has declared a state of ___________ (紧急情况) because of wars and a natural disaster.

94. The study ___________ (调查) the impact of violent TV programming on children and advised strict regulations on such programmes.

95. The research will help governments to ____________(除去,剔除)out ineffective aid projects. 第六部分 书面表达(共1题;满分20分)

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China now boasts the world’s largest publishing industry by volume, with 8.1 billion books printed in 2013, up from 7.7 billion the year before. Never before have Chinese readers had such easy access to a wide selection ranging from classical Chinese poetry to the top titles on Amazon’s best-sellers list.

However, while the supply of books has exploded in China in recent decades, people’s interest in them has not kept up. According to a survey result published by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication in April, Chinese people read 4.39 books per capita in the past year, a figure that trails far behind major developed countries; for example, the average American read 7, the average French and Japanese person 8.4, and the average South Korean 11. And, on average, Chinese people allocated just over 15 minutes a day to reading, compared to almost 100 to watching television and over 45 for using the Internet.

An amazing number of the Chinese are turning away from reading books. Zhang Lijia, a freelance writer based in Beijing, thinks the days when friends got together to discuss the books they were reading are gone. “People are too restless, too utilitarian (功利的),” she reflects. “You need some peace in mind in order to be able to sit down with a book.”

Zhang’s opinion is echoed by a number of longtime professionals in the book industry. “Best sellers in China today consist mainly of child-rearing manuals (育儿手册), cookbooks, health and fitness guides, test-preparation books, thrillers, and romance novels.” said He Xiongfei, a well-known publisher of popular books. “Some of them buy books, but this is just for the purpose of killing time or for test preparation. They are looking for things they think are useful to them. They are not reading.” He added. 【写作内容】

以约30个词概括上文的主要内容,然后以约120个词就“阅读的意义”这一话题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点: 1. 你认为现在中国人不如以前喜欢阅读的原因是什么? 2. 你觉得阅读重要吗?为什么? 3. 以你或他人的经历举例论证你的观点。 【写作要求】 1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



听力:1-5 CBCCA 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 ABBAC

单选:21-25 DCBBC 26-30 CBCCA 31-35 CCAAD 36-40 ABDDC 完型:41-60 DCBAD BACDB BCADD ACABD

阅读:61~62 AC 63-65BCB 66-69 DBCA 70-75 DBACDA 任务型:

76. stably 77. dependent/reliant 78. worsening/worse 79. consists/consisted 80. responsible 81. Causes/Factors 82. internationally 83. available 84. reduced/destroyed 85. afford 单词:86. actual/accurate 87. economical 88. fluency 89. furnished 90. thirst 91. arguments 92. challenging 93. emergency 94. investigated 95. weed

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作文: Despite the prosperous publishing industry in China today, many Chinese people spend little time reading. Some of them read just to kill time or prepare for the tests rather than enjoy the reading itself. As far as I am concerned, Chinese people don’t read as much as they used to for the following reasons. For one thing, people are so occupied with heavy work and life that they find it hard to enjoy reading quietly; for another, people in China only read when they need something for practical use or something relaxing to keep them away from working pressure. I personally believe that reading is of great significance in our life. It not only provides a source of satisfaction and pleasure, but also serves as a foundation of information and knowledge. Besides, people can read to develop thinking skills and broaden the horizon as well. I benefit a lot through reading English novels. Not only has it brought me much fun, my language proficiency has also been enhanced.

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