
发布时间 : 星期三 文章21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册听力答案及原文(unit1)更新完毕开始阅读

Unit I

Ⅳ. Class Presentation

Listening & Speaking

The Language for Asking For and Giving Clarification

1. Directions: You are going to listen to an instructor talking about asking for and

giving clarification. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Instructor: In our daily conversations, we can not help asking for clarification (澄清,

说明) when we are not clear about what has been said, or have become puzzled about a particular point mentioned earlier. A conversation is a form of two-way interaction. During interaction, misunderstanding can lead to a breakdown in communication. To avoid misunderstanding or even confusion, we tend to have an impulse (冲动) to ask for clarification.

This is especially true when a Chinese learner of English talks with

a native speaker. This skill can help him or her avoid embarrassment caused by misunderstanding, and keep the conversation going on.

You can develop the skill by reading and familiarizing yourselves

with the language for asking for and giving clarification:

— I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean by market


— I’m sorry, could you (possibly) explain what you mean by


— I don’t understand what you mean by black lie. — What (exactly) do you mean by sick humor?

And the language for giving clarification:

— (Well,) what I’m trying to say is (that) + SENTENCE.

— (Well,) the point I’m trying to make is (that) + SENTENCE. — (Well,) I think what I mean is (that) + SENTENCE. — What I mean is (that) + SENTENCE. — What I’m saying is (that) + SENTENCE.

— All I’m trying to say is (that) + SENTENCE.

2. Now come up with a particular subject on which you voice your opinion or attitude, and expect others to ask for clarification about something that might be unclear to them. Try to use the language you have just learned in Exercise 1.

Asking For and Giving Clarification

1) Directions: Before you listen to the first conversation, read the following words

and expressions which may be new to you.

available 有空的

innocent 无害的 fib 小谎

Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

Wang Ying: Are you going to the party tonight, Tom? They told me it was

going to be fun.

Tom Chang: I know, but I don’t think I’m available tonight. Are you? Wang Ying: Well? it depends.

Tom Chang: I’ll tell them a little white lie. Wang Ying: Tell them what? What’s that?

Tom Chang: I said: “I will tell them a little white lie.”

Wang Ying: I don’t understand what you mean by white lie. Tom Chang: Oh, it is an innocent social fib or excuse. Wang Ying: Oh, I’ve got it now!

Tom Chang: Sometimes we have to do it in our daily lives. Wang Ying: So what’s your little white lie? Tom Chang: Well, what would you say?

Now listen to the conversation and answer the following questions 1. Who won’t be able to attend the party tonight? Tom Chang.

2. Is Wang Ying going to the party? It depends.

3. What will Tom Chang tell them? He’ll tell them a little white lie.

4. What is a white lie according to Rom Chang? It’s an innocent social fib or excuse.3 5. What’s their little white lie? Not mentioned.

2) Directions: Before you listen to the second conversation, read the following word

which may be new to you.

hearing problems 听觉疾病

hearing aid 助听器 device 装置 will 遗嘱

Listen to the following conversation twice, and then complete the passage according to the conversation you have just heard.

There was an elderly gentleman who had had serious hearing problems for years. He went to the doctor who was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the man to hear 100%.

The old fellow went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, “Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.”

To this the gentleman replied, “Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to conversations. I’ve changed my will three times!”

Now listen to the conversation again, and complete the form as the speaker recounts it. After that, act it out in class.

Doctor: What brought you here?

Gentleman: What did you say? Would you speak louder please? Doctor: What is bothering you today? Do you have any pain?

Gentleman: No. I’ve been having serious hearing problems for years. I can’t hear people well. That’s why I’m here. Doctor: I suggest you wear a hearing aid.

Gentleman: What do you mean by hearing aid? What’s that? Doctor: It’s a device that allows you to hear 100%.

One month later the elderly gentleman comes to see the doctor again.

Doctor: Good. Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be pleased that you

can hear again.

Gentleman: Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the


Doctor: Why?

Gentleman: You know what? I’ve changed my will three times!

4. Try to figure out something that may elicit ( 引出 ) questions, write it down on the chalkboard and expect others to ask for its clarification. Get ready to clarify. In your conversations, try to use the language you learned in Exercise 1.

5. Directions: Listen to the following people speaking and decide what they are

talking about.

1. M: This room is so crowded. I can hardly hear or see a thing.

W: I don’t understand why they didn’t have this lecture in a bigger room, do


Q: Who are they talking about?

a. A lecture. b. A room. c. An instructor. d. A movie

2. M: How are we going to get home? It’s so late the buses and subways have all

stopped running.

W: It looks as though we have no choice but to call a taxi. Q: What are they talking about?

a. How to get home. b. Why the buses stopped running. c. When a taxi will come. d. Where to spend the night. 3. W: Jack, have you finished your research paper for economies?

M: Not yet, I always seem to put things off until the last minute. Q: What are they talking about?

a. A scientific experiment. b. A college course. c. A time schedule. d. A research paper. 4. W: Tim missed the deadline for the assignment again.

M: He’s got to adjust his study habits in order to survive the university. Q: What are they talking about?

a. Tim’s excellent performance. b. Tim’s assignment. c. Tim’s study habit. d. Tim’s graduation day.

5. W: Watching the news on TV is a good way to learn English.

M: It’s especially helpful when you check out the same information in the


Q: What are they talking about?

a. How to learn English. b. How to get informed. c. How to compare TV and newspaper. d. How to get a job.

6. Directions: Listen to the following five short dialogues and choose the

appropriate answers.

1. W: I can’t get through to this number. M: You must first dial 1.

Q: What can we learn from this conversation? A) The post office is closed.

B) A department store is having a sale. C) They are discussing a math contest. D) The woman is making a telephone call.

2. W: Are there any dogs around?

M: No, they’re not allowed in this community. Q: What does the man mean?

A) No dogs are allowed in the area. B) Unfortunately, they don’t have any dogs. C) It’s good to have a dog around the house. D) The law is too complicated to understand.

3. M: This one is much cheaper. W: But it may not last as long. Q: What does the woman imply?
