
发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019-2020学年人教版九年级英语上册期末考试试卷及答案更新完毕开始阅读



1---5 BABAC 6----10 BCBAB 11---15ACCAB 16----20CCACB 21-25 ACBBA 26. basic ; 27. on time ; 28.tidying 29. punished 30. healthy

二.单项选择: 31-35. ACCAB 36-40. BBCCA 41-45. DAAAA 三、完形填空 46-50. BCDDB 51-55 AACAC

四、阅读理解 56-60. DCBAC 61-65. DBDCA 66-70. EDCBA 五、短文填空

71. but 72. habit 73. an 74. medicine 75. possible 76. another 77. else 78. that / which 79. shown / proved 80. In 六.A) 信息归纳: 81. the Spring Festival 82 . 15/fifteen

83. mooncakes, some fruit and other food 84. the birth of the People’s Republic of China 85. at Tian’anmen Square

范文: There are many traditional festivals in China. Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? It’s

on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar / of the fifth lunar month / of lunar May. On that day, people watch exciting dragon boat races and make delicious zongzi, a kind of special food with rice, meat, eggs and so on. These two are both done in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet in history.

As for foreign festivals, I like Christmas best because I can get some nice gifts. Also, we can have a Christmas party and have a nice time.

In my opinion, we should love our own traditional festivals. And at the same time, we should treat foreign festivals in right ways. We can celebrate some meaningful foreign festivals because they can help us know more about the culture of other countries.

第 9 页 共 8页
