高中英语同步导学 6.3练习 外研版必修2 (新课标全国卷I)

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2012高中英语同步导学 6.3练习 外研版必修2 (新课标全国卷I)


Ⅰ.单项填空 1.It’s no use arguing________him________it when he refuses to listen to reason. A.about;with B.about;over C.with;with D.with;about 解析: argue with sb.about sth.关于某事与某人争论。 答案: D

2.Parents don’t do their duty if they don’t________about their children’s daily behaviour.

A.set B.care C.look D.go

解析: care about关心,关注。句意为:如果父母不关心孩子的日常行为那么他们就没有尽到他们的责任。

答案: B 3.The idea of traveling through space to other planets________many people today. A.interest B.is interesting to C.interests D.are interested in

解析: interest作动词讲时,为使役动词,意为“使……感兴趣”,其用法为sth.interests sb.=sb.be interested in sth.。故C项为正确用法。

答案: C

4.________is generally agreed that no one can learn all the knowledge all his life.

A.It B.As C.Which D.What

解析: 句中that引导的部分为主语从句,故前面需用形式主语,只能选it。如果本句的题干形式为:________is generally agreed,no one can learn all the knowledge all his life,则是考查非限制性定语从句,又因为放于句首,应选用as作为关系词。

答案: A 5.The Chinese film,________Tang Dynasty,is well received by many foreign viewers. A.is set in B.setting in C.set in D.be set in

解析: be set in以……为背景,此处用过去分词短语。相当于一个非限制性定语从句which is set in Tang Dynasty的省略形式。

答案: C

6.It’s no good________him to help you without my permission. A.to ask B.asked C.asking D.being asked

解析: It’s no good doing sth.做某事是没有用的,是固定句型。先排除A、B项。being asked表被动,不合题意,故排除D项。

答案: C

7.—Are you satisfied with what she has done? —Not at all.It couldn’t be________. A.so bad B.any worse C.much better D.the best

解析: couldn’t be any worse表示最高级的含义,意为“再糟糕不过了”。句意为:“你对她所做的满意吗?”“一点也不满意,再也没有比这更糟糕的了。”

答案: B

8.—Mummy,I’ve finished all the work you assigned me. —________.

A.You are good B.It’s good for you C.It’s good to you D.Good for you 解析: 考查交际用语。Good for you干得好,符合题意。 答案: D

9.There are hundreds of visitors________in front of the gate to have a look at Van Gogh’s paintings.

A.waited B.to wait C.waiting D.wait

解析: 考查非谓语动词的用法。wait与逻辑主语visitors是主动关系,waiting表示主动、进行。

答案: C

10.He had to go into a garage in order to make a living ________15. A.in the age B.at the age of C.in the age of D.at the age 解析: at the age of在……岁时。 答案: B

11.Tom was so careless that he made________in the exam. A.a little mistake B.much mistake C.few mistakes D.a lot of mistakes 解析: mistake为可数名词。 答案: D

12.________believed________this book is better worth reading than that one. A.It is;what B.It is;that C.People is;that D.People is;what

解析: 考查it作形式主语的用法。此句中it是形式主语,that从句是真正主语。 答案: B

13.The doctor thought________would be good for you to have a holiday. A.this B.that C.one D.it

解析: 根据句式结构可知空缺处为形式主语,后面的不定式为真正的主语。四个选项中只有it可作形式主语。

答案: D 14.________I can see,there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. A.As long as B.As far as C.As well as D.As much as 解析: as far as I can see据我认为。as long as只要,as well as不仅……而且……,均不符合题意。

答案: B

15.Have you really realized the part computer has________in the daily life? A.made B.given C.caused D.played 解析: play the part in起……作用。 答案: D Ⅱ.完形填空

James’s New Bicycle

James shook his money box again.Nothing!He carefully__1__the coins that lay on the bed.$24.52 was all that he had.The bicycle he wanted was at least $ 90!__2__on earth was he going to get the__3__of the money?

He knew that his friends all had bicycles.It was__4__ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels.He thought about what he could do.There was no__5__asking his parents,for he knew they had no money to__6__.

There was only one way to get money,and that was to__7__it.He would have to find a job.__8__who would hire him and what could he do?He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice,who usually had__9__on most things.

“Well,you can start right here,” said Mr Clay.“My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”

That was the__10__of James’s odd-job (零工) business.For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework.He was amazed by the__11__of jobs that people found for him to do.He took dogs and babies for walks,cleared out cupboards,and mended books.He forgot the__12__of cars he washed and windows he cleaned,but the__13__increased and he knew that he would soon have__14__for the bicycle he longed for.

The day__15__came when James counted his money and found $ 94.32.He __16__no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted.He rode __17__ home,looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends.It had been hard working for the money,but James knew that he __18__his bicycle far more__19__he had bought it with his own money.He had__20__what he thought was impossible,and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

1.A.cleaned B.covered C.counted D.checked 解析: 根据下一句话可知James正在数他所有的钱。 答案: C 2.A.How B.Why C.Who D.What

解析: 根据句意“他究竟怎样才能得到买自行车所需要的其余那些钱呢?” 答案: A

3.A.amount B.part C.sum D.rest 解析: 根据上文语境可以确定D项合适。 答案: D 4.A.brave B.embarrassing C.smart D.unfair

解析: 根据此句的意思,和James一起的朋友都有自行车而他没有,场面自然是尴尬的。

答案: B 5.A.point B.reason C.result D.right

解析: There is/was no point doing sth.做某事是没有用的。 答案: A 6.A.split B.spend C.spare D.save

解析: spare抽出(时间、金钱等);split分享,分摊:spend花费;save节省。 答案: C 7.A.borrow B.earn C.steal D.collect

解析: 只有earn符合日常道理,下文也是讲述James赚钱买自行车的故事的。 答案: B 8.A.Or B.So C.For D.But 解析: 根据上下文此处是转折关系。 答案: D

9.A.decisions B.experience

C.opinions D.knowledge 解析: 根据逻辑关系此处选C。 答案: C

10.A.beginning B.introduction C.requirement D.opening 解析: James做零工的开始。 答案: A

11.A.similarity B.quality C.suitability D.variety

解析: 由中心词jobs以及下一句他遛狗、照看婴儿,擦橱子和修书知,应为各种各样的工作。

答案: D

12.A.brand B.number C.size D.type

解析: James忘记了所洗的车子和所擦的窗户的数量,说明他工作的艰辛。 答案: B

13.A.effort B.pressure C.money D.trouble 解析: 根据逻辑关系,干的活多自然赚的钱也就多了。 答案: C 14.A.all B.enough C.much D.some 解析: 买车所需要的足够的钱。 答案: B

15.A.finally B.instantly C.normally D.regularly 解析: 终于他赚够了买自行车所需要的钱。 答案: A 16.A.gave B.left C.took D.wasted

解析: 赚够了钱后,他没有等待,立即去买他盼望已久的自行车,表达了James想拥有一辆属于自己的自行车的急切心情。

答案: D

17.A.patiently B.proudly C.silently D.tiredly

解析: James靠自己的劳动拥有一辆属于自己的自行车,他感到很自豪。 答案: B 18.A.saw B.lost C.looked for D.valued 解析: 靠自己的辛勤劳动得到的自行车当然要珍惜。 答案: D

19.A.since B.if C.than D.though

解析: 根据逻辑关系只有连词since合适。此句意为:因为这辆自行车是靠艰苦的劳动换取的,James明白他应该加倍珍惜这一劳动成果。

答案: A

20.A.deserved B.benefited C.achieved D.learned

解析: achieved得到。肯于付出,或许不可能的事情也会成为现实,付出的过程比结果更有意义。

答案: C
