
发布时间 : 星期二 文章牛津阅读树4级(30本)目录更新完毕开始阅读


4-1 Nobody Got Wet. 4-2 Poor Old Mum. 4-3 The Weather Vane. 4-4 The Balloon. 4-5 The Camcorder. 4-6 The Wedding. 4-7 Swap!

4-8 The Flying Elephant. 4-9 Wet Paint.

4-10 Everyone Got Wet. 4-11 The Dragon Dance. 4-12 The Scarf. 4-13 Dad's Jacket. 4-14 Stuck in the Mud. 4-15 The Den.

4-16 An Important Case. 4-17 Look Smart. 4-18 Tug of War.

4-19 Adam Goes Shopping. 4-20 Adam's Car. 4-21 Lucky the Goat. 4-22 Mosque School. 4-23 Yasmin's Dress. 4-24 Yasmin and the Flood. 4-25 Come In! 4-26 House for Sale. 4-27 The New House. 4-28 The Play. 4-29 The Secret Room. 4-30 The Storm.



4-1 Nobody Got Wet.

Dad got a boat.

Everyone sat in the boat. Dad pushed the boat out.

Oh no! Dad was stuck. Mum pulled Dad. Wilma pushed the boat.

They went down the river. Nobody got wet. “What a good job!” said Mum. They had a picnic. It began to rain. But nobody got wet.

The boat floated away. “Oh no!” gasped Mum. “Help me get the boat.” Mum pulled the boat in. “Don?t let me fall in,” said Mum.

Mum didn?t get wet. “Nobody got wet,” said Dad. It was time to go home. Oh no! Everyone got wet!

1. gasp[英] [ɡɑ:sp] vi. 喘气,喘息;倒抽气;渴望 vt. 喘着气说出

4-2 Poor Old Mum.

It was sports day.

Wilma was in the long jump. She came first.

Wilf and Chip were in a race. They came second. “Hooray!” shouted Kipper. Dad was in the egg and spoon race. He came third. “Well done, Dad,” shouted Wilf. Mum was in a race. “Oh no!” said Wilma.

Mum came last. “Poor old Mum,” said Wilf.

Mum was disappointed. “What a shame!” said Dad.

Dad put a blindfold on Mum. Wilf and Wilma had a surprise. “Good old Mum,” said everyone.

2. long jump跳远

3. shame[英] [?eim] n. 羞愧;羞辱;可耻的人;羞愧感 4. blindfold[英] [?bla?nd?f??ld] n. 蒙眼的绷带[布等];障眼物,蒙蔽人的事物


4-3 The Weather Vane.

Dad went to the building site. He took Wilf and Wilma.

They looked at the crane. Wilma spoke to the man in the cab.

A van came to the building site. It had a weather vane on the back. Wilf looked at the weather vane. Dad had an idea.

Wilf jumped over the weather vane. “Be careful,” said Dad.

“Take a photograph,” said Wilma. She jumped over the weather vane. The weather vane went on the roof. Wilf took a photograph.

“See the weather vane,” said Wilf. “We?ve jumped over it,” said Wilma. “What a tall story!” said Biff. But wilf had a photograph. “See,” he said. 5. building site[?bildi? sait] n. 建筑工地 6. crane[英] [krein] n. 吊车,起重机;鹤

7. cab[英] [k?b] n. 出租车;(公共汽车、火车等的)司机室;驾驶室;出租马车 8. vane[英] [ve?n] n. 叶;风向标;瞄准板;反复无常的人 9. weather vane[英] [?wee? ve?n] n. 风标

4-4 The Balloon.

The children were outside. A hot air balloon went by.

Mrs May had a secret. She told Wilf what it was. She wanted to go in a balloon. It was time to watch television. The television went wrong. “Oh no!” said Mrs May. The photocopier went wrong. “Oh blow!” said Mrs May.

The computer went wrong. “Oh bother!” said Mrs May.

Wilf and Wilma came home. They had a letter. The school wanted money. Wilf had an idea. Everyone liked Wilf?s idea. “It?s a good idea!” everyone said. Everyone bought tickets. Mrs May bought lots of trickets. She wanted to go in the balloon.

Mrs May won the prize. She won a ride in the balloon. “Hooray!” said Wilf. Mrs May went up in the balloon. “Hooray,” shouted everyone. “It?s wonderful,” said Mrs May.

Mrs May saw the stream. She saw the houses. She looked down at the park. She took this photograph.

The school made lots of money. They bought lots of things. Mrs May was pleased. She gave Wilf a present. “Thank you,” said wilf.

