
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语视听说教程第四册6—10单元quiz答案更新完毕开始阅读

A. It benefits the developing nations a great deal. B. It increases the developing nations' GDP a great deal. C. Developed nations may benefit more than developing nations from it.

D. Developing nations may benefit more than developed nations from it. Your answer C Correct answer C 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)

A. The richest people have contributed most to the nation. B. The richest people should contribute more to society. C. A smaller middle class is favorable to equality for all people. D. A larger middle class will benefit all people. Your answer D Correct answer D 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The same as the woman's opinion. B. The WTO is a good thing. C. The WTO is no good.

D. The WTO is good but not without problems.

Part II

Directions: Listen to the passage(s) three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10, write down either the exact words you hear or the

Your answer D Correct answer D main points in your own words. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.

The U.S. economy lost steam in the second quarter as consumers hit by high-energy costs turned thrifty.

(1)U.S. gross domestic product, a (S1) of total output within the nation's borders, climbed at a (S2)

(2)and weaker-than-expected 3 percent annual rate in the April-June period, Commerce Department data (S3)

(3). Consumer spending rose at an insignificant 1 percent rate, a mere shadow of the 4.1 percent jump of the first quarter and the (S4)

(4)gain since the second quarter of 2001, when the economy was in recession.

(5)The degree to which consumers were (S5) to buy surprised Wall Street analysts. A leading (S6)

(6), John Lonski, called the spending gain \

(7)(S7) said big energy price hikes were one factor that hit consumer spending in the spring.

(8)(S8) . While GDP growth proved weaker than expected, the economy's pulse has already shown signs of quickening. (S9)

(9). Bond prices rose as investors saw weakness, but the dollar moved higher against the euro as foreign exchange traders saw strength. Stock prices were little changed.

(10)\,\correspondents. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Your answer measure modest showed weakest Correct answer measure modest showed weakest reluctant economist Analysts Inflation rose at a relatively speedy 3.3 (8) percent rate in the second quarter, the same as at the start of the year Other data on Friday showed consumer (9) spirits have brightened a bit this month while business activity has picked up in the Midwest When you combine the first quarter and (10) the second quarter, we're growing at 3.75 percent, which is a very strong, sustainable growth rate

Part III

Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. What does a compulsory license require drug manufacturers to do?

A. To give up their patents completely.

B. To give up their patents in case of health crises.

C. To shorten the period of their patents. D. To keep their patents intact. licenses?

A. They are compelled to sell their drugs at low prices. B. They are compelled to sell their drugs at high prices. C. They must allow other companies to produce their drugs at low costs.

D. They are not compelled to disclose their intellectual property. agreement?

A. They think it will prevent drug companies from seeking cures for diseases.

B. They must pay a great deal for their research. C. Patents help drug companies recover the costs of developing new medicines. D. All of the above. Your answer D emergencies?

A. They want to import low-cost drugs. B. The want to import high-cost effective drugs. C. The want to export low-cost drugs. D. The want to export high-cost drugs.

Correct answer D Your answer C Correct answer C Your answer B Correct answer B 2. What is true of large drug companies under compulsory

3. Why do international drug companies oppose the Doha

4. What do developing countries want during health
