
发布时间 : 星期三 文章12年全国挑战杯(大挑)获奖作品更新完毕开始阅读



rise stage, but the farmers did not derive significant income. In contrast, fresh vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products' price is instable, \while expensive in purchasing%unsalable products \common occurrences, research on the circulation of agricultural products has become a hot topic for experts, scholars and has attracted community-wide concern. Many scholars in the circulation of agricultural products, however, the majority is in the exploratory stage, needing to be further developed in the feasibility of the theoretical basis and countermeasures. This paper has conducted in-depth understanding of research related to the theory of the circulation of agricultural products, selected on the basis of previous studies, and we chose the transaction cost theory as our entry point. Through assumptions, analysis and correction process, we established the analysis of the nature of circulation of agricultural products analysis system and we implemented the empirical analysis on the system of farmers of different organizational models in Wuhan, Yichang City. This paper firstly described the agricultural products price structure and profit distribution in different segments. Then, we focus on transaction cost theory to analyze proposed theoretical assumptions. Research methods include questionnaires, field research and other methods to obtain first-hand data and we used SPSS18.0 software with Probit models project. In the SPSS analysis, we implemented questionnaire, reliability analysis, to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire and stability. At the same time, the use of the system of transaction cost theory constructed in this study has deepened the study of costs of the five ways of distribution of agricultural supply base in Yichang City, Hubei Province and Wuhan City, using agricultural products wholesale markets and supermarkets survey data. Finally the results show that low level of organization of farmers, agricultural information asymmetry, the excessive circulation become a major obstacle for farmers to obtain the market shared profit in the market. Therefore, this paper used the domestic and international experience for reference, proposed a reform on the traditional way of circulation, which includes the development of new agricultural circulating cooperative Organization and the formation of scale circulation patterns. We believe this will create a good profitable environment for the peasants.

Keywords: Prices of agricultural products; Circulation; Transaction costs; the degree of organization among peasants; Wuhan agricultural production bases

导 论

1.1 选题的背景及意义








表1 2010年我国农产品物流状况与发达国家的比较(%)

国别 物流成本 损耗率 加工比重 加工增值 超市连锁经营销售比重 发达 果蔬 5

国家 10 肉类 3 80 1:3—4 85~90 水产品 6 果蔬62 果蔬20—30

中国 肉类68 肉类 12 9 约1:1 不足30 水产品70 水产品15 数据来源: 2011 年中国物流年鉴













1.2 研究的思路和方法


图1 研究思路图 理论 建立体系 农产品价格构成及利润分配理论 验证假设 农产品交易成本理论 实地调研 武汉市、宜昌市农产品价格调研 调查方式:问卷调查 武汉市周边地区农户交易成本及流通方式调研 2012年全国“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 农产品流通成本过高,应减少流通环节 8 实证 数据处理 调查方式:问卷调查 武汉市周边地区农户交易成本及流通方式调研 结论 交易成本影响流通方式 农民组织化程度较低,进入市场的能力较弱
