
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新视野大学英语第四册读写教程课文Unit1-8翻译更新完毕开始阅读

Government cuts in welfare have resulted in hunger and suffering for a lot of people, not just me.


But people with spinal cord injuries felt the cuts in a unique way: The government stopped taking care of our chairs.


Each time mine broke down, lost a screw, needed a new roller bearing, the brake wouldn't work, etc., and I called Suzanne, I had to endure a little lecture.


Finally, she'd say, \if I can find time today, I'll call the medical worker.\


She was supposed to notify the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem.


Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid


Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office at the state capital. 接着医务人员就通知州政府的福利总部,

They considered the matter for days while I lay in bed, unable to move. 他们再花几天时间考虑这件事。而这期间我只能躺在床上,动弹不得。

Finally, if I was lucky, they called back and approved the repair. 最后,如果我幸运的话,他们会给我回电话,同意维修。

When welfare learned I was making money on my cartoons, Suzanne started \every fortnight instead of every two months.

当福利部门获悉我画漫画赚钱时,苏珊娜就开始每两个星期“拜访”我一次,而不再是每两个月一次了。 She looked into every corner in search of unreported appliances, or maids, or a roast pig in the oven, or a new helicopter parked out back.


She never found anything, but there was always a thick pile of forms to fill out at the end of each visit, accounting for every penny.


There is no provision in the law for a gradual shift away from welfare.


I am an independent businessman, slowly building up my market.


It's impossible to jump off welfare and suddenly be making two thousand dollars a month. But I would love to be able to pay for some of my living and not have to go through an embarrassing situation every time I need a spare part for my wheelchair.

要脱离福利救济,一下子每月挣2, 000美元是不可能的。但我很想自己负担部分生活费用,不必在每次需要为轮椅买点配件时都去尴尬地求人。

There needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients, because the system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients.


Welfare sent Suzanne to look around in my apartment the other day because the chemist said I was using a larger than usual amount of medical supplies. 前几天,由于药剂师说我使用的医疗用品超出常量,于是福利部门派苏珊娜到我的住所调查。

I was, indeed: The hole that has been surgically cut to drain urine had changed size and the connection to my urine bag was leaking.


While she was taking notes, my phone rang and Suzanne answered it. 她正做着记录,我家的电话铃响了。

The caller was a state senator, which scared Suzanne a little. 苏珊娜接听了电话,是一位州议员打来的,这使她慌了一下。

Would I sit on the governor’s committee and try to do something about the thousands

of welfare clients who, like me, could earn part or all of their own livings if they were allowed to do so, one step at a time 数以千计像我这样的福利救济对象,如果允许的话,可以慢慢地负担自己的一部分甚至全部生活费用,对此,我要不要在州政府的委员会里尝试着做点儿什么呢

Hell, yes, I would! 还用说吗我当然要!

Someday people like me will thrive under a new system that will encourage them, not seek to convict them of cheating. 总有一天,像我这样的福利救济对象将在一种新的福利制度下过上好日子,这种制度不会千方百计证明福利救济对象在欺骗,而是要鼓励他们自立。

They will be free to develop their talents without guilt or fear—or just hold a good, steady job.





Unit 4

A transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards in the developing world.

