四川省成都市成华区2019届初三第二次诊断性检测英语试题(word版,含答案) - 图文

发布时间 : 星期四 文章四川省成都市成华区2019届初三第二次诊断性检测英语试题(word版,含答案) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

A:They’re great! If only we join together to fight against pollution and learn to recycle, we will make a difference and lead to a better earth. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 三、短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词并使用其适当形式按编号将答案依次填入题后表格中,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)

burn cover care fall he kind love one run sense shame tear A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first parent-teacher meeting. This would be the 1 time that his classmates and teacher met his mother. She had a large scar(伤疤)that 2 nearly the whole right side of her face.The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

At the meeting,everyone was impressed by the 3 of his mother,but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid 4 from everyone.He did, however, overhear(无意中听到)a conversation between his mother and the teacher. The teacher asked 5 . “Is it OK to ask how you got the scar?”

The mother replied,\,he was in a room that caught on fire.Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control,but I went in.As I 6 towards his bed,I saw a long piece of wood 7 from the ceiling, so I stood over him to protect him. I was knocked 8 , but fortunately, a fireman came and saved both of us.\She touched the 9 side of her face.

\,I have never regretted what I did.\

The little boy had never heard about the story of his mother’s scar. He ran toward his mother in 1 and held her hand tightly for the rest of the day. 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 四、阅读表达。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)



Many people complain that their memory is bad,especially as they get older.Life would be much easier if we could remember them all effortlessly. So how can we improve our memory?

Many people think that repeating things is the best way to remember them. 1 psychologists(心理学家)doubt whether it can help you to remember things for very long.The British psychologist E.C.Stanford seemed to prove this point when he tested himself on five prayers(祈祷文)that he had read aloud every morning for over 25 years. 2 A more helpful way, especially for remembering numbers,is grouping the information.The following numbers would be impossible for most of us to remember.1492178919931848.But look at them in chunks,and it becomes much easier: 1492 1789 1993 1848.

So what about “memory training”?We've all heard about people who can memorize packs of card by heart--how is this done and can anyone learn how to do it? 3 Many of them involve forming a mental picture of the items to be memorized.One method,which may be useful in learning foreign languages,is to create a picture in your mind connected to a word you want to remember.

4 In experiments, people were asked to remember up to 120 words using this skill; when tested afterward, on average,they were able to recall 90% of them!

However, not all of us are interested in learning long lists of names and numbers just for fun.For those studying large number of information,psychologists suggest that the best way to form meaningful connections is to ask yourself lots of questions as you go along.So, for example, if you were reading about a particular disease,you would ask yourself questions like: “Do people get it from water?”, “What parts of the body does it affect?” and so on. 5 A. To share some ways of improving memory. B. According to experts, there are many ways of training your memory. C. He found that he could remember no more than three words of them! D. Another method is to invent a story that includes all the things you want to remember. E. This is said to be far more effective than time spent “passively” reading and re—reading notes. F. While this undoubtedly helps short-term memory (remembering a telephone number for a few seconds,for example), 1.


Beyond its influence on health, not getting enough sleep can lead to car accidents or other mistakes. Here are what sleep researchers have found about how to sleep.

How much sleep do we actually need?

It is known that all of us naturally need no less than eight hours of sleep per night. When we sleep below six hours per 24. we're at an increased risk of health problems. Some of us think we can make up any of those hours lost during the week on the weekends. Sadly there is no storage system for sleep in the brain.

Can we train ourselves to need less sleep?

As a study in 1964, a 17-year-old boy named Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours. How many people could do anything close to that without dying?

When you are reading this, you might say you usually get six hours of sleep and feel just fine. Sleep experts often compare people without enough sleep to drunk drivers: They don't get behind the wheel thinking they're probably going to kill someone.

Can we drink coffee instead of sleeping?

Coffee can keep us awake. Remember, too much coffee may throw off our sleep and energy cycles. So limit coffee and avoid caffeine for four to six hours before bedtime.

2. 3. 4. 5. Does a sense of purpose connect to sleep quality?

A new research suggests a kind of strong connection between purpose in life and sleep. People who have a greater sense of purpose usually have better physical and mental health, which in turn explains their higher-quality sleep. Perhaps developing a sense of purpose in life could be as useful at improving sleep as the healthy habits above.

How to sleep Introduction Can we How much sleep do we actually need? Not getting enough sleep can 1 and cause many mistakes. ? Eight hours of sleep a night is necessary for all of us. ? Sleeping less than six hours a day can

3 the risk of health problems. ? It is impossible to make up the lost sleeping hours during the workweek. train ? People without enough sleep might think that they were fine, but weren’t doing well at all. ? Using coffee instead of sleeping might lead to sleep problems. ? Drink proper amount of coffee at

4 . ? A sense of purpose in life is closely connected with sleep quality. ? People with 5 of purpose may sleep better. 2 from ourselves to need sleep researchers less sleep? Can we drink coffee instead of sleeping? Does a sense of purpose connect to sleep quality?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
