A12-Test Bank Part II-Chapter 10 Using Language

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Chapter 10 Using Language

True-False Questions

Students are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the

appropriate letter.

1. T F The words we use to label an event determine to a great extent how we respond to that event. 2. T F Connotative meaning is precise, literal, and objective. 3. T F A speaker should avoid using familiar words because they make a speech sound trite. 4. T F Language needs to be appropriate to a speaker herself or himself, as well as to the audience, topic, and occasion. 5. T F A speech dominated by abstract words will almost always be clearer than one dominated by concrete words. 6. T F “The Olympic flame burns inside every competitor, igniting their desire to win gold” is an example of metaphor. 7. T F Antithesis and alliteration are excellent ways to enhance the imagery of a speech. 8. T F “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” is an example of antithesis. 9. T F Using language with a strong rhythm can increase the impact of a speaker’s words. 10. T F As your textbook explains, using inclusive language in a speech is important primarily as a matter of political correctness. Multiple Choice Questions

Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.

1. Language helps to shape our sense of reality by __________. a. causing events

b. giving meaning to events c. communicating events d. reflecting events

2. The denotative meaning of a word is __________. a. what the word suggests or implies b. its literal or dictionary meaning

c. based on the audience’s sense of appropriateness d. usually more abstract than its connotative meaning

3. The connotative meaning of a word is __________. a. its dictionary definition b. determined by the speaker c. concrete and precise

d. what the word suggests or implies

4. As your textbook explains, connotative meaning gives words their __________ power. a. logical b. definitional c. emotional d. rhythmical

5. Each of the following is discussed in your textbook as a basic criterion for the effective use of language in public speaking EXCEPT __________. a. using language clearly b. using language vividly

c. using language appropriately d. using language technically

6. According to your textbook, __________ words refer to ideas or concepts rather than to tangible objects. a. vivid b. abstract c. concrete d. denotative

7. Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific? a. Author. b. Writer. c. Lu Xun.

d. Fantasy author.

8. Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific? a. Prescription medicine. b. Aspirin. c. Medicine. d. Health care.

9. Which of the following words is the most general and abstract? a. Language. b. Novel. c. Book.

d. Publication.

10. Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific? a. Composer. b. Mozart.

c. Classical music. d. Entertainment.

11. Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

a. Fruit. b. Apricot. c. Tree. d. Plant.

12. Which of the following words is the most concrete and specific?

a. Performer. b. Actress. c. Movie star. d. Celebrity.

13. To use language vividly your textbook recommends that speakers employ __________.

a. imagery and rhythm

b. concrete words and quotations c. testimony and examples d. antithesis and parallelism

14. Phrases such as “dry as a bone,” “clear as a bell,” “dark as night,” and “smart as a whip” should be avoided in speeches because they are __________. a. similes b. clichés c. connotative d. figurative

15. “My grandmother is the glue that holds our family together” is an example of __________. a. metaphor b. antithesis c. repetition d. simile

16. According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of __________.

The greeting card industry began by creating a line for every occasion; to keep growing it had to create an occasion for every line.

a. connotation b. antithesis

c. personification d. metaphor

17. “The flickering light of the fire revealed the fearful faces of the campers” is an example of __________. a. antithesis b. alliteration c. repetition d. simile

18. “Success attained after walking through the minefields of adversity is sweet indeed” is an example of __________. a. metaphor b. parallelism c. antithesis d. repetition

19. According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of __________.

When Tiger Woods got his first golf club, it was like Picasso getting his first paint brush.

a. simile b. metaphor c. antithesis b. repetition

20. “Just like an iceberg, the most important dimensions of culture are below the surface” is an example of __________. a. antithesis b. repetition c. simile d. metaphor

21. “Our mission is to right wrong, to do justice, and to serve humanity” is an example of __________. a. parallelism b. antithesis c. metaphor d. imagery
