
发布时间 : 星期二 文章沪教版2020届九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷更新完毕开始阅读


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)

1. (2分)Do you often watch news _______ TV? A . by B . on C . in D . with

2. (2分)Why don't you _________your teacher for help? A . ask B . to ask C . asking D . asks

3. (2分)— Where does your grandfather live?

一 In the countryside. He lives in a big house and often feels A . alone: alone B . lonely; alone C . alone; lonely D . lonely; lonely

4. (2分)I think____________ necessary _____________ exercise.

A . it, for Jim and me B . it's, to Jim and me C . that , for Jim and I D . that's, to Jim and me

5. (2分)I think this will also make them _______. A . happily B . happiness C . happy

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. to take more

D . to be happy

6. (2分)We often have some bread and milk ______ breakfast. A . in B . to C . of D . for

7. (2分)I started with the other students and made friends. A . to talk B . talks C . talked D . talk

8. (2分)I love my cat and spend a lot of time __________ after it. A . look B . looks C . to look D . looking

9. (2分)History is an interesting subject. We can learn _____ the past. A . of B . about C . for D . at

10. (2分) small apple! A . What a B . What C . What an

11. (2分)Here are some books for _____ sister and _____. A . his, he B . my, I C . they, them

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D . her, her

12. (2分)Frank's handbag lost .We all helped him to ______it. A . look for B . look after C . look at D . look like

13. (2分)James,I'm too tired. Let's stop a rest. A . having B . have C . to having D . to have

14. (2分)—Excuse me, could you tell me ? —There is a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.A . where the bank is B . how I can get to the bank C . if there's a bank near here D . where I can exchange money

15. (2分)一Excuse me,I wonder 一Yes,it's near the bookstore.( ) A . where we will go for the holiday B . if there is a lost and found office C . when she will give me a call D . how we can go to Hong Kong

16. (2分)— It's going to rain, so remember — OK, I will. A . to close B . closing C . to open D . opening

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. the windows when you leave.

17. (2分)——What do you usually do at the weekend?

——I ___ the program “If You Are The One” (非诚勿扰) with my family. A . used to watch B . was used to watching C . get used to watching D . am used to watch

18. (2分)—A ship with 456 people sank in the Changjiang River on the night of June 1. —I could ________ control my feelings at the moment. A . really B . hardly C . nearly D . clearly

19. (2分)You'd better ____ football in the street. A . play B . not play C . not to play D . not playing

20. (2分)The boss wants to keep his shop _______ for another three hours. A . opening B . opened C . open D . opens

二、 完型填空 (共2题;共20分)

21. (10分)完形填空

My great-grand mother, Winifred Hastings, got rich in a mining(采矿)town out West. But her 1 didn't come from gold or silver, but from soup, steak, apple pie, and good coffee.

In the early 1900's, Winifred arrived in Silver City with her husband. But he caught a fever and died suddenly. With the little money she had, Winifred decided to open a practical restaurant to 2 all the hungry miners in town.

The restaurant had only wooden boxes for tables, but business was very good 3. The miners 4 that

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