
发布时间 : 星期二 文章12月统考英语复习思考题更新完毕开始阅读

2. The bookseller's wife asked him _________. A. to go out for some medicine C. to go to see the doctor 【答案】C。

3. The bookseller didn't take his wife's advice because________ . A. he was afraid of the doctor C. he couldn't walk by himself 【答案】D。

4. The doctor paid ________ for the books. A. one pound 【答案】C。

5. The bookseller paid ________ money for seeing the doctor in the end. A. more 【答案】A。

Passage 2

Today Newton is a very clean place. Many years ago, however, there were millions of rats in it. They attacked the cats and dogs. Sometimes a great number of them knocked down a man or woman walking home at night. The rats were very large in size and they harmed many people.

The government ordered everybody to kill rats. Most people were lazy, so they didn't kill many. The government promised to pay some money for each dead rat. That made the people very happy. They killed thousands of rats everyday. A government officer put all the dead rats in a big pile. Sometimes a man brought hundreds in one day.

After two weeks there were not many rats in the city, but people still brought many rats to the government office. The government officer thought that people were stealing dad rats from the pile. He ordered his men to dig a deep hole and put the rats in it. Soon there were no more rats, and the government didn't pay any more money. 6. Newton is a place which ________ . A. used to be very clean C. is very clean 【答案】C。

7. When the government first ordered the people to kill rats, the people ________. A. asked for some money for each dead rat C. were too lazy to kill many rats 【答案】C。

8. The people killed rats _________ . A. to get money from the government C. to make the government officer happy 【答案】A。

9. A deep hole was dug so that ________ .

A. the rats couldn't come out to attack people at night B. people could take rats from it easily C. people would kill more rats 【答案】D。

10. What is the best topic for this passage? A. How to Kill Rats

B. Newton-A City of Rats

D. nobody could take any rats from the pile

B. to help the government make the city clean D. to protect (保护) their cats and dogs

B. stole dead rats from the pile D. killed nearly all the rats quickly

B. is no longer a city D. will be very clean

B. less

C. the same amount of D. no

B. two pounds

C. nothing

D. something

B. he didn't like to take medicine D. he didn't want to pay the doctor

B. to send somebody for a doctor D. to wait for the doctor to come

C. How Newton Became a Very Clean Place 【答案】C。

D. How Newton Became a Famous City

Passage 3

Mr. Tom Forester lived by himself a long way from town. He hardly ever left his home, but one day he went into town to buy some things in the market. After he had bought them, he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers, so after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself some glasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.

The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said,\The man became more and more puzzled (迷惑不解) , until finally he said, \all?\

\buy glasses?\

11. Mr. Forester lived ________. A. with his family in a city C. alone in a city 【答案】D。

12. Tom _________ went into town. A. often 【答案】C。

13. The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers __________. A. with glasses on 【答案】A。

14. The shop Tom went into sold _________. A. drinking glasses and cups 【答案】D。

15. What kind of mistake did Tom make? A. He went to the wrong kind of shop. D. He left his money in the restaurant 【答案】C。

Passage 4

Once James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked to paint some pictures on the walls of the king's palace in England.

Then workers were sent for and a big platform (台子) was made.

With the help of a worker, Thornhill started painting on the platform. They worked for a whole year and at last the pictures were ready.

Thornhill was happy when he looked at the pictures, for they were really beautiful. He looked at them for a long time, and then took one step back and looked again. Now the pictures were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he was at the very edge of the platform, but he didn't know it because he was thinking of his pictures.

B. He didn't try on all the glasses in the shop.

C. He thought that a person who had not learned to read would be able to do so if he wore glasses.

B. glass for windows and doors

D. glasses for people who could not see well

C. glasses for people who could not read

B. with glasses off

D. with glass pipes in their mouths

C. with glasses of beer in front of them

B. always

C. almost never

D. everyday

B. with his family in the countryside D. alone in the countryside

The worker saw everything. \If I cry out, he will take another step, fall off it and surely be killed. \(漆) and threw it at the pictures.

\16. James Thornhill was an English ________. A. worker 【答案】B。

17. He was ordered to _________ .

A. paint the wall of the king's palace in England B. paint some pictures on the wall of the palace C. build a big platform in front of the palace 【答案】B。

18. It took them _________ to finish the pictures. A. a month 【答案】C。

19. James Thornhill felt that the ________ he was from the pictures, the ________they were. A. nearer. . . more beautiful C. farther. . . more beautiful 【答案】C。

20. The worker threw some paint at the pictures in order to________. A. save James' life 【答案】A。

Passage 5

Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time. When he was 65, the normal retirement age, he decided that he didn't want to stop, so he carried on working for another two years. Eventually, when he was nearly 68, his wife, Dolly, asked him to retire because she wanted to enjoy their old age together. Reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son.

But he was unhappy. He didn't know what to do with himself. Although he read a lot of books and he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife, he was bored and began to get depressed because he hated being retired.

Then one day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper and, without telling his wife, he bought a small crockery (陶器) factory. The next week he told his family. They were horrified and worried. They thought he was too old at 71 to start work again.

He is now 76 and he has expanded the company considerably. He has increased the number of staff from 6 to 24 and he has found many new customers for the products. He has developed the export market and has improved profits by 200%. He has opened a new design office and employed three young designers. They have been all over the world to get new ideas, and one of them has gone to France this week to a major trade fair. Most importantly, he hasn't been bored since he bought the factory. 21. The topic sentence of Para. 1 is _________ . A. Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman

B. he used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time C. when Morgan Rees was 65 , he got retired D. reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son 【答案】A。

B. destroy the picture D. make the king angry

C. make the picture more beautiful

B. farther. . . more ugly

D. higher above. . . more good-looking

B. a week

C. twelve months

D. half a month

D. put up some new pictures on the old wall

B. artist

C. king

D. writer

22. The topic sentence of Para. 2 is ____________. A. he didn't know what to do with himself C. he was unhappy after he got retired 【答案】C。

23. Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of Para. 3? A. One day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper.

B. He bought a small crockery factory in secret and started work again. C. He told his family he bought a small crockery factory.

D. His family was horrified and worried when they learned he bought the small factory. 【答案】B。

24. What is the central idea of the last paragraph? A. Morgan Rees has worked until he is 76.

B. Morgan Rees has developed the export market and improved the profits by 200%. C. Morgan Rees hasn?t been bored since he bought the factory.

D. Since he started working again, Morgan Rees has expanded the company considerably, which has enriched his retired life. 【答案】D。

25. The passage mainly deals with ________. A. why Morgan Rees bought a small crockery factory

B. how Morgan Rees lived his retired life more happily by turning to work again C. how Moran Rees became a good businessman D. how Moran Rees expanded the company considerably 【答案】B。

Passage 6

The residents of 24 Acacia Grove were dissatisfied with the condition of the property, so John Preston called a meeting to discuss things last week. At the meeting John suggested setting up a residents' committee. Everyone was so worried and angry about the agent's inactivity that they agreed, and they elected John as chairman of the committee. Many residents said that they were tired of telephoning the agent and tired of complaining about the flats. Although the agent was responsible for the flats, they thought that he didn't do enough. Therefore John was asked to write to the agent and say that they were disappointed with the management of the flats.

The next service payment was due at the end of the month. However, they agreed not to pay it until they were happy with the plans to improve the-property. They decided to tell the agent that he must start the work within one month. They all went away very pleased with themselves. 26. Why did John Preston call a meeting last week?

A. Because the residents were dissatisfied with the present residents' committee. B. Because the residents were dissatisfied with the bad management of the flats. C. Because some residents requested to change the present residents' committee. D. Because he wanted to become Chairman of the committee. 【答案】B。

27. Who elected John as chairman of the committee? A. The agent. 【答案】B。

28. What does the word \A. Weakness

B. Progress

C. State

D. Lack of actions

B. The residents.

C. The committee.

D. Acacia Grove.

B. he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife D. none of them
