
发布时间 : 星期四 文章高考英语各种题材体裁作文格式与范例更新完毕开始阅读




记叙文:要抓住记叙文的六要素:when, where, who, what, why, how. 即五个“W”和一个“H”。要注意人物与空间的关系,画面与画面的关系,要点与发挥的关系。

议论文:(见漫画作文) 说明文:(另见图表式作文) 常用句型:

1. One day / the other day / a couple of days ago / while he was…,he.. 2. It was snowing /raining heavily on Monday /Sunday morning …when … 3. The picture sets me thinking deeply… 4. From the picture,we can see …. 5. It is really an unforgettable day …

6. As is shown / indicated in the picture, …

7. After seeing the picture ,I was greatly shocked by …

8. This is a funny and instructive picture. In the picture, a young man … 9. We can learn from the picture that … 10. The picture shows that…

11. This sight reminds me of something in my daily life…. 例题展示1:(2004年广东)


注意:1. 词数:80—120

2. 可以编写对话或其它叙述方式描写你与邻居的交涉过程

One possible version:

Last night I was preparing for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted me. The noise went on and on. It was so loudly that I could hardly pay attention to my study any longer. So I went to my neighbor’s house and said to him: “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing tomorrow’s examination.” Having heard these words, his face went red. And he said, “Ok, I’ll turn it down. Li Hua, I’m very sorry to have made so much noise. Just now, the football was very wonderful. I was

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too excited to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good luck in your coming examination. ” After that, I got down to my study. 议论文:

漫画作文属于图画作文的一种。英语漫画作文,就是根据漫画所描述的内容,按照要求和提示写一篇英语短文。英语漫画作文常以讽刺画和幽默画为主,要求学生根据自己的认识水平,解读画面,展开想象,议论,揭示自己对生活的理解,使人受到教育。漫画作文多以叙述结合议论为主。 探究异同:

1. 与一般图画作文的区别:图画作文只是对图画内容进行描写,形成一篇符合逻辑,行文连贯的文章。

2. 与图画开放作文的区别:开放式作文根据图画内容围绕主题,从不同的角度立意,有相当大的自由发挥空间,可以自圆其说。

3. 漫画作文:漫画作文要通过对画面的描述,揭示画面所蕴含的实质,并与现实生活联系起来,从而打到讽刺或教育的目的。漫画作文所揭示的实质只有一个,抛开这一主题就是离题,这才是漫画作文的关键所在。 写作攻略:漫画作文写作主要通过三步完成: 第一步:认真观察,正确叙述画面内容。



通过收集画面所提供的内容,去粗取精,揣摩画意,揭示实质,得出结论。 第三步:引发评论。

与现实生活联系,由此及彼地加以联想与引申,在画面意义的基础上联想到另一层新的内容,发表自己的看法,可以提出一些建议和办法。 第二和第三步没有明显界线。可以一气呵成,以议论为主。 常用句型;

1.开头:This is a picture about…/ In the picture we can see…/ From the picture it can be seen that…/ Let’s look at the picture…

2.结尾段:It is not right that…/ If they do like that…/ We can draw a conclusion that…/ The story tells us that …/ It teaches us a lesson…

3.承接词汇及句型:in my opinion / in our daily life / nowadays / As the proverb says …/ I’m sure… / meanwhile / however / at the same time / but / so / as a result / Do you think so?...

4.另外,漫画作文在揭示实质后往往会有精彩的谚语,格言,成语等出现,给文章添彩不少。如:No pains, no gains. / All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. / Dripping water wears through rock./ Constant effort brings success.(滴水能穿石,功到自然成)/Use “one stone” to kill “two birds”(一石击双鸟) 例题展示1:


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(一) 内容要点: 1. 描述文字说明:

1) 学生被迫上很多补习班 2) 无兴趣可言 2. 议论文字说明:

1) 太多的补习班是浪费时间 2) 学习要有兴趣

3) 家长不要强迫孩子参加补习 4) 表达希望

(二)One possible version:

Looking at this picture,you will understand better “Too much work makes Jack a dull boy”. He has to go to so many training classes besides his school classes. Life is no fun at all for him. Holidays and weekends have become dull work-days. He is too tired to learn these lessons well with no interest.

In my opinion, spare-time training courses are a waste of time for many students. They might do better when they show interest in what they are learning. Please don’t force these students to do what they are not willing to, and when learning is fun, surely they will do better than we expect! (三)文章结构和套语:

Looking at this picture, you will understand better “Too much work makes Jack a dull boy”. He has to … besides his school classes. Life is …. … have become …. He is … In my opinion, … for many students. They might …when they … what they are learning. Please don’t …what they…, and when learning is fun, surely … 例题展示2: 根据图画内容,以“We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter”题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文。短文须包括以下要点,不得逐条翻译。 1.简单描述漫画的内容; 2.作业负担过重; 3.精讲精练;


We Want Our Schoolbags Lighter

The picture shows that a girl is wearing a pair of glasses and carrying a big heavy schoolbag, and a woman is doing some exercise. The girl says to the woman, “If you carry the schoolbag for me, I’m sure you will lose some weight.”

As is well-known, we Chinese students are overburdened with lessons and homework which our teachers have given us. All that we do every day is to listen to our

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teachers’ lessons, to take notes and do our homework which seems endless.

We do hope our teachers will help us get more knowledge with fewer lectures, exercises and less homework. Only in this way will we have spare time to do more physical exercise and make us stronger, and we will have more spare time to take part in some social activities, which makes us all mentally and physically healthier. 例题展示3. 根据以下图画再结合你的想象,写出一篇100字左右的短文:

It is the old man’s birthday today. Now he is sitting on a sofa alone. Maybe his wife has been dead. On the right side is a big birthday cake sent by his son. And there are also some presents given by his daughter on the left. Yet the old man doesn’t feel happy. Instead, he looks very sad because he is lonely.

Our life is getting better and better than before. Some people think that old people will be satisfied as long as they have enough to eat and drink. I think they are quite wrong. Old people easily get lonely because they have no work to do. So we should spend as much time together with them as we can and take care of them in every possible way. 说明文:高考“看图作文”的应试策略。一、 审题审题是“看图作文”的第一关。审题准确,文章的大致框架也就初步形成了。要做到审题准确,应注意三个方面:文体、人称和时态。作文要求写什么?是通知、日记、书信还是?不同文体的格式要求是什么?应该用什么人称和时态来写?。 二、 审图审图即领悟情境,这是看图作文成败的关键。在审图过程中应处理好三个关系:(一)人物与时空的关系 每幅画面都包含一些特定的细节(details),具体反映在人物与时空的特定关系上,即何时?何地?何人?做什么?(二)局部与整体的关系 处理好这一关系就是要学会梳理细节,寻找画面与画面之间的联系纽带。要多问How和Why等问题,学会发现哪些细节已发生了变化,又是围绕什么而变化的,从而把握住故事的线索和主题。(三)要点齐全与适当发挥的关系 准确审图后,接着便是领悟情景,恰当归纳出每幅画面的主题。每幅画面都包括一个具体内容,每个内容都是由若干信息组成的,有用的信息组合起来便形成一个要点。并可根据要点适当发挥,有效排除干扰信息,避免东拉西扯,节外生枝,从而去第 4 页 共 22 页
