高中英语选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions导学案1词汇

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选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions导学案1词汇


1.掌握单词及短语,达到听说读写的基本要求。2.能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 学习重点

能够熟练掌握并正确运用词汇表中黑体的重点单词及重点短语。 学习难点

学会自我分类,利用词汇的派生扩展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 一.重点单词

1. distinguish vi.& vt.辨别;显示……的差别,区别;区分 [典例]

1). I can distinguish them at a distance. 从远处我能认出他们。

2). You should learn to distinguish between right and wrong.你应学会明辨是非。 [重点用法]

1)distinguished(adj) 卓越的,著名的.

2)distinguish oneself显扬自己;使自己扬,出名He distinguished himself by bravery.他以勇猛出名。 3)distinguish A from B 辨别A与B (=tell...from...辨别,识别;把……和……区别开) 4)be distinguished from不同于…… 5)be distinguished by 以……为特征 6)be distinguished for 因……而著称

2. convenient adj.便利的,方便的convenience n.便利,方便 conveniently adv.便利地 [典例]

1). Is it convenient for you to come next Sunday? 下个星期天你方便来吗? 2). I can’t see him now; it’s not convenient. 我现在不便见他。 [重点用法]

be convenient to sb. 对某人方便 It is convenient (for sb) to do sth. (某人)做某事方便 3. seize vt. 抓住,捉住;占据;(指强烈的感情、愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人) [典例]

1). She seized me by the wrist. 她抓住我的手腕。2). Panic seized us. 我们惊恐万状。 [重点用法]

seize hold of sth 抓住某物 seize a chance / an opportunity 抓住时机 seize on/upon sth 意识到某事物而立即加以利用 4. file n.[c] 文件;档案 vt. 提交,把……归档

[典例]1). Here are our files on the results of the business in the past five years.


2). Please file this paper away, Miss Mary. 玛丽小姐,请把这份文件归档。 3).Do you want to file an application?你想提交申请吗?


Have a file on存有/设立/保存……的档案 on file 存档 5.bear (bore,borne) vt. (1)负担,承担

I doubt if that chair will bear your weight.我怀疑那把椅子能否承受得了你的体重。 Who will bear the responsibility/expense?谁要负担这责任/费用呢? (2) 忍受,忍耐(=stand,bear,tolerate,put up with)

He can’t bear being laughed at.=He can’t bear to be laughed at.他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。 He can’t stand/bear/put up with hot weather.他不能忍受炎热的天气。 (3)bear sth. in mind牢记

You must bear it in mind that your parents hope to depend on you to become a good doctor. 你要记住你的父母指望你成为一名好医生。 二.重点词汇

1. call up 征召;召集服兵役;唤起;使人回忆;带入心中;打电话给某人


1). He called me up to tell me the good news. 他打电话给我并告诉我这个好消息。

2).When the war broke out,they were at once called up.战争一爆发,他们立即就被征召入伍了。 3)The music calls up memories of my childhood.音乐引起我对童年的回忆。 [短语归纳] call短语:

call back 召回;回电话;收回处理 call on/at 拜访(on后跟人;at后跟地点名词) call for 要求,提倡,为……叫喊 call forth 使产生;引起;使起作用 call in 召集,召来,来访 call off 取消;取消或延期: call out 出动,唤起,大声叫唤

2. set about sth/doing sth (不用于被动语态) 开始(某工作),着手做某事 [典例] I must set about my packing. 我得开始收拾行李了。 [短语归纳] set短语:

set sth aside 将某事物放在一边;(为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间)

set sth down 将某事物记在纸上;写下来 set out开始,着手(后接不定式);出发,动身 set out for 前往某地 set off 出发,动身,使爆炸。 set sth off 使(炸弹、地雷等)爆炸 set to 精力充沛地开始做某事 set sth up 摆放或竖起某物;创(体育)记录,设置,造成,产生 3. now and then 时而;偶尔;有时

[典例] I like to go to the opera now and then. 我喜欢偶尔去看歌剧。 [短语归纳]

now (that)... 由于……;既然 right now 此刻;现在 by now 到目前为止 just now 刚才 from now on 从现在开始 4.dive into


She dived into her bag and took out a couple of coins.她立即将手伸进包里拿出几枚硬币。 The man dived into the sea to save the drowning child.这人跳入海中去救溺水的孩子。 He dived into the history of China.他潜心研究中国历史。

【知识拓展】go diving 去潜水 make a dive for sth. 冲过去拿某物

take a dive into the subject 埋头于这问题

5.hang on不挂断;紧紧握住;稍等

It’s hard work but if you hang on you’ll succeed in the end. 这是件困难的工作,但如果你坚持不懈,最后是能成功的。

[短语归纳] hang about 闲待着,终日无所事事;闲荡 hang on 紧握着;(电话用语)别挂断

hang up 挂;挂断电话;延迟;推迟或搁置

6. out of order次序颠倒;发生故障

[典例]My watch was out of order.我的手表出故障了。 [短语归纳] 和order相关的短语:

in order 整齐,状况良好,适宜,按顺序 in order that后接从句,而in order to后接动词原形 7. get through 用完,消耗掉;(设法)做或完成某事;通过,(与某人)联系(尤指通电话) [典例]

1).She’s got through a lot of work.她完成了许多工作。

2). I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through (to you). 3).He got through his final exams easily.他轻易地通过了期末考试。 [短语归纳] get短语:

get across (to sb)被理解;使人了解或为人理解 get ahead (of sb) 领先(於某人) get along with sb 与某人合得来;与某人和睦相处 get on/along with sth 取得进展 get away (from sb/...) 逃离或摆脱开(某人或某地)get off 离开某地或出发 get away with sth 偷携某物潜逃;不因某事受惩罚 get over克服get in收获 get down to sth/doing sth 开始做某事;重视某事物;认真处理某事 8. ring back 回复电话

[典例]I’ll ask him to ring you back. 我会叫他给你回电话。

[短语归纳] ring短语:ring...up 给……打电话ring off 挂断电话

give sb. a ring给某人打电话


1). We must arrange a ________ (convenience) place for the meeting. 2). The old photo calls _______ memories of my childhood.

3). The Chinese nation is _______(distinguish)for its diligence and courage. 4). I keep my reference books near by desk for _______ (convenient).

5). The twin brothers are so much alike that it is difficult for us to distinguish one___ the other. 6)The main purpose of his holiday to Greece is to go _____(dive). 7)We need to set about_______(find)a solution.

8)His father asked him ______(seize) the chance to make some money.

Book 8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions导学案2 Reading


READING是一篇记叙性的文章。讲述一个女孩从发现问题(snake trouble)、分析问题(products that might help)到解决问题(remove the snakes)的全过程,最后成功的把母亲院子的一窝蛇捉住并放归大自然,她的捕蛇技术申请了发明专利。 学习目标:

1.通过图片和标题预测文章内容;运用略读和找读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息,同时了解记叙文篇章结构和写作特点,并让同学们了解申请了发明专利的一些信息。 2.能利用上下文猜测生词词义。 Read the following phrases

1. 经历; 经受go through 2. 申请专利apply for a patent 3. 决定发明decide on the invention 4. 给某人打电话call up 5. 偶尔; 有时now and then 6. 摆脱;除去get rid of

7. 使自己与众不同; 使自己出名distinguish oneself 8. 着手研究set about researching 9. 小心翼翼地with great caution 10.弯腰 bend down 11. 捡起, 拾起pick up 12. 按照 according to . 13. 抓住机会做某事seize the opportunity to do sth. 14. 此外in addition 熟读句子

1. “The first thing (I tried to do) was to see if there were products (that might help me), but there only

seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes.(不定式作表语)

我设法做的第一件事情是看看是否有能帮我忙的产品,但是好像只有一些用来捕杀蛇的粉 2. “Between the outside and inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, which freezes hard when cooled.

(=when it is cooled ) (省略) 在碗的内外侧,有一些冰果冻,冷却时他们会冻得很结实。 3. Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is

different from everybody else’s. (倒装)

直到做了一次调查研究后你的产品确实与众不同, 这时你才会获得专利。


When the writer called up her mother in the countryside on the phone, she 1. _______(learn) that snakes came near their house and that the snakes seemed to have made their home near their house.2.____________(hear) this, the writer felt proud and considered it a chance for her

3.________(distinguish) herself by inventing something 4._________(mercy) that would catch snakes but not harm them.

She set about 5.__________(research) the habits of snakes in order to find the easiest way to trap them. She decided to cool them so that they could be 6. __________(easy) caught. However, her first two plans were not 7.__________(success). She clearly realized that she needed to improve her design again. As 8. __________ result, she had to attempt a third time, 9. __________helped her fulfill her aim successfully. She was so delighted that she was determined to send her 10. __________(invent) to the patent office to get recognition for her successful idea.

unit3 Inventors and inventions导学案3 language points




目标,同时也是为下一步的读后任务做好必要的语言知识积累和语言障碍清除。 关键句型

1. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.

这回我有机会来表现一下自己了,我要发明某种东西,既可以抓蛇,而又不会伤害它们。 本句中Here was a chance for me……是完全倒装句.

distinguish myself意为:显扬自己,使自己出名;使自己与众不同.


distinguish oneself ;显扬自己,使自己出名;使自己与众不同.

distinguish A from B = distinguish between A and B 区别A和B

be distinguished for 因...而著称

2. The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me, but there only seemed

to be powders designed to kill snakes.

我先看看有没有能派得上用场的产品,好象只有一些用来杀死蛇的药粉。 理解: (1)本句是由If引导的条件状语从句,主句中to see 做表语。


(2)在there be结构中,be的人称与数应遵循就近一致原则:

There was a bucket of water and two chairs in the comer of the house. There are two chairs and a bucket of water in the comer of the house. 拓展:there be常见的形式有:there seems to be.../there happens to be...

/there used to be...

(3)designed to kill snakes是过去分词做后置定语修饰powders.

3.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. 只有你得到这种承认,你才可以说是一个真正的发明家。 only修饰状语、置于句首时,主句的语序需要倒装。

4.Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is different from everyone else’s.

表示否定意义的副词或短语(never, little, seldom, not only, not until, neither, nor,hardly /

scarcely … when置于句首时引起部分倒装。

5.Prepared with some research findings,I decided on three possible approaches.


分析:Prepared with是过去分词做状语,与主句主语之间是被动关系(be prepared with)。

类同用法:be faced with

Given more time,he can do it better.

Encouraged by the progress he has made,he works harder.

6.But monitored carefully, the snakes proved to be no trouble and all went according to plan.

7.Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my

successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.

