
发布时间 : 星期六 文章吉林省吉林市2018届高三第三次调研考试英语试题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

41. B下文“I walked past his picture every day”有提示。

42. D句意:他的脏衣服几乎不能盖住他那弱小的(weak)身体。根据句意可知孩子的身 体是弱小的。

43. C 根据下句“but there he had, showing off his white teeth”可知,只有微笑 (smile)才有可能露出牙齿。

44. A 句意:我每天从他的照片旁走过,越来越很少地注意他。根据常识可知,人对所 熟悉的东西会不太注意的。

45. B 下文的“We need to reflect”是提示。句意:给我们看他的照片,不是为了展示 孩子的长相,而是提醒(remind)我们要赞助他。

46. D 考查动词短语辨析。be engaged in…忙于,从事于;be interested in… 对…感 兴趣,be expert in…精通…,是…某方面的专家;be lost in…迷

失在…,沉浸在…。根据上文“We need to reflect”可知,因为我们迷失自己, 所以要反思。句意:我们需要反思,因为我们沉浸在(lost)自己的不幸中,以至 于忘记了有些人比我们更糟糕。be lost in…,为固定搭配,“沉浸在……”。 47. C 句意:因为我们沉浸在自己的不幸中,以至于忘记(forget)了有些人比我们更糟 糕.根据句意可知,我们只溶洞在自己的不幸中,才会忘记(forget)别人。 48. A 句意:我们的欲望无法满足,我们自以为是地认为我们享有每一个机会。 根据上 一句“Our desires are insatiable (无法满足的)”,可推测出我们自认为我们应 享有一切机会(opportunity)。

49. B 句意:我今天第一次长时间看了孩子的照片。根据上文“I walked past his picture every day noticing him less and less”我几乎不去关注那个孩子, 由句意推测出我是第一次长时间(long)看。

50. A 句意:他的信每隔几个月就来一次,我匆匆看一下(glanced over),从不回信。51. C 根据上文的来信,看信,以及后面的“I was just too busy spending money going to movies with my friend”我忙于花时间与朋友看电影,可知从没有花时间写 (write)回信。

52. B 句意:我们不能只在经济上(financially)帮助别人,他们需要我们的时间和双 手来帮助每个人创造一个更美好的世界。分析句子可知不仅只是经济上帮助而且还 要用时间和双手来帮助。

53. D 根据后面的“such as work and education”。可知机会有很多,用“many”。 54. C 句意:我们有许多机会,如工作和教育机会等。我们没有意识到的是,没有这些 选择(choices)的人们在努力以获得这样的机会。 55. A 根据本段的第一句提示,以及上一句的句意可知。

56. C 句意:当他们对我们来说可获得(available)”时,我们不应该把他们推到一边。 57. B 句意:我真诚地相信,如果每个人都有机会体验到这些,这个世界将会更开放, 并给予那些最需要的人提供更多的关怀和帮助。

58. A 提供更多的关怀和帮助。

59. D 句意:为那些最需要它的人提供更多的关怀和帮助。

60. B 句意:任何东西都可以帮助我们城市的无家可归者,但从我做起。

书面表达参考范文 Dear David, I’m eager to tell you about our discussion held in our class about what we can do to achieve

China Dream.

First of all, we must study hard to gain more knowledge so that we can contribute to making our society better and stronger. Secondly, not only is studying important, but also building some good characters counts a lot, such as determination, diligence, optimism and so on. Thirdly, doing daily work well is the best way to achieve China Dream. According to it, if every individual tries their best to do well in small things, then all together, it will make a big difference. What do you think matters to achieve our great China Dream? Yours, Li Hua


听力原文 Text 1

W: Look at my new car!

M: That’s not a car. It’s a toy, and you’re still taking the bus to school.

W: Well, it’s a model of the car I’m going to buy when I get my first job. It helps me want to work

harder. Text 2

W: This is the same block we drove down two minutes ago. You’re lost.

M: I’m not. You just wrote down the wrong address. Let’s just park and walk toward that tall building.

Surely someone on the road can point the way. Text 3

M: Compared with the yellow one, you look more beautiful in this white skirt. W: Thank you. I like the white one better. But how much will you charge me? M: It costs $100, but I’d like to take off 30%, and that’s it. Text 4

W: Is this your lake house? I pictured something larger, like a hotel.

M: Sorry to disappoint you. I haven’t been here since I was a child. I have a totally different memory of


W: It’s fine. I think it’ll be great for the reunion if we clean it up a bit. Text 5

M: Every morning, I eat an egg at 7:00, brush my teeth at 7:05, leave my house at 7:15, and ride my

bike to the subway.

W: Do you have to do everything at the same time every day? Sounds like you need to relax… Text 6

M: The floor looks super clean. Did you call the cleaning company? W: Nope. My foot is broken. I stay at home. So I did it myself. M: With a broken foot? Was that a good idea? W: Don’t worry, Dave.

M: You could have called Brenda. She would have done it for you.

W: I’m not asking your little sister to clean my floors, Dave. Anyway, it wasn’t as hard as you think. I

have been using a Roomba recently.

M: Oh, that cleaning robot? I’m jealous, Sandra. I wanted one, but I didn’t have 500 extra dollars.

W: I know. They’re so expensive. I got mine from my boss when I was Employee of the Year two years

ago. Text 7

M: Where were you this morning, Julie? Mom and I were going to take you to school. W: Oh, thanks, Dad. I thought you saw my note. I took the bus early in the morning. M: An early bus? I thought you were a night person.

W: We had band practice. We’re playing at the game next month, and I was excited. But now… M: Uh-oh. What happened?

W: It’s the uniforms. I saw them, and now I’m sorry I ever started playing the flute. M: Ugly? I’m sure you’d look great in anything, Julie.

W: It’s not that. They’re made out of wool. Wool! In August! M: Dear Lord! You’ll all get way too hot.

W: Well, it’s worse for the saxophone players. M: I guess the drummers have the same problem.

W: Yes. They complained, but the school doesn’t have money to buy new clothes for us. Text 8

W: Is that your dog? He’s not very friendly.

M: Yeah, that’s Sammy. I’m sorry he’s a little anxious. He’s usually quite playful, but he had a rough


W: How does a dog have a rough day? Don’t they just chase rabbits and sleep?

M: Well, I took him to a dog park, and a larger dog bit him. I’m worried Sammy will be afraid of

strangers forever.

W: Well, that explains it. Don’t worry about it. Why don’t I sit over here on this chair and calm him


M: Thanks for understanding. I’ll get you something to drink.

W: Thanks, but I’m sorry I’m early. I really thought the invitation said 7 o’clock.

M: That’s all right. Most people start dinner parties at 6:30, but mine’s an hour later because

everyone’s going to the football game.

W: Oh, dear. I wish I were a fan. I should have known that. Text 9

M: Waitress! I think there’s something wrong with our bill.

W: No, I don’t think so…$10 for the drinks, 15 for the small plate, and 20 for the main dish.

M: What? I knew the cheese sticks were 15. I always order cheese sticks, but I thought the main dish

was $10.

W: Oh, that explains it. You think the bill should be $35.

M: Yes, exactly. I was wondering what happened to the rest of my change. I should have gotten back 15,

not 5!

W: I understand. Sometimes people aren’t honest, but I think this was an honest mistake. Didn’t you

order the sea cucumbers for dinner?

M: Yes, and they were delicious. Best cucumbers ever! I’m so glad I’m a vegetarian.

W: Sir, I am so sorry. Have you ordered sea cucumbers before? They aren’t vegetables, you know. M: Really? I thought it was a vegetable that grew in the ocean. W: Nope. They’re seafood. M: Oh, no!

W: I’m so sorry, sir. I assumed you understood what you were ordering.

M: Actually, Jenny took my order. Maybe I can talk to her.

W: She had an emergency at home. I came in to take over her tables. But I’m sure if I talk to the

manager, we can give you a discount for the order. M: That’s OK. Text 10

Good morning, Brooklyn High School, and welcome to another year. I’m Harvey Briggs, the school director, and I’ll be broadcasting these morning announcements every day at 8:15 a.m. in the school hall. And of course, we have a poster wall in the cafeteria with sign-ups for school activities. Don’t forget to sign up for the football team. The team loves Bill Wyatt, our head coach, and many of our former football players have gone to good colleges for free because of their skills. This year, we have a new system for our lunch menu. The food we offer each week will be emailed to your parents. They will choose lunch food for you and pay through their Parents Direct account. One last announcement for today: We have a new smart phone policy. Students will not be allowed to bring smart phones into the teaching buildings. We’ve provided special lockers inside the school gate to keep your phones safe while class is in session. If you need to contact family members during class hours, come to the office and talk to the school staff. We hope you all have a successful school year!
