
发布时间 : 星期一 文章动态性动词与静态性动词更新完毕开始阅读

50) a. The price of chocolate hasn't changed for the last three months. b.The price of chocolate has remained the same for the last three months. (三个月来巧克力的价格没有变动。/巧克力的价格三个月来都保持不变。) 51) a. Amazingly the weather didn't turn cool. b.Amazingly the weather remained warm. c.Amazingly the weather stayed warm.

(令人诧异的是,天气没有变凉。/令人诧异的是,天气一直保持暖和。) 52) a. He didn't tell his mother the bad news. b.He kept the bad news from his mother. c.He kept the bad news to himself.

(他没有告诉他妈妈这个坏消息。/他不让他妈妈知道这个坏消息。) 53) a. He didn't tell the police the information. b.He withheld the information from the police.

(他没有向警方报告这个情况。/他对警方隐瞒了这个情况。) 54) a. Throughout the meal, he didn't speak. b.Throughout the meal,he kept silent/ quiet. c. Throughout the meal, he remained silent. (整顿饭他都没有说话。/整顿饭他都保持沉默。)

55)a.It's difficult not to go mad when you're doing an exercise like this. b.It's difficult to remain sane when you're doing an exercise like this.

c.It's difficult to keep sane/your sanity when you're doing an exercise like this. (做这样的练习很难不晕头转向的。/很难保持头脑清醒的。) 56)a.The firm managed not to go bankrupt. b.The firm managed to remain solvent.

(这家公司设法不致破产。/这家公司设法保持着偿付能力。) 57)a.You'd better not overtake that lorry. b.You'd better keep behind that lorry. c.you'd better stay behind that lorry. d.you'd better remain behind that lorry.

(你最好不要超过那辆卡车。/你最好老跟着那辆卡车。) 58)a.The king decided not to abdicate. b.The king decided to remain on the throne. c.The king decided to continue reigning. (国王决定不退位。/国王决定继续在位。)

59)a.We managed not to let the situation get out of control. b.We managed to keep the situation under control. c.We managed to keep control of/over the situation. (我们设法不让局势失去控制。/我们设法控制住局势。) 60)a.Flying to America is now a lot cheaper than it used to be. b.Flying to America is no longer as expensive as it used to be.

(现在坐飞机去美国比以往便宜多了。/现在坐飞机去美国不再像以往那样贵了。) 61)a.Don't make any more noise than you have to. b.Make as little noise as you can. c.Keep as quiet as you can.


(7)始动性动词表明在某一时刻上发生的过渡和变化。它与表明在某一段时间内发生持续动作的延续性动词所包含的概念不同。始动性动词是与表示时刻(point of time)概念的时间状语相连用的;而延续性动词是与表示时段(period of time)概念的时间状语相连用的。表示时刻概念的时间状语,要用at,ago,not?till/until 等词;表示时段概念的时间状语,要用 for,till/until等词,两者不可混淆,例如: 62)a.He returned home at ten o'clock in the evening. b.He returned home at as late as ten o'clock in the evening. c.He didn't return home till/until ten o'clock in the evening. (他到晚上十点才回到家。)

63) a.The child didn't stop crying until/till his mother was back. b.The child cried until/till his mother was back.

(这孩子一直到妈妈回来才不哭了。/这孩子一直哭到妈妈回来。) 64)a.In summer it doesn't get dark till/until ten in the evenings. b.In summer it stays light till/until ten in the evenings.


65)a.Don't take the notice off the board till/until everyone's seen it. b.Keep the notice on the board till/until everyone's seen it.


66)a.He left home three days ago.

b.He has been away from home for three days. (他三天前离家的。/他离家三天了。)

67)a.He began to study English two years ago. b.He has studied English to two years.

(他两年前开始学英语。/他学英语两年了。) 由上述可见:始动性动词必须与表示时刻概念的时间状语连用,而只有延续性动词才可以与表示时段概念的时间状语相连用,否则就会犯错误,例如: 68)a.He went to Paris for a short visit two weeks ago. b.He has gone to Paris for a short visit for two weeks.(Impossible) c.He has been in Paris for a short visit for two weeks.

d.Two weeks have passed since he went to Paris for a short visit. (两周前他去巴黎作短暂访问。/他在巴黎作短暂访问已有两周了。/他去巴黎作短暂访问已经两周了。)

69)a.The guests arrived ten minutes ago. b.The guests have arrived for ten minutes.(Impossible) c.The guests have been for ten minutes.

d.Ten minutes have passed since the guests arrived.

(十分钟前,客人们到了。/客人们已来了十分钟了。/客人们到达后已经十分钟了。) (8)始动性动词具有相应的静态性形容词(Static Adjective),前者表示过渡的动作,后者表示完成过渡动作后达到的结果或状态,举例如下: Inchoative Verb Static Adjective get angry/anger be angry

get broken be broken

get hurt be hurt get married be married get accustomed be accustomed fall asleep be asleep fall ill be ill grow/get/become old be old

enlarge be large thicken be thick lengthen be long dry be dry die be dead wake(up)/awake/ become awake/

awaken/waken be awake

go aground be aground

始动性动词用于现在完成时,表示该过渡动作的结束或结果,变成了一种静态,其意思相当于对应的静态性形容词,例如: 70)a.The fog has thickened. b.The fog is now thick. (雾浓了。)

71) a.The sky has darkened. b.The sky has become dark. c.The sky is now dark. (天黑了。)

72)a.The old woman has died. b.The old woman is now dead. (老人死了。)

73)a.The ship has gone aground. b.The ship is now fast aground. (这艘船搁浅了。)

74)a.John has gone away from home. b.John is now away from home. (约翰离家走了。)

但是,有的始动性动词没有相应的静态性形容词,例如: 75)a.The boat has sunk. b.This is a sunken boat. c.The boat is wrecked. d.This is a wreck. (这小船沉了。)

有的静态性形容词没有相应的始动性动词,例如: 76)a.The boat is afloat. b.The boat is floating. c.This is a floating boat. (小船在飘浮着。)

(9)始动性动词与其相应的静态性形容词、及使役性动词(Causative Verb)之间的密切关系,可以表现在下列公式中:

Present Perfect +Causative Verb= Present Perfect + Inchoative Verb=Present+Static Adjective 例如:

77)a.Mother has woken up the child. b.The child has woken up. c.The child is now awake.

(妈妈叫醒了孩子。/孩子醒了。) 78)a.The wind has dried the washing. b.The washing has dried. c.The washing is now dry. (风吹干了衣服/衣服干了。)

应用上述公式的三个例句,都具有相同的功能,都是向人们宣布一件过渡动作已经完成、而对方还不知道的新鲜事,即announcing news,例如:

79)a.They have made/appointed/created/elected/nominated John a professor. b.John has become a professor. c.John is now a professor.

(他们任命约翰为教授。/约翰当教授了。) 80) a.The noise has driven Dick mad. b.Dick has gone mad because of the noise. c.Dick is now mad because of the noise.

(噪音吵得狄克头脑发胀。/狄克给噪音弄得头脑发胀。) 81) a.The farmer's wife has fattened(up) the pigs. b.the farmer's wife has got the pigs fat/fatter. c.The pigs have fattened.

d.The pigs have got fat/fatter. e.The pigs are now fat/fatter.

(这农妇把猪养得肥肥的。/这些猪都很肥。) 82) a.They have sent the child to London. b.The child has gone/come to London. c.The child is now in London.


(10)始动性动词与其相应的静态性形容词或静态性动词,还可以表现于下列公式中: Past+Inchoative Verb= Present Perfect+ Static Adjective/Verb 例如: 83) a.John woke up ten minutes ago. b.John has been awake for ten minutes,(约翰在十分钟前醒了。/约翰已经睡醒十分钟了。) 84)a.The old couple settled down in this village 30 years ago. b.The old couple began to live in this village 30 years ago. c.The old couple moved to this village 30 years ago. d.The old couple have lived in this village for 30 years.

(这对老夫妇三十年前在这个村里落户。/这对老夫妇已在这个村里住了三十年。) 上述例句表明这个公式的功能是说明在过去某一时刻发生的事件,对现在产生的结果。在这个公式里,时间状语是非常重要的。ago表明动作过去发生的时刻,for 表明该动作自发生至今所经历的时间。又如:
