
发布时间 : 星期一 文章动态性动词与静态性动词更新完毕开始阅读

10) a. The student won't leave the university during the summer vacation. b. The student won't go away from the university during the summer vacation. c.The student will stay at the university during the summer vacation. (这个学生暑假不离开学校。/呆在学校里。) 11) a. Must you go so soon? b. Can't you stay a bit longer? c.Can't you stay any longer?

(你非得这么早走吗?/你不能多呆一些时候吗?) 12) a. She is no longer in the city. b.She no longer stays in the city. c.She has left the city.

d.She has gone away from the city.

(她已不在这城市里。/她已离开这座城市。) 再以动词“行”与“止”为例:

a.still move=not stop yet b.already stop=not move any more 例如: 13) a. The car is still moving. b. The car is still in motion. c.The car has not stopped yet.

(汽车仍在行进。/汽车还没有停下来。) 14) a. The car has already stopped. b.The car doesn't move any more. c.The car is no longer in motion. d. The car is now at rest.

(汽车已经停下来。/汽车不再前行。) 由上所述,始动性动词是对相应的延续性动词的否同样地,延续性动词也是对相应的始动性动词的否(3)两类动词之间有着紧密的语义逻辑关系,现以始动性动词begin和延续性动词continue为例加以说明: 15) a. John began to smoke.

b.John didn't continue not to smoke. (约翰开始吸烟。/约翰不再戒烟了。) 16) a. John began not to smoke. b.John didn't continue to smoke.

(约翰开始戒烟。/约翰不再吸烟了。) 17) a. John didn't begin to smoke. b.John continued not to smoke.

(约翰并没有开始吸烟。/约翰继续不吸烟。) 18) a. John didn't begin not to smoke. b. John continued to smoke.


上面四组例句中begin和continue的语义逻辑关系,可以总结如下: begin to smoke = not continue not to smoke begin not to smoke = not continue to smoke not begin to smoke = continue not to smoke not begin not to smoke = continue to smoke

下面再看始动性动词become和延续性动词remain之间的语义逻辑关系: 19) a. John became a smoker. b.John didn't remain a non-smoker. (约翰开始吸烟。/约翰不再不吸烟了。) 20) a.John became a non-smoker. b.John didn't remain a smoker. (约翰开始戒烟。/约翰不再吸烟了。) 21) a.John didn't become a smoker. b. John remained a non-smoker.

(约翰并没有开始吸烟。/约翰继续不吸烟。) 22) a. John didn't become a non-smoker. b. John remained a smoker.


上面四组例句中become和remain的语义逻辑关系如下: become a smoker = not remain a non-smoker become a non-smoker = not remain a smoker not become a smoker = remain a non-smoker not become a non-smoker = remain a smoker

下面再以 be awake/be not asleep和be asleep/be not awake为例,说明始动性动词和延续性动词之间的 语义逻辑关系:

23) a. John is already awake. b. John is no longer asleep. (约翰已经醒了。/约翰不再睡了。) 24) a. John is already asleep. b John is no longer awake.

(约翰已经睡了。/约翰不再是醒着。) 25) a. John is not yet awake. b.John is still asleep.

(约翰还未睡醒。/约翰还在睡。) 26) a. John is not yet asleep. b.John is still awake.


上述 be awake和be asleep之间的语义逻辑关系,可以总结如下: be already awake = be no longer asleep be already asleep = be no longer awake be not yet awake = be still asleep

be not yet asleep = be still awake


27) a. Try not to fall behind the rest of the class. b.Try to keep up with the rest of the class.

(努力不要落后于班里其他的人。/努力跟上班里其他的人。) 28) a. Please don't stand up for the next hymn. b.Please remain seated for the next hymn.

(唱下一个赞美诗时不用站起来。/请继续坐着,唱下一个赞美诗。) 29) a. Don't let go of the steering wheel. b.Keep hold of the steering wheel. c.Hold on to the steering wheel. (不要松开方向盘。/握紧方向盘。)

30) a. When you come to the crossroads don't turn left or right. b. When you come to the crossroads go/ keep straight on/ahead. (你到十字路口时,不要向左右拐。/你到十字路口时一直朝前走。) 31) a. Don't switch the engine off. b.Keep the engine running. c.Leave the engine running.

(不要关上引擎。/让引擎继续运转。) 32) a. Don't bring the dog into the house. b.Keep the dog outside.

c.Keep the dog outside/out of the house.

(不要把狗带进房子里来。/让狗留在房子外面。) 33) a. Don't let the dog into the house. b.Leave the dog outside.

c.Leave the dog outside/out of the house.

(不要让狗进房子里来。/把狗留在房子外面。) 34) a. Private do not enter./No entry. b.Keep out. (闲人免进!) (5)始动性动词与其相应的延续性动词的相互否定形式,可以表示部分与整体的逻辑关系,例如:

35) a. He didn't give any of his sweets away. b.He kept all of his sweets for himself.

(他的糖谁也没给。/他把所有的糖都给自己留着。) 36) a. That chicken hasn't fully thawed out yet. b.That chicken is still partly frozen.

(那只鸡还没有完全化冻。/那只鸡部分还没化冻。) 37) a. I'm trying not to spend all my salary. b. I'm trying to save some of my salary.



也要作相应变化,如into—out of, on—off, in—out, up—down, still—not yet, not—er than—as?as等,才可达到同义的效果,例如: 38) a. He didn't get into trouble. b.He kept out of trouble. (他没有招那麻烦。)

39) a. Don't stamp on the grass. b. Keep off the grass(more usual) (匆踏草地。)

40) a. I'd rather not take my coat off, if that's all right. b. I'd rather leave my coat on, if that's all right.

(如果可以,我不想脱掉上衣。/如果可以,我就穿着上衣。) 41) a. Hey, they haven't put my name on the list. b. Hey, they have left my name off the list.

(嘿,他们没把我的名字列入名单。/嘿,他们在名单里把我的名字漏掉了。) 42) a. They're not back from holiday yet. b. They're still away on holiday.

(他们度假还没回来。/他们还在出外度假。) 43) a. We managed not to get our feet wet. b.We managed to keep our feet dry.

(我们设法别把脚弄湿。/我们设法使脚保持干爽。) 44) a. The boat didn't sink. b.The boat remained afloat. (小船没有沉。/小船还浮着。)

45) a. My uncle never got married. b. My uncle remained unmarried. c. My uncle remained single. d. My uncle remained a bachelor.


46)a. The old man is not going to retire for the time being. b.The old man is going to go on working for the time being. c.The old man is going to keep on working for the time being. d.The old man is going to carry on working for the time being. e.The old man is going to continue working for the time being. (这个老人暂时还不退休。/这个老人暂时还继续工作。)

47) a. Fortunately they didn't take my passport away from me. b.Fortunately they let me keep my pass- port.

(幸而他们没有拿走我的护照。/幸而他们让我拿着我的护照。) 48) a. Miraculously, the building didn't collapse in the earthquake. b. Miraculously, the building remained standing in the earthquake.


49) a. The building didn't tilt. b.The building remained upright.

