
发布时间 : 星期三 文章动态性动词与静态性动词更新完毕开始阅读


Dynamic Verb and Static Verb



1)John is writing to his father. (约翰正在给他的父亲写信。) 2)John resembles his father. (约翰长得像他的父亲。)

John is resembling his father.(Impossible) 3)John is painting his house. (约翰正在油漆他的房子。) 4)John owns a house. (约翰拥有一所房子。)

John is owning a house.(Impossible)

有些动词可兼作两类动词,但意思不同。动词“hold”的句子主语是人,则作“握住”解,是个动态性动同;句子主语是处所,则作“容纳”解,是个静态性动词,例如: 5)a.John is holding a ball in his hands. b.John has a ball in his hands. (约翰正用两手握住球。) 6)a.The bus holds 50 people. b.50 people can sit in the bus. (这辆公共汽车能坐五十人。)

动词have可兼作两种类型。当作动态性动词用时,表示动作的发生或过程,相当于take,get,receive,eat,drink等词,可用于进行时态。当作静态性动词用时,表示“拥有”的概念,相当于own,possess等词,没有进行时态,例如: 7)a.I was having my coffee quietly. b.I was drinking my coffee quietly. (当时我正在默默地喝咖啡。) 8)a.The man has a new car. b.The man owns a new car. c.The man possesses a new car. (这个人有辆新汽车。)

动词consider后跟名词作宾语,当“考虑”讲,为动态性动词。后跟that从句作宾语,当“认为”讲,为静态性动词。 例如:

9)a.We shall consider your application.

b.We shall take your application into consideration. c.We shall think over your application. (我们将考虑你的申请。)

10)a.I consider(that)you acted very wisely. b.I think(that)you acted very wisely. c.To my mind,you acted very wisely. (我认为你做得非常明智。)

在动词词组apply to中,如果apply当及物动词用,则是动态性动词,意为“应用”。如是不及动物词,则是静态性动词,意为“适用于”。例如: 11)a.They are applying the new theory to practice. b.They are putting the new theory into practice. (他们正在把这个新理论应用于实践。) 12)a.What I have said doesn't apply to you. b.What I have said doesn't concern you. (我所说的话对你不适用。)

不及物动词look后跟具有动态含义的前置词at,便成为动态性动词。后跟具有静态含义的前置词like,便成为静态性动词。例如: 13)a.He is looking at the picture on the wall. b.He is taking a look at the picture on the wall. (他正在看墙上的画。) 14)a.He looks like his father. b.He resembles his father. (他长得像他的父亲。)

有些静态性动词,可以充当动态性动词,用于进行时态,表示委婉的口气。例如: 15)a.I wonder if I could ask you a question. b.I'm wondering if I could ask you a question. (我不知可否问你一个问题。)

16)a.I hope to leave as soon as possible. b.I'm hoping to leave as soon as possible. (我希望尽早地离开。)

在现代英语中,有种越来越多地使用进行时态的趋势,包括静态性动词用于进行时态,表示“惊讶”、“责备”、“抱怨”、“批评”等感情色彩。例如: 17)My grandfather is forgetting names nowadays. (现在我爷爷老是记不起别人的名字。)

18)These old people are all remembering the days of their childhood. (这些老人居然都还记得他们的童年往事。) 19)The old man is surely imagining things. (这位老人肯定是在想什么事情。)

2)动态性动词大多可用于祈使句(Imperative Sentence),静态性动词则不可。例如: 20)Keep the house clean and tidy! (要保持房子整齐清洁!)

21)Own the house!(Impossible) 22)Do as your father does. (照你父亲那样做。)

23)Resemble your father.(Impossible) 动词have作动态性动词用,可用于祈使句,例如: 24)a.Have some tea! b.Drink some tea! (请喝点茶!)


25)a.Smell this meat.Does it smell bad?

b.Take/Have a smell at this meat.Does it give/have a bad smell? (闻一闻这块肉,看它有没有坏味道?)

动词当作动态性动词用于祈使句中,往往表达的是原义。当作静态性动词,往往含有引伸义,但不用于祈使句。试以hold为例: 26)a.Hold the handle very firmly. b.Grasp the handle!very firmly. (请紧紧抓住这个把手。) 27)a.Hold your head up! b.Keep your head up! (仰着脑袋!)

28)a.Plato held(the view)that the soul is immortal. b.Plato believed/thought that the soul is immortal. (柏拉图认为灵魂是不朽的。)

(3)动态性动词可用于内嵌句(Embeded Sentence)中,即充当V+sb.+to do sth.结构中的复合宾语(Complex Object)部分的to do;而静态性动词不可。例如: 29)a.I told him to abandon his attempt. b.He was told to abandon his attempt. (我叫他放弃尝试。)

30)a.I told him not to hit a man when he was down.

b.He was told not to hit a man when he was down. (我叫他不要乘人之危。)

31)I told him to act as an interpreter. (我叫他充当译员。)

32)I told him to look like an interpreter. (Impossible)

33)I told him to keep the house. (我叫他管理这个家。)

34)I told him to possess the house. (Impossible)

(4)动态性动词可用于带有do代词形式的假拟分裂句(Pseudo-cleft Sentence with Do Pro-form)中;静态性动词则不可。例如: 35)What I did was(to)solve the problem. (我所做的事情是去解决这个问题。) 36)What I did was to know the problem. (Impossible)


(1)活动型动词(Activity Verb) (2)过程型动词(Process Verb)

(3)感觉痛苦型动词(Sense Suffer Verb) (4)过渡型动词(Transitional Verb) (5)瞬时型动词(Momentary Verb)


37)a.Mary was asking John a question. (玛丽正在问约翰一个问题。) b.Mary was asking John questions. (玛丽正在向约翰问问题。) 38)a.A car was passing through. (一辆汽车正在驶过。)

b.Many cars were passing through. (许多汽车在来来去去。)

39)a.Dick is writing a word on the black-board. (狄克正在黑板上写一个字。)
