大学英语Book2 Unit 3

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I must go to see a dentist right away because I can hardly bear to feel the pain from my tooth any longer.我必须马上去看牙医,我不能再忍受我的牙疼了。

★restless:a. not willing or able to still because you?re nervous, bored, or impatient焦躁不安的,不耐烦的

The little girl was frightened by the night-time thunder storm, and she spent a restless night, tossing and turning.小女孩被夜里的雷雨吓坏了,整夜都没睡安稳,不断地翻来覆去, ★rouse:vt.

1)make sb. become active, esp. when they are tried, lazy, or unwilling to do sth.激励,使振奋(尤指对方很疲倦或不愿意做某事时)

The speaker attempted to rouse the crowd with a cry for action.演讲者试图功过呼吁行动来激励人群。

2)(fml.)wake sb. who is sleeping deeply唤醒

The annoying telephone roused me from my sleep at 6 a.m.这个恼人的电话在早上6点就把我从睡梦中惊醒。

18 A police car stopped and the deputy offered me a ride. It was good to have someone to talk with. “Where?re you going, son?”he asked. Somehow, he reminded me of my own father.(Para.15)

Meaning beyond words: Sitting in the car, a free ride given by the police officer, he felt so good to have someone to talk to, especially when he was nervous and anxious about going back home. For whatever reason, he couldn?t help thinking about his own father when talking to the officer, perhaps because of his sincerity and kindness. ★deputy:n.[C]

1)sb, whose job is to help a sheriff in the US(美国)县治安官助理

In the US, small rural counties usually have one sheriff and a few deputies.在美国,通常一个乡村小县有一个警长和几个警官。

2)sb. who is directly below another person in rank, and who is officially in charge when that person is not there代理人,副手,副职

When the accident happened on the highway that day, the only person who could take care of the accident was the deputy.那天当高速公路晚上发生事故时,唯一可以处理事故的人是那个副手。

Note In the United States, a sheriff(警长)

is a county official and is typically the top law enforcement officer of a county. The law enforcement agency headed by a sheriff is typically referred to as a sheriff?s office or sheriff?s department, Officers sheriff?s deputy, deputy sheriff, sheriff?s police, or sheriff?s officer because they work for the sheriff and perform all the duties assigned to the sheriff by that state?s law. ★offer/give sb. a ride: give sb, a free journey in your vehicle开车捎某人一段路程

If you have no transportation of your own, I?ll be happy to give you a ride to work.如果您没有自己开车,我会很乐意开车送您去工作。

Note 如果想表示“请某人开车捎一段路程”,则可以用ask sb. for a ride,例如:

My car is still in the repair shop. May I ask you for a ride home? 我的车还在汽车修理店,请问您可以开车送我回家吗? ★somehow;ad

1)for some reason that is not clear to you or you do not know how由于某种不明原因;不知为什么

Somehow, I just don?t think it will work.不知道为什么,我总觉得那样行不通。

2)in some way, or by some means, although you do not know how用某种方法;不知怎么地 Don?t worry, we?ll get the money back somehow.别担心,我们总会把那些钱拿回来的。 19He seemed truly interested. There was real integrity in his face.(Para.18)

Meaning: He seemed to be very interested in the conversation, and, to me, he was trustworthy as well.

★integrity:n.[U] the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right耿直;正直;诚实

You can always rely on John?s word; he?s a person of great integrity and will say exactly what he thinks.你总能够相信约翰的话,他是一个非常正直的人,他所说的正是他所想的。 20“All over, “I said.(Para.19)

“Been away form home long?”(Para.20)

“A year, one month and two days.”I said.(Para.21)

He didn?t look at me, but he smiled, and I knew he understood.(Para.22) “You?re a fine boy,” he said.(Para.23)

Then he told me about his own two sons,” My older son ran away from home two years ago-two years and 15 days,” He looked away and then said, “I hope someday somebody will be nice to him, too.”(Para.24)

Meaning beyond words: All the paragraphs parent us a common but very touching conversation between the young man and the deputy. The young man found in the deputy an image of his own father: kind, understanding, and honest. Likewise, the deputy seemed to know much about the young man because his own son had also run away from home. Through the conversation, the image of his father now became completely different to him.

21 Two days later, I was on the road within 50 miles of home. A big truck with a cargo trailer slowed and stopped. I ran and got in from the heat. The air-conditioning felt good.(Para.25)

Meaning: Two days after, I was just 50 miles away from home when a truck loaded with goods drove along and stopped slowly in front of me. I dashed and climbed in to the car to escape the heat from the outside.It was much cooler inside the car with the AC on, ★cargo;n.[C,U]the goods that are being carried in a ship, plane or truck(船、飞机或卡车装载的)货物

This aircraft is for passengers only, it doesn?t take any cargo.这架飞机是载客的,不带任何货物。 ★air-conditioning:n.[U] a system that makes the air in a room or building cooler and driver空调系统

All rooms in this hotel have direct dial telephone, radio, color TV, and air-conditioning.该旅馆所有的客房必须设有直拨电话、收音机、彩电和空调。

22 Somewhat later rain began to fall, slowly at first, and then hard enough to soak the earth. I drifted off to sleep and woke feeling refreshed.(Para.26)

Meaning: Later in the day, it started to rain. It was light at the beginning but gradually became heavier till the earth absorbed the rain water. I feel asleep and was more energetic when I woke up. Meaning beyond words: The heavy rain and the feeling of being refreshed can be used to depict the young man?s complicated mood-heavy at first but lighter toward the end. The cue here is that he became more positive and confident as he was getting closer to his home. ★somewhat: ad. more than a little but not very有点儿,有几分

The reaction of the workers to our proposal was somewhat different from what we had expected.

工人对我们的建议所作出的反应与我们的预期有点不同。 ★soak:v.

1)make sth, very wet or become very wet(使)湿透;浸湿

I hope you didn?t get soaked standing out in the rain.我希望你站在雨中没被淋湿。

2)put sth into a liquid and leave it there for a period of time浸;泡,先把它们浸泡一夜。 drift:vi move slowly on the water or in the air(慢慢地)漂移,漂流

After the band stopped playing, people drifted away in twos and threes.乐队停止演奏后,人们三三两两的离去。

drift off: gradually fall asleep慢慢入睡

As the old man was sitting in the warm afternoon sun,he grew tried and drifted off into a sleep. 老人坐在温暖的午后阳光下,觉得很疲倦,就慢慢的入睡了。 ★refresh:vt. Make sb. Feel less tired or less hot使回复精力,使清凉

It was such a hot night that I took a cold shower to refresh myself.这是一个如此炎热的夜晚,我洗了一个冷水澡了来清凉一下。

★refreshed:a. feeling more lively and comfortable after you have rested, washed, eaten etc.精神振作的;精力恢复的

He felt refreshed after a bath.洗完澡后他觉得精神多了。

23 We were nearing my family?s farm. I was awake and alert. Would there be a light shining on the porch? It was torture to look and O couldn?t bear to do it.. Suddenly, we were there. I surrendered myself to my fate!(Para.27)

Meaning beyond words: When the young man was approaching his home, he was so anxious to learn about his father?s attitude to his coming back home that it was just like torture to him. He felt he was simply not in control to him. He felt he was simply not in control of his own fate at that moment

★alert:a. Giving all your attention to what is happening警惕的;警觉的

A couple of alert readers wrote to the paper pointing out the mistake they had seen.几个警觉的读者给报纸写信,指出了他们看见的错误。 ★torture:

N.[C,U] severe physical or mental suffering(身心所受的)折磨,煎熬

The kidnapped victims were eventually released after undergoing terrifying torture。经历了可怕的折磨后,这些被绑架的受害者最终被释放了。

Vt. hurt a person deliberately in a very cruel way, esp. As a punishment or in order to make them say sth,拷打,拷问,对...施酷刑逼供

Three members of the group had been tortured to death.该团体中有三人被拷打致死。 ★surrender;v. say officially that you want to stop fighting, because you realize that you can?t win投降

On the battlefield, the soldiers would rather die than surrender.在战场上,那些士兵宁愿死也不愿投降。

★surrenders oneself to sth.: allow oneself to be controlled or influenced by sth.听任某事摆布;屈服于某事

After his beloved child died of cancer, the father surrendered himself to despair adn eventually committed suicide.在他最疼爱的孩子死于癌症后,这位父亲彻底绝望了,最终自杀。

24 The truck drivers and said,” Look at that, would you! Just like in a fairy tale! That house there, the one just over there! Four bamboo cane chairs are sitting on the porch, with lighted lamps in

every one of them, and an old man, as still as a statue, is out there with a flashlight aimed toward the road. AND, the porch light is on, too!”(Para.28)

Meaning beyond words: In contrast to the young man?s nervousness, the truck driver was relaxed. He first mentioned bamboo chairs with lighted lamps, then an old man just like a statue, and finally the porch light! The description of the image of the father had a deep feeling toward his son and did not hesitate to welcome toward his son back home. Furthermore, the image of the road, could be depicted as opening his arms to embrace his lost son who had run away from home. Sentence structure NOTE

“with+名词/代词+介词词组”作独立主格结构 “with+名词/代词+介词词组”构成with独立主格结构,主要用作状语,可以表示伴随、方式、原因、时间或条件。例如:

With a cell phone in his hand, he was walking out of the classroom to answer the phone.他手里拿着手机正走出教室去接听电话,(表示伴随)

The old man stood there, with his back against the wall老头站在那里,背靠着墙。(表示方式) With production up by 60 percent, the company has had another excellent year.由于产量增长了60%,公司又经历了一个极好的年头。(表示原因)

With the meal in the end, John now had enough energy to continue working till late evening.有了中午休息,约翰现在有足够的精力继续工作到夜晚。(表示条件)

Part Ⅱ Key to exercises Section A Language focus 3 Words in use

1peculiar 2radical 3phase 4sensible 5predict 6labeled 7resent 8witnessed 9equivalent 10parallels

4 Word building

Words learned new words formed -ic

Chaos chaotic Drama dramatic Academic academy -ion

Depress depression Detect detection Erode erosion

Classify classification Confusion confuse
