南大网络大学英语(英语统考B上)unit 8-9(89,94分)

发布时间 : 星期三 文章南大网络大学英语(英语统考B上)unit 8-9(89,94分)更新完毕开始阅读

32.We shouldn’t do that dangerous experiment unless the teacher is with us. 【答案】32.我们不该做这么危险的实验,除非老师在场。 33.He spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him. 【答案】33.他讲得太快,我跟不上。 作文 34.要求在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Which one is Better, Country Life or City Life? 1. 有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好。 2. 你对这种观点的看法。 3. 你的结论。 【参考例文】Which one is Better, Country Life or City Life? Some people believe that city life is better than country life. I don’t agree with this. City life can be convenient to us in many aspects. For example, you can move around easily; shopping can bring more fun in a big shopping mall and you can enjoy a more colorful night life. But there are also many disadvantages. It is much noisier than in the country. Air pollution is more serious. It is not easy to park your car. It costs more to live in a city. To name but a few is enough. Therefore, I prefer country life. 词汇练习 1. 选词填空 (每个1分) 35. Can you fit me into your 【答案】schedule 36. The emphasis should be 【答案】shifted 37. There is no 【答案】shame ----请选择----Tuesday afternoon? ----请选择----more towards Parliament. ----请选择----in failing. 38. My brother and I always had 【答案】separate 39. She felt ----请选择--------请选择----rooms. that he would be capable of such an act. 【答案】shock 40. We ----请选择----the house from top to bottom. 【答案】searched 41. We are going to 【答案】settle 42. Children benefit from 【答案】stable 43. The forests ----请选择--------请选择--------请选择----our differences, once and for all. relationships within the family. for hundreds of miles. 【答案】stretch 44. He ----请选择----the coconut in half. 【答案】split 45. If you ----请选择----strictly to your diet, you will lose weight. 【答案】stick 46. Liza was so frightened she could not make a ----请选择----. 【答案】sound 47. Many people work in the centre but live in the 【答案】suburbs 48. We are changing systems, but we expect a 【答案】smooth 49. When parents argue constantly, It is the children who 【答案】suffer 2.将下列词与它的中文释义对应:(每个1分) 50. sample----请选择--------请选择--------请选择--------请选择----. transition. most. 【答案】样品 51. scared----请选择---- 【答案】害怕的 52. seek----请选择---- 【答案】寻找 53. severe----请选择---- 【答案】严厉的 54. shabby----请选择---- 【答案】破旧的 55. shelter----请选择---- 【答案】遮蔽物 56. slim ----请选择---- 【答案】苗条 57. solid----请选择---- 【答案】坚硬的 58. species----请选择---- 【答案】物种 59. specific----请选择---- 【答案】明确 60. spread----请选择---- 【答案】展开 61. starve----请选择---- 【答案】饿死 62. steep----请选择---- 【答案】陡峭的 63. strategy----请选择---- 【答案】策略 64. sufficient----请选择---- 【答案】充足的 交卷重做 Copyright ? 2007 - 2011 南京大学
