南大网络大学英语(英语统考B上)unit 8-9(89,94分)

发布时间 : 星期六 文章南大网络大学英语(英语统考B上)unit 8-9(89,94分)更新完毕开始阅读

B.No problem

C.I wouldn't mind a coffee

D.Doesn’t matter 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C

2. ----The toast bread is really delicious. Can I have a second piece? ----_________.

A.Behave yourself

B.Help yourself

C.Do it yourself

D.Go ahead if you don’t mind 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B

3. ----The moon cake is really delicious. Can I have another piece? ---- ______________________.

A.You can.

B.Behave yourself.

C.Be my guest!

D.Do it yourself. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C

4. ----Is it OK to go Dutch for this great dinner? ---- ___________________.

A.Don’t be nervous. I’ll arrange

B.No, you should go there first

C.Forget it. It’s my treat today

D.OK,it’s my turn to serve today 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C

5. ----_______________.

----There is a pain in my chest,and I cough a lot.

A.How are you?

B.You'd better stop smoking.

C.What's wrong with you?

D.What can I do for you? 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C


Passage 1 Dear editor,

Can't your newspaper do something about the custom(习惯)of hitchhiking?

A short time ago, on a car travel I counted at least 50 people standing beside the road, asking for rides. Many of them were young women.

Don't they understand how dangerous it is to get into the car driven by a stranger? How much do they know about the driver? Is he a good driver or not? Nothing!

Many of these young hitchhikers may come from good families. Don't their parents teach them anything about the world? I always taught my children not to talk to strangers. 1 never let them take rides from people they didn't know.

Isn't there enough crime today without asking for trouble by hitchhiking? On the other hand, hitchhiking may bring some traffic trouble.

Don't you think what I said is true?


6.The word \



A.waiting for a bus at the bus stop

B.driving in a dangerous way

C.going on a long way by getting free rides in other people's car

D.asking a stranger the ways in a car 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C

7.The Worried Grandfather ______ .

A.doesn't like young women to drive cars

B.thinks it is dangerous for a young woman to get into a stranger's car

C.likes drivers to be careful and strict in their work

D.never lets his children get into other people's car 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】B

8.The Worried Grandfather ______ .

A.was hit by a car when he was standing by the road

B.is a good driver and often gives free rides to strangers

C.is in trouble now and he wants to get some help from the newspaper

D.has seen much of the world and he is very careful 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】D

9.The Worried Grandfather wrote the letter to tell ______.

A.the newspaper to let its readers know the danger of hitchhiking

B.young women never to go on a long travel alone

C.young people to listen to their parents at home

D.his children not to talk to strangers on the road 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】A

10.What do you think a good editor is going to do after he receives the letter?

A.He will either return the letter to the old man or give it to the police station.

B.He will write back to the Worried Grandfather and tell him not to hitchhike any more.

C.He will write or ask someone to write something about the danger of hitchhiking in the newspaper.

D.He will hold a meeting to tell the drivers to make the traffic trouble less. 【批阅】回答正确! 【答案】C Passage 2

Rosa and her classmates were in a street in West London. The sky was dark. This was Rosa’s big day---her first day in England. Rosa got out of a taxi. The driver carried a very heavy bag for her. They walked through the rain to the front door of a big Victorian house. A small girl
