
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018届江苏省扬州市高三英语期中检测试题更新完毕开始阅读

me going. 36. A. plan

B. idea

C. decision

D. thought D. coming down D. spoken D. confident D. contacts D. eventually D. observer D. pleasant D. easy

37. A. coming up 38. A. expressed 39.A. particular 40. A. details 41.A. inevitably 42. A. reporter 43. A. different 44. A. hard 45. A. true

B. coming up B. put

C. coming over C. written

B. curious B. contents

C. passionate C. descriptions C. unexpectedly C. researcher C. alike C. casual C. open C. awaken C. cost

B. invariably B. hunter B. same B. mild B. close B. share B. spent

D. contrary

D. pursue

46. A. arouse 47. A. took

D. used

D. saw to D. recognized

48. A. looked into 49. A. consented 50. A. might 51. A. accepted 52. A. climb 53. A. yet

B. looked though C. saw though B. realized B. should

C. concluded C. would

D. could

D. opposed

B. confirmed B. grow B. still

C. approved C. flee

D. float D. also

D. rather than

C. thus

54. A. more than 55. A. drags

B. better than B. keeps

C. other than C. leaves

D. catches

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Instructor Tip Sheet #1

Thank you for your interest in sharing your passion, enthusiasm and love of lifelong with Edina Community Education! We look forward to partnering with you to enrich lives and strengthen our community.

This series of sheet is designed provide some of the best strategies to help us deliver our program mission better. We hope that they also help you learn and grow as a lifelong learner and instructor.

This sheet will discuss how to write good itles. Please feel free to use them for your course descriptions. Your title is critical. It’s your main opportunity to attract your reader’s attention and generate interest in reading further. Good Ideas Make it interactive Make it personal Title Use humor You Genes Do Fit Just for the Halibut(大比目鱼) Keep titles simple and positive Simple Winter Soups Use numbers in the title Emphasize curiosity, fun, discovery, unique ideas Ten Ways to Turn Out Terrific Kids No Bones about It: Discover The Skeleton in Your Closet (Use the Word “You”) Examples Everything You Always Wanted to Ask Your Dentist You Tube and Your Business: What You Need to Know 56. Which of the following titles uses titles the humor strategy? A. It's Magic!

B. Clean up Your Man Cave

C. Live Better on Less D. What*s Your Home Longing to Tell You? 57. This tip sheet is intended to . A. write belter course descriptions

B. make instructors' life colorful D. promote effective learning


Shiny things absorb less heat when left in the sun. This means that if the Earth could be made a little shinier it would be less likely to suffer global warming. Ways to brighten it, such as adding nanoscale specks(纳米级) of salt to low clouds, making them whiter, or putting a thin haze of particles into the stratosphere(平流层), are the field of “geoengineering”(地球工程). A small band of scientists which have mostly been using computer models to study the subject. Some of them are now proposing outdoor experiments—using seawater-fed sprayers to churn out particles of the exact size needed to brighten clouds, or scattering sulphur particles(硫粒子) from underneath a large balloon 20km up in the sky.

The scientists hope to understand some of the processes on which these technologies depend, as a way of both measuring their possibility (can you reliably make the proper amount of sea salt brighten clouds?) and assessing

C. support the community programs

their risks (how much damage to the ozone layer might a stratospheric haze do, and how might such damage be minimized?). The experiments would be far too small to have any climatic effects. The amount of sulphur put into the stratosphere by the experimental balloon would be 2% of what a passenger jet crossing the Atlantic emits in an hour.

However, many scientists doubt whether geoengineering experiments have any effects. And some

environmentalists say that such experiments reflect the hubris(傲慢)of humans, who believe they can toy with nature.

Geoengineering is not an alternative to relieving climate change by cutting carbon emissions. Even if emissions do start to fall, the cuts will lake decades to have any effect so temperatures are likely to go on rising for some time. The planet is not getting cooler and the pressures on the climate are unlikely to go away. It is therefore not too hard to imagine a world, decades from now, in which emissions are falling but temperatures are rising steeply and the ability to adapt to them has been stretched too far. An additional way to stabilize temperatures might then seem appropriate. Geoengineering offers that possibility.

58. The aim of the outdoor experiments in paragraph 1 is . A. to relieve the global warming B. to brighten the clouds C. to test the computer models

D. to study geoengineering

59. The geoengineering climate experiment would hardly take any climate effect because . A. scientists aren't sure whether sea salt can brighten clouds B. geoengineering would minimize the damage to the ozone layer C. the amount of sulphur emitted by a balloon is very small D. a passenger jet emits much more sulphur than a balloon does 60. Even if carbon emission is reduced right away, . A. global warming will be relieved

B. climatic pressure will be removed D. global warming will last for years

C. the temperature will remain stable

61. We can infer from the passage that . A. passenger jets are a major cause of global warming B. scientists don’t show due respect for the environment C. geoengineering is better than cutting carbon emissions D. cutting emissions isn't enough to relieve climate change


For months fish that live in dark caves in Mexico go without food. They have gone far longer- thousands of years-without light, evolving to lose their eyes and skin pigments(色素).Now researchers have discovered these strange creatures have another oddity. They survive their food-scarce environment, the fish have evolved extreme ways of turning nutrients into energy. These features create symptoms like large blood sugar swings that, in humans, are predictors of type 2 diabetes. But in the fish these changes are adaptations, not a disease. These cave fish lead log and healthy lives.

Understanding how the fish remain healthy in spite of these symptoms may lead to new approaches for treating diabetes in people, says Cliff Tabin, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School. He and his colleagues are beginning to get clues about how cave fish survive the symptoms.

In humans and other mammals, one of the first signs of type 2 diabetes risk is

poor control of Wood sugar (glucose). This happens because cells resist insulin, the hormone that signals cells to take in glucose from the bloodstream. If the problems continue, they progress into full-blown diabetes. The illness kills 3.4 million people worldwide every year, but current treatments often do not work.

The cave fish has, apparently, figured out another solution. The fish were washed from rivers into caves about a million years ago. It was a big change. Rivers were full of food but caves have only what is washed in by seasonal floods.

Because cave fish go many months without food, researchers assumed they evolved a metabolism(新陈代谢)that efficiently stores the calories in a similar way animals store fat before winter. To test that idea, they compared the cave fish with the river fish raised under same conditions in the lab. They found the cave fish do store more visceral fat than river fish. But the cave fish also had much larger, fatty livers, which resembled diabetes-linked fatty liver disease in humans. “But you don’t see destruction of the liver in these guys.” Tabin says. “It’s very curious.” Cave fish researchers are now working to find out how the fish do it. “The only piece of total evidence is that the metabolic rate is lower in the cave fish than in their river fish relatives.” says Alex Keene of Florida Atlantic University. \“Finding that something will, like fishing, require some patience.” 62. What interests researchers most in the cave fish is that . A. they have evolved to lose their eyes and skin pigments
