
发布时间 : 星期一 文章航海英语题库(密卷)更新完毕开始阅读

shall be at least????in length.

A.five hours B.seven hours C.six hours D.four hours

40.C How long are you prohibited to consume alcohol prior to serving as a member of a watch?

A.Within two hours B.Within three hours C.Within four hours D.Within five hours

41.B Humidity is known as the amount of????in the air. A.hydrogen B.moisture C.dust D.temperature

42.C Hurricane may move in any direction.However,it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the????.

A.west or northwest B.northeast C.southeast D.north

43.C If there is sufficient sea room,alteration of????may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.

A.speed and course B.speed alone C.course alone D.speed or course

44.B If you need the information for Radio Weather Serviees,you may check the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals????

A.volume 2 B.volume 3 C.volume 5 D.volume 6

45.A If youshorten the scope of anchor cable,your anchor's holding power????. A.decreases B.increases

C.remains the same

D.has no relation to the scope

46.A In Admiealry Sailing Directions,heights of obiects refer to the height of the stucture above the????.

A.means sea level B.Mean nigh water C.Mean Higher High Water D.ground

47.D In detemining a safe speed????shall not be among those taken into account.

A.the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment B.any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use

C.the effect on radar derection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interference

D.the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore

48.D In particular,which is not included in the Navigation Ststem? A.ECDIS B.RADAR C.GPS D.GMDSS

49.A In practice,it is usual for the ship to be loaded????to improve the vessel's movement through the water.

A.a little deeper aft B.a little deeper forward

C.at the same draught between fore and aft D.a balance between two sides

50.A In reading a weather map,closely spaced pressure gradient lines would indicate????.

A.high winds

B.high overcast clouds C.calm or light winds D.fog or steady rain

51. B In summer,monsoon over the South China Sea blows from???? A.northeast B.southwest C.southeast D.northwest

52.B It is important to get familiarzed with the emergency exits onboard.When should this be done?

A.Within a week

B.Immediately after boarding C.Before boarding

D.When you have some extra time

53.D LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called????. A.broaching the anchor B.shifting the anchor C.walking the anchor D.weighing the anchor

54.B LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC.This description is most likelyto be under the heading of????.


55.A Left and right inner graduated borderlines of the chart are????. A.scales of latitude B.scales of longitudes C.compass rose D.source data

56.A MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refer to????in a certain area.

A.visibility B.winds C.seas D.fog

57.D MIDSHIPS refers to rudder to be held????. A.in position to starboard B.in position to port C.in position to anywhere D.in position fore and aft

58.A Malacca Strait is 805 km????and????from 64 km in the S to 257 km in the N. A.long,widens B.long, wide C.length,widens D,length,wide
