
发布时间 : 星期四 文章洲际酒店礼宾部标准运营程序更新完毕开始阅读

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 标准运营程序 MESSAGE DELIVERY 递送留言 TASK NUMBER 题目编号: DEPARTMENT 部门: DATE ISSUED 颁布日期: GUEST EXPECTATION 客人期望: TIME TO TRAIN 培训时长: CON-0013 Concierge 礼宾部 May 2008 二零零八年五月 I expect all messages which come through, phone, fax, or visitors who leave a message for me at the front desk, will be advised to me immediately and written messages are clearly legible with complete information presented in a professional manner. 我期望在前台以任何方式包括电话、传真、访客的留言都能迅速通知到我并以清晰完整的书面形式作记录,同时体现你们的专业水准。 30 minutes 三十分钟

Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这个培训对你和我们的客人都非常重要?

Doorman – Guest Arrival

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Answers 答案:

22. We must provide a prompt and accurate message delivery service to our guests.


23. Some messages are very important for our guests and we must ensure guests can get their information


一些留言对我们的客人非常重要我们一定要以最快的速度给客人送去。 24. Increase our guest satisfaction.


25. Demonstrate my professionalism. 展示我们的专业性。 WHAT/STEPS步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准 TRAINING QUESTIONS问题 1) Receiving 2) 接受 All written messages must be left at the Concierge, in an envelope. The envelope has the guest’s name and room number on the front. Writing has to be clear and readable. 所有的留言都必须装入信封存在礼宾部。信封上注明客人的名字和房间号,字迹清晰。 Some hotels have typed envelopes as the standard to counteract any potential problems in this regard. 一些酒店采取打字的方式将客人信息打在信封上以避免一些潜在的问题。

Why do we need to put messages into an envelope? 为什么我们需要把留言装到信封里? What information do we need to write down? 我们需要在上面写什么? What is the standard in YOUR Hotel? 酒店的标准是什么? Doorman – Guest Arrival

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3) Delivery 4) 递送

3) Other service 其它服务 Upon receiving a call from the Concierge, proceed to pick up the message. 接受到请求后要去取留言。 Deliver the message to the guests’ room as soon as possible. 尽快把留言给客人送去。 If the guest is not present, slip the message under the door. 如果客人不在,将留言从门底下放进去。 Return to the lobby without delay. 尽快回到大堂。 Parcels/ Thick Documents/ Packages. A written message has to be left for the guest that clearly indicates there are a Parcel/ Document/ Package awaiting collection at the Concierge. 如果是厚的文件/包裹等物品,我们需要留言告知客人到礼宾部领取。 When the bellman delivery something to guest room, we can tell guest’s current weather. 行李员在给客人房间送物品时可以告知客人当天的天气情况。 Why must we deliver the message as soon as possible? 为什么我们要尽快递送留言? What can we do if the guest is not present? 如果客人不在我们能做什么? Why do we need to leave a message with the guest when we have a parcel for him/her? 当我们收到包裹后为什么先要通知客人? rainee to practice Summary questions 摘要问题:

1. a) Why do we need to place a message in an envelope? 为什么我们需要把留言装到信封里?

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b) What kind of information do we need to write on the envelope? 我们需要在信封上面写什么?

2. a) Why do we need to deliver the message as soon as possible? What do you think a realistic time frame? 为什么我们要尽快递送留言?你认为最合适的是什么时间? b) What should we do when the guest is not present? 如果客人不在我们能做什么?

3. How do you handle a message or parcel which can not be slipped under the door? 如果物件过厚或是一个包裹,你应当如何留言?

Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency.


Doorman – Guest Arrival

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