
发布时间 : 星期二 文章洲际酒店礼宾部标准运营程序更新完毕开始阅读

Wish the guest a good day. 祝客人一天愉快。 The luggage should be ready before guest arrival next time. 如果客人离店将行李存在礼宾部,在客人再次抵店前将行李准备好。 5) Store luggage and make record Store luggage in the Concierge storage room. 寄存行李并记录 将行李寄存在行李房里。 Be careful not to damage any luggage especially leather bags. 注意不要弄坏行李尤其是皮革制品的行李箱。 Make record on the luggage storage control sheet or Logbook: 记录在行李寄存本或工作日志上。 Guest Name, Room Number, Pieces of Luggage, Description, Time and Luggage Claim Tag Number 客人的名字、房号、行李件数、行李的描述及行李签的号码。 6) Receiving request for luggage retrieval Greet the guest and inquire if any assistance is needed. 接受行李取回要求 问候客人并询问是否需要帮助。 Receive guest request for retrieval the storage luggage. Doorman – Guest Arrival

Why do I can not just keep the luggage behind the Concierge counter? 为什么我们不能把行李寄存在行李台的后面呢? Why do I need to keep record? 为什么我们需要记录? What do I need to record? 我们需要记录什么? Why do I have to greet the guest and ask if any assistance is needed? 为什么我们要问候客人是否需要帮助呢? Page 25 of 41


WHAT / STEPS步骤 7) Obtain the tag from guest and verify the signatures 获得客人的那部分行李签要确认签字 HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准 Obtain the top part of luggage claim tag from the guest. 从客人获得到行李寄存单的下半联。 Ask guest to initial the bottom part of luggage claim tag. 要求客人在行李寄存单下半联上签字。 Verify the signatures on both part of the tag are same: 确认客人的签字上下联是否一致。 If signature are not the same, politely inform that you need an authority letter from the guest to retrieve the luggage 如果签字不符,礼貌地告诉客人您需要有授权书才能取回行李。 Proceed to the appropriate section at the storage room: 到行李房指定位置: Guest is not allowed to enter the storage room 客人不能进入到行李房。 Locate guest’s luggage from the storage area and bring it to the guest. 从行李寄存区找出客人的行李并交给客 TRAINING QUESTIONS问题 Why does the guest need to initial the bottom part of the tag? 为什么客人要在下面那半联上签字呢? Why do I need to verify both signatures? 为什么要确认签字是否一致呢? Why do I need the authority letter? 为什么我们需要授权书? 8) Handling the luggage 行李处理 Doorman – Guest Arrival

Why can I not allow guest to enter the storage room? 为什么客人不能进入行李房呢? Page 26 of 41

9) Offer extra service 提供额外的服务 人。 Verify luggage tag number with guest’s tag number and make sure all guest belongings are returned to the guest. 核对行李标签号码是否和客人持有的行李标签号码吻合,确定所有行李都已取走。 Help the guest to carry their luggage Ask if guest needs additional assistance. (i.e. Limousine, Taxi) 协助客人提取行李。询问客人是否需要其他帮助。(比如轿车或出租车)服务。 Do I need to have tags as much as bags? 是否需要每个袋子都有行李标签? Why do I have to offer additional assistance? 为什么我们要提供更多的服务? WHAT / STEPS步骤 10.) Update record and filing 更新记录并归档 HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准 Update the luggage storage control sheet or Logbook. 更新行李寄存记录。 Keep the luggage claim tag in the file for six months. 保存行李签记录6个月 TRAINING QUESTIONS问题 Why do I need to file the tag? 为什么我们要保存行李签? Summary questions

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1. Who’s primary job is to receive requests to store luggage from guests? 谁负责接收并寄存客人行李? 2. How do you check for damage? 如何检查行李是否有损?

3. What are the 4 things you must write on the luggage tag for each guest? 行李签上有哪4项内容必须填写? 4. How does the guest retrieve their luggage? 客人怎样取回行李?

5. There are 6 pieces of information to be written on the Luggage Storage Control Log. What are they? 在行动记录中涉及6项信息必须填写,分别是什么?

6. When you see the same guest again, why is it important to (re) greet them and ask for assistance? 再次见到同个客人为何需要再次问候并询问是否需要协助?

7. In what circumstances would you deny a piece of luggage to a guest and what would you suggest to they do? 在什么情况下你可能拒绝接收客人寄存的行李同时给出客人什么建议? 8. Are Guests allow to enter the storage room to identify their bag? Why or Why not? 客人可以进入行李房确认行李吗?原因是什么?

9. What is an additional service you may be able to offer the guest? 你能提供给客人其它什么服务?

10. When should you update the luggage storage control sheet?


Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency.


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