
发布时间 : 星期日 文章洲际酒店礼宾部标准运营程序更新完毕开始阅读


1. What information do we need to require prior to picking up luggage from a guest room? 在去客人房间取行李前我们需要什么信息?

2. Why do we need to give the guest an estimated time of pick up? 为什么要给一个客人时间范围?

3. Why do we need to announce ourselves at the guest door? 为什么我们要通知客人我们部门?

Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency.


Doorman – Guest Arrival

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STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 标准运营程序 LUGGAGE STORAGE & RETRIEVAL 存取行李 TASK NUMBER CON-0006 题目编号: DEPARTMENT Concierge 部门: 礼宾部 DATE ISSUED May 2008 颁布日期: 二零零八年五月 GUEST EXPECTATION I expect that the hotel can provide luggage storage, and all my luggage will be handled carefully and stored in the storage room to ensure its safety. 客人期望: 我期望酒店提供寄存行李服务,并妥善保管我的行李确保行李的安全。 TIME TO TRAIN 30 minutes 培训时长: 三十分钟 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这件培训对你和我们的客人都非常重要? Answers 回答:

17. We must provide a prompt and accurate luggage storage service to our guests.


18. Safety is one of the most important issues to our guests; we must make sure their luggage is stored safely.

安全问题对我们的客人最为重要; 我们要确保客人的行李寄存的安全。 19. Increase guest satisfaction.

Doorman – Guest Arrival

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20. Demonstrate my professionalism.


21. Protects ourselves from claims of theft or losing guests luggage if we have a system which is followed by


如果有这样一项政策,可以保护我们自己以防万一行李被窃或遗失的情况发生。 WHAT / STEPS步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准 TRAINING QUESTIONS问题 1) Receiving request for luggage storage 要求行李寄存 Greet the guest and inquire if any help is needed. 问候客人并询问客人是否需要帮助。 Receive guest request for luggage storage. 接受客人行李寄存要求。 Receive luggage from guest and confirm the pieces of luggage with guest. 取到行李后要与客人确认行李件数。 Check the luggage and verify whether there is any damage. 检查行李是否有破损。 Fill in the luggage claim tag. 填写行李寄存单。 Write guest name, room number, the pieces of luggage and time on the tag. 写下客人的名字、房号、行李件数及时间。

Why do I must greet the guest? 为什么我们要问候客人? Why do I have to confirm the pieces of luggage with guest? 为什么我们要确认行李件数? Why do I need to check the luggage? 为什么我们要检查行李是否有损? What do I need to fill in? 需要填写什么? Page 23 of 41

2) Handling the luggage 行李处理 3) Fill in the luggage claim tag and tag the luggage 填写行李寄存单并挂在行李上。 Doorman – Guest Arrival

Ask guest to initial the top part of the luggage claim tag. 要求客人在行李寄存单的上半联签字。 Tear off the bottom part of the tag and present it to guest. 写好后下半联给客人。 Attach the top part of the tag with luggage. 把上面部分挂在行李上。 Why do I need to ask the guest to put his initial on the top part of the tag? 为什么我们要求客人把名字填写在行李寄存的上半联? WHAT / STEPS步骤 4) Explanation 解释 HOW/ STANDARDS怎样做/标准 Explain to guest how to pick up the stored luggage: 给客人解释如何来取行李。 The Guest must present their part of their tag to pick their luggage 客人必须出示行李寄存单的下半联部分来取行李。 If the guest store his luggage in the hotel when he check out, we should ask him if he needs a new reservation for our hotel. 如果客人离店后将行李存在酒店,行李员要询问客人是否需要预定房间。

TRAINING QUESTIONS问题 Why do I need to explain this to the guest? 为什么要给客人解释如何取行李呢 ? Can I trust the guest and hand over luggage to them without the tag? 我们能不收回行李寄存单就把行李给客人吗? Doorman – Guest Arrival

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