
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit4更新完毕开始阅读

… … ―swifter, higher, stronger‖; Answers for reference: Open.

Text B

Section A Key Words and Expressions Key Words: flash vt. spin v. consultant n. champion n. initial a. compete vi. narrowly ad. confess vt. feature vt. trip vi. barrier n. crawl vi. applause n. flash vt. 1. show sth. for a short time 闪现

e.g. She flashed a shy smile at him as he passed by.

2. make a sudden bright light with 使闪耀,使闪光 e.g. Flash your light about and see if anyone is hiding here.


spin v. (span or spun, spun) turn round and round fast快速旋转

e.g. 1. We span the coin to decide who would take the only free ticket we got for the movie. 2. The propeller started to spin around.


consultant n. [(to)] a person who gives expert advice to a person or organization on a particular subject


e.g. 1. To improve our products, we need to employ a design consultant. 2. Shirley’s brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.


champion n. a person who has won a competition of skill, strength, etc., esp. a sporting competition(尤指体育比赛中的)冠军,优胜者 e.g. 1. If our team defeats yours, we’ll be the champions.

2. She knows that becoming world champion is going to be a long haul.


initial a. happening at the beginning; first开始的;最初的

e.g. 1. After she had overcome her initial shyness, she calmed down and felt quite at ease. 2. We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year.


compete vi. [(with, against, for)] try to win sth. in competition with sb. else [常与with, against



e.g. 1. The two athletes from the same country are competing for the gold medal. 2. These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally.


narrowly ad. by only a small margin; only just 勉强地;仅仅

e.g. 1. He accidentally fell into the lake and narrowly escaped drowning. 2. The car narrowly missed a cyclist.


confess vt. admit sth. that one feels embarrassed about 坦白;承认(尴尬的事情) e.g. 1. I must confess that I didn’t believe you at first. 2. Most people confess to a bad memory.


feature vt. include or show sth. as a special or important part of sth. 以……为特色,是……的特色

e.g. 1. The exhibition features paintings by young female artists.

2. The hour-long program featured highlights from recent games.


trip vi. [(over)] catch one’s foot (in or on sth.) and lose one’s balance [常与over连用]绊倒 e.g. 1. Move the box to the corner or someone might trip over it.

2. He tried to follow Jack’s footsteps in the snow and tripped on a rock.


barrier n. sth. that is used to prevent or control people’s movement 障碍物;关卡 e.g. 1. Show your ticket at the barrier before you board the train. 2. The demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers.


crawl vi. move slowly with the body close to the ground, or on the hands and knees 爬行 e.g. 1. The lovely baby is crawling on the carpet.

2. I began to crawl on my hands and knees towards the door.


applause n. [U] loud praise for a performance or performer, esp. by striking the hands together; clapping 鼓掌,掌声

e.g. 1. There was loud applause when the famous singer appeared onto the stage. 2. The speaker was received with a mixture of applause and hisses.


Expressions: rise to one’s feet bring out take shape cling to 18

bring up come in… like crazy squeeze in put in fill in for in an emergency capitalize on rise to one’s feet stand up 站起来

e.g. 1. After telling us what to do next, the teacher rose to his feet and left the laboratory. 2. Rise to your feet when the visitor comes in.


bring out cause to be seen; make clear 发挥;显示出

e.g. 1. Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a person’s best qualities. 2. I want to bring out clearly all the issues that are involved.


take shape develop towards completion 形成,成形

e.g. 1. After some discussion our vacation plans were taking shape. 2. The new building is beginning to take shape.


cling to be unwilling to get rid of sth., or stop doing sth. 坚持;不愿放弃

e.g. 1. He clung to the hope that his daughter would be cured even though doctors had told him

it was impossible.

2. It is dangerous to cling to outdated ideas and theories.


bring up educate and care for (a child) 养育,教养(孩子) e.g. 1. George was brought up in London by his wealthy uncle.

2. Bringing up a handicapped child can be a long and hard road.


come in … finish in the stated place in a race or competition (比赛中)获得……名次 e.g. 1. I bet that the black horse will come in first in the race.

2. He came in third in the hundred-meter dash. 在百米竞赛中他跑了第三名。

like crazy infml wildly and very actively〖非正式〗发狂似地;拼命地

e.g. 1. Ben got up later than usual; he had to drive like crazy to get to his office on time. 2. You’ll have to work like crazy to get this finished.


squeeze in find time or space for 为……挤出时间(空间)

e.g. 1. I have a tight schedule for this week; I can’t squeeze in any other activities. 2. There were already ten people in the lift, but he managed to squeeze in.



put in do (work) or spend (time), esp. for a purpose(为某一目的)干(活),花费(时间) e.g. 1. He puts in half an hour on his English studies every morning.

2. His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he’d put in during training.


fill in for take sb.’s place 代替

e.g. 1. The teacher was sick and Mr. Shaw filled in for her.

2. Can you fill in for me for a few minutes? I have to run an errand.


in an emergency if there is an emergency 在紧急情况下 e.g. 1. Many people are at a loss what to do in an emergency. 2. The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency.


capitalize on use to one’s advantage (为自己的利益而)利用

e.g. 1. The young man capitalized on every chance he got to improve his oral English.

2. Do we have the capability to capitalize on the opportunities and mitigate the threats?


Section B Difficult Sentences

1. She answered simply and eloquently. ―Believe in your child,‖ she said. (Para. 4)

1) Explain the implied meaning of the sentence. Pay special attention to the italicized part. Key: It is wise for parents to support their children’s dream and have complete confidence in their ability to succeed.

2) Translate this sentence into Chinese.

Key: 她的回答简单却极具说服力。―相信你的孩子吧,‖ 她这样说。

2. But being able to dream is the first step on every road to success — even if the initial dream

eventually leads to a different road. (Para. 5)

1) Explain the implied meaning of the sentence. Pay special attention to the italicized part. Key: Having a dream is the first step on the road to success, no matter what outcomes it may lead to.

2) Translate this sentence into Chinese.

Key: 但是,梦想是通向成功的第一步 —— 哪怕当初的梦想最终让孩子走向另一条不同的道路。

3. He leaned on his father, and the two limped to the finish line together, to deafening applause.

(Para. 12)

1) Explain the implied meaning of the sentence. Pay special attention to the italicized part. Key: The spectators were greatly moved by the true sportsmanship shown by Derek Redmond and they cheered him enthusiastically for his courage and dedication. 2) Translate this sentence into Chinese.

Key: 他倚靠着自己的父亲,父子俩蹒跚而行,直到终点,观众的掌声震耳欲聋。

