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Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book Three

Unit Four: Sports

Part I Get Started

Section A Discussion

▇ Work in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions. 1. What’s your favorite sport? Why do you like it?

2. Which Olympic champion(s) has / have impressed you the most? Why? 3. Why are the Olympic Games so popular all over the world?

▇ Answers for reference: 1. A sample answer:

I am fond of swimming, which benefits me a lot. It keeps me fit, physically flexible and strong as well. It also builds up my endurance and persistence. I’m a member of our school’s swimming team. Participation in swimming contests has made me both competitive and cooperative. Meanwhile, I have made friends with many other swimmers. 2. A sample answer:

Liu Xiang impressed me most. He was the gold medalist of the men’s 110-meter hurdles in the Olympic Games in Athens, 2004. It was the first gold medal won by a man of yellow skin in the short distance race in the history of the Olympics. 3. A sample answer:

a. The Olympic Games offers excellent sportsmen worldwide a big arena in which to demonstrate their talent in athletic performance. It also provides people with an opportunity to enjoy the performances and witness the thrilling moments of record-breaking in history. b. The competition for the medals in every event is fierce and breathtaking, but it is carried out under the rules of fair play. The Olympics is also an occasion to uphold the human ideals of equality, cooperation and peace.

c. The Olympic motto ―Swifter, Higher and Stronger‖ inspires both athletes and common folks alike to outperform themselves so as to fulfill their dreams.

Section B Quotes

▇ Study the following quotes about sports. Which quote do you like best? Why?

George F. Will

⊙ Sports serve society by providing vivid examples of excellence.

— George F. Will


In the sports circle we find distinguished men and women who, with their athletic skills, sportsmanship and undaunted spirit, provide perfect examples for people of different walks of life who wish to excel others and prove their own value.


About George F. Will (1942- ): a well-known American editor and columnist. His newspaper column appears in 480 newspapers, and his biweekly Newsweek column is widely read. He is also a political commentator on ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation). In 1977 he won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary.

Bill Bowerman

⊙ The athlete makes himself; the coach doesn’t make the athlete.

— Bill Bowerman


Bill Bowerman tells us from his own experience that the making of a successful athlete does not depend solely on the coach. No athlete can excel others if he or she does not train hard and strive for excellence.

About Bill Bowerman (1911-1999): a legendary coach at the University of Oregon. He developed and guided 24 NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association (美国全国高等院校体育协会)] individual champions, won four national team titles and coached the U.S. track and field team in the 1972 Olympic Games. In 16 of his 24 years at Oregon his track teams finished in the top ten in the NCAA championships. He is also famous for turning the college town of Eugene, Oregon, into the running capital of the world.

Juan Antonio Samaranch

⊙ Throughout its history, the International Olympic Committee has struggled to spread its ideal of fraternity, friendship, peace and universal understanding.

— Juan Antonio Samaranch


Samaranch speaks of the mission of the International Olympic Committee, which is to promote peace, understanding, brotherhood and friendship among people of different nations and countries.

About Juan Antonio Samaranch (1920-2010): a well-known Spanish sports official and was President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from 1980 to 2001. During his presidency, he managed to make the Olympic Movement financially healthy, with big television deals and sponsorships.

⊙ The goal of Olympism is to place everywhere sport at the service of the harmonious (和谐的) development of man, with a view to (旨在) encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society


concerned with the preservation (维护) of human dignity. To this effect, the Olympic Movement engages, alone or in cooperation with other organizations and within the limits of its means, in actions to promote peace.

— From The Olympic Charter


In this quote from the Olympic Charter, the goal of the Olympics is made clear: Sports should serve the harmonious development of mankind, and sports should help build up world peace.

Section C Watching and Discussion

▇ Watch the following video clip “Inspirational Sport Speeches” and do the tasks that follow:

1. Please decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F) based on the information in the video clip.

( F ) Winning a game is done by having nothing in your mind.

( T ) To play well in a game, you need to cooperate with your team members. ( T ) Being confident and working hard are necessary to be winners. ( T ) You should keep moving forward no matter what happens. ( F ) In a game, you might get hit and die.

2. Did anyone say any encouraging words to you and help you to achieve your goal? Or did you find any inspirational words which contribute to your achievement? Please share them with your classmates.

Answers for reference: Open.


Great moments are born from great opportunity.

You shouldn’t have any doubt in your mind about what you are supposed to do tonight and about how you are supposed to do it. This is your time. Now, I don’t want them to gain another yard. We gotta go out there and we gotta take it. Take their game and you shove it right back in their face. That’s how winning is done.

Team is something you belong to, something you feel, something you have to earn. If we don’t come together, it’s over. And I guarantee a week won’t go by in your life you won’t regret, walking out letting them get the best of you.

I’ll ask you one last time. To be the best that you could be. Play like champions. Win. It’s about heart. It’s about who can go out there and play the hardest. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. I don’t care what the scoreboard says at the end of the game. In my book we’re gonna be winners.

In any fight it’s the guy who’s willing to die, willing to take the hits, who’s going to win that inch.

Let me tell you something, you don’t let anyone, nothing, come between us. On this team we fight and we shut them down, because we can.

Part II Listen and Respond

Section A Word Bank


tip n. [C] a helpful piece of advice忠告;建议 take advantage of use a particular situation to do or get what one wants利用 ideally ad. perfectly; most suitably 理想地;完美地 aerobic exercise a type of exercise intended to strengthen the heart and lungs 有氧健身运动 start off begin an activity 开始 endurance n. [U] the ability to suffer difficulties or pain with strength and patience (忍)耐力 workout n. a period of physical exercise that one does to keep fit 锻炼,训练 hydrate vt. [often pass.] supply sb./sth. with water to keep them healthy and in good condition [常用被动语态]提供或补充水分 fluid n. [C; U] tech a liquid〖术语〗流体;液(体) faint a. weak and about to lose consciousness虚弱得发晕的 Section B Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas

▇ Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage.

1. Jogging is a good way to exercise because ________. A) it is healthier than any other type of exercise B) it is less tiring than any other type of exercise C) it does not need special equipment D) it does not need a lot of time or effort

2. When you start jogging, you should ________. A) jog with somebody else

B) keep a suitable pace until you are strong enough C) keep jogging for more than an hour

D) push yourself a bit hard to test your endurance

3. To increase your jogging pace, you may choose to jog ________. A) uphill B) downhill

C) on a flat surface

D) uphill, then downhill

4. It is a good suggestion to ________.

A) start jogging even if you have a full stomach B) drink cold water if you jog on hot days

C) stop jogging if the weather is too cold or too hot D) breathe through your nose in cold weather 5. This passage is mainly about ________. A) the benefits of exercise B) the advantages of jogging C) some useful tips for jogging D) ways of keeping fit

▇ Key:

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C

