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1. True friendship lasts forever . 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed .

3. Friendship is like money ,easier made than kept . 4. Everything is good when new ,but friend when old . 5. A life without a friend is a life without the sun . 6. Tall trees catch much wind .

7. Red clouds in the east ,rain the next day . 8. After black clouds comes clear weather . 9. A good winter brings a good summer . 10. East or west ,home is best . 11. Each day brings its own bread . 12. Better to ask the way than go astray .

13. Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages . 14. Life lies in movement 15. Never say die .

16. To a young heart everything is sport . 17. Not every ball hits .

二、作文 一. My friend

二. 假如你是李阳,是某旅游公司的一名导游,陪同某国际旅游

团游览长城,下车前你准务给大家作必要的介绍和交代,请写一个口头通知,要求包括以下要点: 1. 长城介绍

2. 在长城逗留2小时,10点离开 3. 车在入口处等候,记住车号,准时返回

4. 贵重物品随身携带,下车前关上车窗,祝大家玩得愉快。 注意: 不要逐条翻译,要点清楚,语句连贯,80词左右。 Keywords :

A history of over 2000 years 6000 kilometers long 7meters high stay at the entrance


1.humorous A. hard- working 2.reply B. mad 3. diligent….. C. funny 4. crazy D. thankful 5.grateful E .answer 1.impolite A.go or come after 2.abroad B. not polite 3. distance ….. C. way ,mode ,manner

4. confuse D.space between two points or places 5.follow E .to or in a foreign country 6. style F. make sb. Unable to think clearly

1.cheer A. special ,different from others 2.national B. show good wish by shouting 3. particular ….. C. of a nation or country 4. pastime D.come into being

5.originate E .something that makes time pass pleasantly 四、句子翻译

1. 你练得越多,口语提高得就越快。

2. 我没钱了,所以昨天去了趟银行。

3. 不要花太多的时间看电视,那是在浪费时间

4. 海南是一个潜水的好地方。

5. 多么精彩的晚会!它值得我一生怀念。

6. For your next trip ,why not visit Bangkok ?

7. The more you see ,the more you want to see.

8. The best time to visit temples is early morning .

9. You can see all kinds of flowers in Bangkok because it is warm all the year round .

10. They sit under the moon ,eating ,drinking and listening to the sea.

11. 只要你及时归还,你就可以用我的自行车。(as long as

12. 对别人微笑,别人也会以微笑回报你。(in return )

13. 当朋友处于困境时,不要离开他们(be in trouble )

14. 你不必总为孩子们担心。(worry about )

15. 慢慢地,他们成了好朋友。(bit by bit )

16. 这本小说很值得一读。(be well worth doing)

17. 学习英语的最佳途径是多听多读。(the best way to )

18. 如果你累了,为什么不休息一会儿?(why not )
