
发布时间 : 星期五 文章黑龙江省哈尔滨市名校2019-2020年英语八上期中模拟试卷(16份试卷合集)更新完毕开始阅读

正确率: 82%, 易错项: A 58. D

正确率: 87%, 易错项: C 59. B

正确率: 86%, 易错项: A 60. A

正确率: 81%, 易错项: C 56. 细节题。

根据文章第一段there are people who don't eat meat.They're called vegetarians. 故正确答案为B。 57. 细节题。

根据主旨句Vegetarianism seems to be being more popular in China. 可知, 故C项正确。 58. 细节题。

根据 They will sometimes eat “burgers”made out of tofu.可知, 故D项正确。 59. 细节题。

根据文章最后的Vegans usually choose this lifestyle because they don’t want to hurt animals. 故正确答案为B。 60. 推断题。

本文I'm not a vegetarian myself,故正确答案为A。


Do you have friends or relatives who live in other parts of China?For example,perhaps you live in Beijing,but you have cousins in Chongqing.But luckily,if you want to call them on the phone or do a radio chay with them,you don’t have to worry about which time zones you’re in.this is because almost all of China follows a single standard time.

But some countries have many different time zones,For example,the US alone has five different time zones.My hometown is in the Eastern Time Zone.But my friends in California are in the Pacific Time Zone,which is three hours behind my time zone.So if I want to call them,I have to schedule it with them ahead of time to make sure we’re both available at the same time.

Actually,there is one exception in China when it es to time zones:the XinJiang Uygur autonomous region.In this region,people either follow Beijing Time when making plans with each other. For the first year I lived in China,I would often get phone calls from my mother very late at night because she gorgot to consider the time difference.My hometown is exactly 12 hours behind

China time!But by now,my family,friends andI have gotten used to the difference. 61. In China,why don’t people have to worry about which time zone you’re in?


62.How many hours is the difference between the Eastern Time Zone and the Pacific Time Zone?


63.Do people in Xinjiang only follow BeijinG Time?


64.Why did the writer often get phone calls from his/her mother very late at night?


65.What’s the passage about?

(不超过5个单词) 【答案】

61.Because almost all of China follows a single standard time. 62.Three.

63.No,they don’t.

64.Because she gorgot to consider the time difference. 65.Time zones.


66. The Ordinary World is one of my favourite _________(小说)by Lu Yao. 67. It’s difficult __________(描述)what kind of person Tom is. 68. England is an _________(岛屿)country.

69. My grandparent lived in the countryside and ________(喂养)some chickens and pigs.

70. Lang Ping is a great volleyball ________(教练)in China. 【答案】66.novels 67.to describe 68.island 69.fed 70.coach 【解析】

66.one of+可数名词复数,所以填novels; 67.It’s +adj+to do sth.所以填to describe; 68.正确填写island皆可;

69.前文中lived是过去时态,保持时态一致,feed也要填写过去式fed; 70.正确拼写coach既可。


上周六,八年级三班的学生去郊外(suburbs)远足(go hiking),在回家的路上,李琳在树下发现了一只小鸟,它的翅膀(wing)受伤了,不能飞。李琳把它带回家,细心照顾它。现在小鸟好多了,她打算让它飞回蓝天,因为蓝天才是它真正的家。 请根据上述提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 要求:

1.短文除包括上述提示外,可适当发挥; 2.语句通顺,不必逐字翻译。





1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




21. ---Max is really _______ honest boy and never says a bad word ____anyone. A. an; about B. a; of C. a; with D. /; on

22 - I’m thirsty. Can I have ________to drink? ---Sure. What about _________ drink?

A. something; any B. anything, some C. something; some D. anything; any 2 3.People in the USA say “Movie” while people in Britain say _______.

A.fall B.film

C.fill D.autumn

24.Good friends should be honest, you can trust them because they never_______ .

A.help others B.tell lies

C.offer help D.say a good word

25. Would you please pass me the ________? I’d like to cut the paper into halves.

A. rope

B. glue C. tape

D. scissors

26.. You’d better _____________ your work without reading the instructions. A. not to begin B. not begin C. don’t begin D. to not begin 27.---When did your uncle ___________ Shanghai?

---On the evening of November 10.

A. arrive in B. arrived at C. got to D. reach to

28.Amy is helpful and willing to help people _________.

A. any time B. any times C. some times D. some time

29.Jack is __________than others, and he works ____________ than them.

A. clever; hard B. cleverer; hard C. clever, harder D. cleverer, harder 30 Alex often ______the fridge _____all kinds of food and drinks

A. fills ;with B. fill ;of C. fulls;with D. fulls ;of 三、完形填空 阅读短文,从所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

Students’ life in America

Students in America always have a busy but wonderful school day.
