北京市西城区2015-2016学年度七年级第一学期期末英语试卷 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期六 文章北京市西城区2015-2016学年度七年级第一学期期末英语试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

I really like meeting the people here. One man helps me make a vase out of earth to take home to Mom. The children invite me to their ball games. Sometimes I help Grandpa and his friends work in the fields. The whole time I feel as if I am part of a big family in our village in the sky. It is hard to leave my grandparentswhen my two weeks are over.

39. Who meets the writer at the airport? A. Grandma B. Grandpa C. The writer?s parents D. The village 40. The writer calls his visit “A Visit in the sky” because_____________. A. the village is on top of a tall hill B. the writer goes to visit by plane

C. the writer sees many birds living up there D. the life of people in the village is very different 41. The underlined word “pueblo” is the name for _____________. A. the game B. the village C. the hill D. the building 42. From the passage we know that ___________. A. the writer loves living in the village

B. the writer?s parents miss him very much

C. the people in the village like watching ball games

D. the people in the village make a living by making baskets


A cloud is water drops or small ice in the sky. There are many kinds of clouds. Clouds are an important part of Earth?s weather.

How Do Clouds Form?

The sky can be full of water. But most of the time you can?t see the water near the ground. It is usually in the form of water vapor and it is too small to see. When warm air goes higher in the sky, it gets large and cools down. Cool air can?t hold as much water vapor as warm air. Some of the vapor gets together in the air and forms a very small drop of water. When lots of these drops come together they become a cloud and then we can see it.

Why Do Clouds Turn Gray?

Clouds are made up of small water drops and small pieces of ice. The water and the ice look white in the sun light. If the clouds get thick enough of high enough all the light above does not make it through, then the clouds look gray or dark. Also, if there are lots of other clouds around, they look gray.

What Are Some Kinds of Clouds?

Clouds get their names in two ways. One way is by where they are in the sky. Some clouds are high up in the sky. Low clouds are near the ground. These clouds are called fog. Middle clouds are between low and high clouds. The other way clouds get their names is by their shapes.

What Makes Rain?

Most of the water in clouds is in very small drops. The drops are so light and they stay in the air. Sometimes those drops meet other drops. Then they turn into bigger drops and then they become too heavy. And finally they come down to Earth. We call the falling water drops “rain”. When the air is colder, the water may form snow.

Why Do People Study Clouds?

Clouds are important. Rain and snow are important for life on Earth. At night, clouds keep the ground warm. In the daytime, clouds can keep us cool. Studying clouds helps people better understand Earth?s weather. People use many things to study clouds.

43. From the passage we know that_____________ A. there are only two kinds of clouds B. clouds get their names in three ways

C. warm air can hold as much vapor as cold air D. most of the water in clouds is in very small drops 44. People study clouds to ___________. A. change Earth?s air B. learn what?s happening in the sky


C. know what?s in the sky D. better understand Earth?s weather 45. The best title of the passage is A. Kinds of Clouds B. What are clouds C. What makes rain D. How Clouds Help Us 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题 (每小题2分)

Jack is fourteen years old. He thinks he is a young man, but his parents think he is a still a boy. They say, “When you begin to think about helping others, you will be a young man.”

One morning, his parents give Jack some money to buy some milk at the store. He sees and old man there. The man looks very sad. Jack goes to him and asks, “Are you all right?”

The old man answer, “Yes, but I need something to eat.” “Then let?s go to the restaurant, ”says Jack.

When the waiter asks what they want, the old man says, “Just a glass of water.” “Do you want anything to ear?” asks the waiter.

The old man doesn?t answer, and Jack asks him, “Have you had your breakfast?” “No, I haven?t had any food and I don?t have any money,” answer the old man. The boy says to the waiter, “My friend wants to have bread and coffee.” “I?m giving you too much trouble,” says the old man

The old man eats quickly what the waiter gives him. “I?m fine now, ”he says. “I?ll never forget your kindness! You are a good young man.”

Jack is happy because the old man thinks he is a good man. 46. How old is Jack?

47. Does Jack buy any food for the old man? 48. Why is Jack happy?



49. Look at the photo of my family. One my right is my ['s?st?]________________. 50 There is a [m?p]__________ of the world on the wall in out classroom.

51. My mom usually buys me a birthday [ke?k]______________ on my birthday. 52. Tom?s uncle is a['d?kt?] _______________. He helps a lot of people. 十、根据中文意思和括号中的提示词语写句子(每小题2分)

53. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。(favourite subject) 54. 听!他们在唱歌。(listen) 55. 我们有时候在电脑上做作业。(sometimes, on the computer) 56. 现在该回学校了。(go back to) 十一、文段表达

57. 二十一世纪英文报以“My favourite School Day”为题举办征文活动。请结合自己的初一生活,描述一周中(周一至周五)你最喜欢的一天。你通常在这一天中做什么,有什么感受。要求:不少于50词

1. Which day is your favourite day from Monday to Friday? 2. What do you do on that day? 3. Why do you like that day?

提示词语:like, learn Chinese, read a book, do sports, interesting, happy, share





