安徽省2012年专升本英语词汇复习练习(Whole) - key

发布时间 : 星期四 文章安徽省2012年专升本英语词汇复习练习(Whole) - key更新完毕开始阅读

第9课时 (elegant ? favor)

I. 单词拼写

1. He was trying to e__________ me by asking me questions I couldn’t answer. 2. In an e__________, dial 911 for police, the fire department or an ambulance. 3. You should check all your electrical e__________ regularly. 4. Recycling paper and cans is an easy way to protect the e__________. 5. She tore open the e__________ and frantically read the letter. 6. Clothes, the e__________(皇帝) thought, made him what he was. 7. The e__________ was unable to explain why the cars were so slow.

8. To my surprise, many policemen were standing at the main e__________ to the school. 9. It’s your f__________(过错) that we’re late.

10. The e__________(展览) of works by the new painter opens next week. II. 介词填空

1. Nowadays, many marriages end __________ divorce. 2. The managers are enthusiastic __________ the new plan. 3. A pint is equal __________ about half a liter.

4. The classrooms are equipped __________ modern teaching facilities. 5. Her courage is an example __________ us all. 6. Please excuse me __________ being so late today. 7. Could you explain the rules __________ us all?

8. I’m not really familiar __________ her poetry, sorry to say. 9. He failed __________ his attempt to cross the desert.

10. Most of the members spoke __________ favor of the new plan. III. 单项选择

1. Your choice may make a difference in _____ life.

A. someone else A. employed A. spend A. entered

B. someone else’s B. equipped B. spending B. explored

C. else someone C. existed C. to spend C. excited

D. someone’s else D. favored D. are spending D. envied

D. extremely escaped D. extraordinarily D. Not exactly

2. The experts suggest that the new teaching methods be _____ in the classroom. 3. How do you enjoy _____ your weekends?

4. The woman _____ politics in 1996, and two years later she was made president. 5. He _____ death in the car accident.

A. escaped narrow B. narrowly escaped A. equally A. That’s it

B. especially B. It’s up to you

C. escaped extremely C. fairly C. No way

6. Families, _____ those with young children, benefit from the program. 7. ---You hate Jim, don’t you? ---_____. I just think he’s a bit annoying, that’s all.


8. The rich woman had nothing to do except _____ money.

A. spend A. how A. it

B. spending B. whether B. what

C. spent C. that

D. to spend D. / D. there

9. He’s never tried to hide the fact _____ he spent time in prison.

10. Do you expect _____ to be a chance that you can go abroad for further education?

C. when

IV. 选词填空 examine, exit, export, evidence, fare, favor, fall, explore, enjoyable, essay 1. When we camped in the sands, it grew colder as night __________. 2. The Canadian visitors decided to __________ Beijing by bike. 3. Many teachers think games can make learning more __________. 4. A one-week holiday in Majorca costs $779 including air __________. 5. A/An __________ differs in form from a poem. 6. Do you have __________ that this treatment works? 7. Experts who __________ the painting believe it is real.

8. An emergency __________ is a special door used only when there is a fire.

9. Wheat is one of the country’s chief __________ and is mostly sold to Asian countries. 10. Can I ask a/an __________ of you? Will you lend me your car? V. 句子翻译

1. 快点,否则你就要迟到了。(else)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 老师鼓励我们多练习。(encourage)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我们都羡慕他的新汽车。(envy)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 其它星球上有生命吗?(exist)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 言语无法表达我高兴的心情。(express)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 6. 他未能履行诺言。(fail)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 不要让婴儿受到强烈阳光的照射。(expose)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 8. 今年的国庆节恰逢星期天。(fall)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 9. 不要对我期望过高。(expect)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 10. 城里到处有炸弹爆炸。(explode)



(favorite -----fundamental)

I. 单词拼写

1. —What’s your f_________ color?

—I like blue best.

2. Jerry is very thin; she is as light as a f________ to carry. 3. Christmas is one of the main f__________ in Europe.

4. About 40 million f visited the US last year; they’re mostly from European countries. 5. As a f business traveler, I have spent many nights in hotel rooms. 6. Mother Kissed his f (前额) and cheeks. 7. We do not have the f to do just what we like. 8. The f (前任的)US president will give us a speech. 9. Many people have trouble sleeping after a long f (飞行). 10. Fifty f (渔民)were killed in the thunderstorm. II. 介词填空

1. The bird feeds mice and other small animals. 2. Do you feel another drink?

3. The slaves bravely fought their freedom. 4. Can you figure how to do it? 5. Don’t forget to fill the application form. 6. Jessie is fluent English and French. 7. She tried to focus her mind her work. 8. Joe’s quite fond Lily, isn’t he?

9. All our drinks are free artificial colorings. 10.The stores were filled shoppers. III. 单项选择

1. —I feel so bad about upsetting your plans. -Oh, .It really doesn’t matter.

A. come on B. forget it A. carry A. female A. are fit

A. Follow A. federal A. feels

B. fetch B. fond B. aren’t fit

C. go ahead D. it depends C. take C. final C. fit

D. obtain D. don’t fit D. don’t fit

2. Would you mind going to the kids from school? 3. We can advise the manager, but in the end, it is he who has the say. 4. The jacket’s fine, but the trousers .

5. The instructions very carefully when filling in the form.

B. Following C. Followed D. To follow B. fierce B. felt

C. friendly C. feeling

D. fundamental D. is to feeling

6. Because of competition ,prices of food are likely to drop. 7. It wonderful to lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. 8. It’s in this house. Can’t I turn on the heating?


A. freezing cold B. frozen cold C. freezing coldly D. frozen coldly 9. He hopes his wife can come back and make a start. A. foggy

B. fierce

C. fresh

D. flexible

10. , everything all right in the end. A. Fortunate; worked out C. Fortunately; figured out IV. 选词填空 Form fool forecast fear fee Fellow field fine firm function 1. Police that there may be further terrorist attacks. 2. The entrance to the park have gone up by 50%. 3. He said a named Leroy was the best pilot. 4. Cole is the most famous expert in the of engineering. 5. The driver was $300 for careless driving. 6. Corey was always a believer in God.

7. You can’t me –I know he’s already given you the money.

8. According to the weather , it’s going to stay hot for the rest of the week. 9. The alarm system was not when the paintings were stolen. 10.Love and trust should the basis of a marriage. V. 句子翻译

1. 你害怕什么? (frighten)

2. 他忘记关灯了.。 (forget)

3. 由于政治原因他被迫离开了祖国。(force)

4. 他把报纸叠起来递给了我。(fold)

5. 我不能把注意力集中在工作上。(focus)

6. 你们的结婚日期定了没有? (fix)

7. 这个大学由亨利建于1840年。(found)

8. 血从他额头上的伤口流出来。(flow)

9. 他不适合这个工作。(fit)

10. 汤姆还没有读完这本小说。(finish)


B. Fortunately; worked out D. Fortunately; figured out
