(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(三十五)记叙文型读写任务

发布时间 : 星期三 文章(广东专用)(新课标)高考英语二轮复习方案 专题限时训练(三十五)记叙文型读写任务更新完毕开始阅读

seldom wash dishes or do the cleaning.

It is, of course, not right for children not to take on any responsibilities in the household.As a family member, a child should help with the housework so that their parents can relax themselves after a long day's work.If a child takes his role in the housework, he will become sympathetic and considerate and would like to help others.I used to be rather lazy, not participating in any housework and did not understand my parents' hardship until one day I helped clean the house.From then on, I find it a pleasure to help others and I am proud to say I have grown up to be a person who can take on responsibilities both at home and at school.


One possible version:

This article is about how the birthday celebration comes and its traditions in Western countries, especially the unique ways people celebrate birthdays in Eastern Canada, Irish and Mexico.

I usually spend my birthday in my house and my parents usually cook a big meal for me and my friends come to my home to celebrate my birthday.But last month, I had a very unforgettable birthday.

That was Thursday so I still had to go to school.When I got home that evening after school, I found all my relatives waiting there for me.My mother had invited them all to come for a big birthday feast.It was great to be together with them again.And what a dinner it was! Everything was so tasty that I ate until I couldn't take another bite.The best birthday present was from my mother.It was a brand new bicycle!

Now you can see why I'll never forget this birthday of mine.


One possible version:

Peter found a wallet but didn't keep it for himself.Instead, he waited for the owner to return to get it.What's more, he refused the owner's reward.

What Peter did reminds me of a story that happened two years ago.My father had promised that if I got over 80 in my Chinese, maths and English exams, he would take me to travel to Japan during the summer vacation.I worked very hard for nearly four months and finally my hard work paid off.

However, when we were discussing the details of the plan, my father received a call from my aunt.He was told that my cousin had been admitted into a famous university in Beijing, but they could not afford to pay the university fees unless some relatives helped.I really wanted to go to Japan, but decided to give up my trip and give the money to my cousin instead.

When my cousin left for Beijing in September, I could tell from his sweet smile that I had made a correct decision.
