2019年中考英语真题 分类 专题20.1 补全对话(选择型)(第01期)(解析版)

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019年中考英语真题 分类 专题20.1 补全对话(选择型)(第01期)(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

W: Have you seen a doctor? M: Yes. ___59___ W: What did the doctor do with the cut? M: ___60___ W: Oh! Don't touch water. And you will be better soon. M: OK. Thank you! W: You are welcome.

A. How long have you been like this? B. Is it serious? C. I cut my finger yesterday. D. What happened? E. He washed the cut, put some medicine on it and then put a bandage on it. F. Take these medicine three times a day. G. My wife drove me to the hospital. 【答案与解析】


56. C 细节理解题。根据上文的句子What's the matter with you? 你怎么了?可知,下文应该解释你看

起来糟透了的原因。结合所给的选项可知,选择I cut my finger yesterday.我昨天割伤了手指。符合语境。故选C。

57. D 细节理解题。根据下文的句子I cut myself by accident while I was making dinner.我做饭时不小心

割伤了自己。可知,上文应该问怎么弄的?结合所给的选项可知,选择What happened?怎么搞的?符合语境。故选D。

58. B 细节理解题。根据下文的句子Yes, it’s kind of serious. 是的,有点严重。可知,上文应该问受伤

的程度。结合所给的选项可知,选择Is it serious?严重吗?符合语境。故选B。

59. G 细节理解题。根据上文的句子Have you seen a doctor? 你看过医生吗?和Yes.可知,我去了医院。

那么下文应该解释怎么去的医院。结合所给的选项可知,选择My wife drove me to the hospital.我妻子开车送我去的医院。符合语境。故选G。

60. E 细节理解题。根据上文的句子What did the doctor do with the cut? 医生对伤口做了什么处理?可

知,下文应该解释处理的方法。结合所给的选项可知,选择He washed the cut, put some medicine on it and then put a bandage on it.他洗了伤口,在上面敷了些药,然后用绷带包扎。符合语境。








Passage 8(2019 ?江西省)


(Amy and Cindy are talking on the phone. A=Amy C=Cindy) A: Hello.

C: Hello. Can I speak to Amy, please? A: ___54___ C: Oh, Amy. Where have you been? I've been trying to call you on your mobile phone all day.

A: I'm sorry. I've been shopping in Mong Kok. You know how noisy Mong Kok is. I must have missed your calls. ___55___ C: I wanted to ask you to go shopping with me. Well, did you buy anything? A: Oh yes, lots of things. I bought two T-shirts, a pair of jeans. ____56____ C: A Hello Doggy hair band? But you have short hair! What do you need a hair band for? And didn't you say you hated Hello Doggy?

A: I know, but it was really good value- only 30 dollars. ___57___ I can give it to somebody who likes Hello Doggy.

C: Who are you going to give it to?

A: Hmm…I'm still thinking. If I can’t think of anyone, I'll start growing my hair. ___58___ OK, my parents are back. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

C: Bye.

A. Speaking. B. That’s half price. C. It's so expensive. D. Then I can use it myself. E. Oh, why did you call me? F. Do you need a Hello Doggy hair band? G. I also bought a Hello Doggy hair band. 【答案与解析】

【文章大意】这是一组艾米和森碟打电话时的对话,艾米在购物,她买了一个Hello Doggy发带,森碟问她短发为什么要买发带,并且她也不喜欢Hello Doggy,艾米说因为价格便宜,只是一半的价格,她可以送人,也可以留长发自己戴。

54. A 根据Hello. Can I speak to Amy, please? 和C: Oh, Amy.以及选项,可知艾米说“我是艾米”,这是


55. E 根据You know how noisy Mong Kok is. I must have missed your calls.和 I wanted to ask you to go

shopping with me.以及选项,可知问你为什么给我打电话;故选E。

56. G 根据A Hello Doggy hair band?和选项,可知是我也想买一个Hello Doggy的发带;故选G。 57. B 根据but it was really good value- only 30 dollars.和选项,可知是说那是半价;故选B。 58. D 根据If I can’t think of anyone, I'll start growing my hair.和选项,可知是说我自己用它;故选D。

Passage 9(2019 ?广安市)

根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出最佳选项,使对话完整通顺,并将其选项转涂到答题卡上相应的位置。其中有一项为多余选项。 A: ___36___. B: Yes, I'd like to buy a coat. A: What size do you take? B: ___37___. A: How about this one?

B: Sorry, ___38___Do you have a brown one? A: Sure, here you are.

B: I like it very much.___39___

A: 180 yuan. B: It's too expensive.

A: There's a sale on today.___40___ B: OK, I'll take it. A.I don't like green B. Can I help you? C. Everything is half price. D. What's the price? E. Small. F. What's the matter? 【答案与解析】

【文章大意】这是情境对话, 关于购物。B想买件上衣,A问需要什么尺码的?B回答小号的,然后进行询问价格,最后半价买了一件棕色的。

36. B 根据下句Yes, I'd like to buy a coat.可知,此处应为售货员的常用语,我能帮助你吗?此空填Can

I help you?故选B。

37. E 根据上句What size do you take?可知,是在询问尺码,故答案为小的,此空填Small.故选E。 38. A 根据空前sorry和下句Do you have a brown one?可知,是不想要这个,此处是我不喜欢绿色。此

空填I don't like green.故选A。

39. D 根据“180 yuan.”可知B是在询问价格,此处的意思是价格是多少?此处应填 What's the price?


40. C 根据上句There is a sale on today 今天有个减价可知,此空是减价,降价的意思,此空填一切都

是半价的Everything is half price.故选C。

Passage 10(2019 ?甘肃省敦煌市)

阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合理 (其中有两项为多余选项)

(Mr. Smith is giving a class, Suddenly some bottles drop out of Nancy's desk, S is for Mr. Smith;N is for Nancy)
