
发布时间 : 星期三 文章pep六年级英语下册Recycle1教案更新完毕开始阅读


内容可参考:where did you go on the holiday? how far is … from …?

what’s the weather like in …?共7页,当前第3页1234567 what did you do there?

do you like taking a trip/ hearing good news? 3. 新课呈现(presentation)

(1) 教师:i have 2 pieces of news for you. one is good the other one is bad. which one do you want to listen first? 在黑板的两侧分别板书:bad news 和good news。接着介绍:the bad news is i was false in the examination last year. the good one is i worked hard than before then i passed the examination this year.

(2) 请学生讲几条bad news,鼓励全班大胆设想,把bad news变成good news。

如:s1: it’s rainy today but i have no umbrella. s2:i have an umbrella, i can go home with you. s3: your dad will give you a lift/

s4: you can enjoy the city view in the rain.



教师鼓励学生创造性地表达,并适时对学生进行辩证主义教育。 (3)教师从学生讲述bad news 引入“mike lost his backpack ”这则故事,并提问:what happened next? how did a bad thing turn into a good thing? 学生阅读短文后尝试回答该问题。

(4)教师放录音,学生静听两遍后完成read and tick or cross 部分的练习。

(5)学生再阅读课文,提出不明白的句子,教师解惑答疑。 (6)学生小组讨论完成good news and bad news game. let’s sing

教师放歌曲i went on a holiday的录音,略讲歌词大意,学生跟唱。 4、巩固延伸



课 题六年级下册recycle 1( 第四课时 )

教学目标1.能够综合运用所学句型描述自己的旅行经历。 2.能听懂,说唱let’s chant。






教具准备1. 教师准备本课时的动词卡片和旅行活动照片或图片。

2. 教师准备地名卡片若干。 3. 教师准备录音机和相关录音带。 导 学 过 程二 次 备 课 教学过程:

1. 热身(warm-up)

(1)播放歌曲i went on a holiday 学生跟唱。

(2)golden eyes:出示5~6张活动短语(如:went to a nature park saw flowers ate fresh fish bought folk clothes stayed at the village),让学生看几秒后拿走,说出看到的短语,说得又多又快的为胜。 2. 预习(preview)

单词大搜索。将全班分成若干小组,给出几个topic(如nature park city



countryside)让每组选择一个topic,在规定时间内写出相关的词语。 3. 新课呈现(presentation) read and wite

(1) 教师出示一个动词卡片(如:take),提问:what did you do on your holiday? 学生根据教师的提示,集体回答:i took pictures on my holiday.最后出示动词write,引导学生回答:i wrote the post card.

(2) 教师展示几幅卡通人物(或学生)旅行活动的照片、图片等,提问:what did …do on his holiday? 学生回答后教师由此创设情景:… enjoy his holiday. he wants to write a postcard to his friend. help him please. 鼓励学生以group work的形式讨论。教师概括中心语言,板书。如:we stayed at…. we bought…. we went to…. we ate….共7页,当前第4页1234567

(3) pair work. 同桌分别选择一份不完整的postcard(或者是mike的或者是kathy的),限时完成。

(4) information gap. 前后桌同学(必须是持不同的postcard)之间,互相询问,完成各自没完成的那份postcard。如: mike: what did you eat on monday kathy? kathy: where did you go ?


