
发布时间 : 星期六 文章报检实务(第二版)课后习题答案更新完毕开始阅读

C.一个方便面,调料包两包、叉子一把 D.一个礼盒,一块巧克力、一个塑料玩具

3.关于商品编码6107110000和6107120000,以下表述正确的有( abcd )。 A.均属于H.S的第11类 B.均属于H.S的第61章 C.两者的品目号相同 D.两者的子目号不同

4.关于商品编码2002101000和2002909000所对应的货物,以下表述正确的有(bc )。 A.均需实施进境动植物、动植物产品检疫 B.均不实施进口商品检验

C.均需实施进口食品卫生监督检验 D.均需实施出境动植物、动植物产品检疫 5.商品编码9503008900对应的货物需实施( bcd )。 A.海关与检验检疫联合监管 B.民用商品入境验证 C.出口商品检验 D.进口商品检验 ◎判断题

1.每一种商品都能准确地归入一个H.S编码的品目号下。( )

2.H.S编码的品目号由四位数字组成,子目号由六位数字组成。( )

3.H.S分类目录的类注释、章注释和子目注释是H.S不可分割的部分,与H.S品目条文一样具有同等效力。( )

4.H.S的编排结构是将所有国际贸易商品按生产部门分为22类,在各类内,基本上按照同一起始原料或同一类型的产品设章,共有98章。( )

5.H.S类、章和子目注释与H.S税目条文一样,具有同等法律效力。( )

6.H.S类、章及分章的标题,仅为查找方便而设,具有法律效力的归类,应按税目条文和有关类注或章注确定。( )

7.在进口或出口时,具备不完整品或未制成品基本特征的未制成品,按照完整品进行归类。( ) 8.如果货物看起来可以归入两个或两个以上税目,应该从后归类。( ) 9.与照相机一同进口的照相机套,应该与照相机一并归类。( )

10.我国进出口商品编码第5、6位数级子目号列为H.S子目,第7、8位数级子目号列为本国子目。( ) 1.对 2.对 3.对 4.对 5.对 6.对 7.对 8.错 9.对 10.对





参考答案:须遵循商品归类申报规范。 ◎技能应用


1.包心鱼丸,1 000克/袋,配料:鳗鱼肉、面粉、猪肉、河蟹、香菇(重量配比分别为:50%、20%、20%、5%和5%)。制作过程中,将鳗鱼肉与面粉混合,加水搅拌,揉捏成丸状,将猪肉和香菇剁碎做馅,煮熟,冷却后袋装速冻。

2.羊驼毛皮床毯,由8块经过处理的羊驼的毛片缝制而成。 3.男式全棉灯芯绒(机织)休闲西服上装。 4.棒棒糖。


1、1604.2099 2、4303.9000 3、6203.3200 4、1704.9000 5、2530.9020 ◎综合实务



任务1:要认知,要“识货”。 任务2:套用六大归类总规则。 任务3:找出税则号。

任务4:利用Internet确定海关监管条件。 参考答案

操作1:识货。汽车车辆类?货车?机动车?混凝土车?混凝土搅拌车 操作2:可套用规则三(一)“具体列名” 操作3:归出税则号87054000

操作4:.http://shanghai.customs.gov.cn/default.aspx 上海海关网?查询→商品编码查询→输入商品编码,可知该混凝土搅拌车的海关监管条件为:“AB6O”。A(入境货物通关单)、B(出境货物通关单)、6(旧机电产品禁止进口)、O(自动进口许可证)。对于本例来说只需要“AO”。

第10章 报检基础英语



1.We refuse to ( a )the commodity for its poor quality. A.accpet B.accepted C.be accepted D.have accepted 2.This certficate is vaild( b )60 days. A.to B.for C.ill D.with

3.( c )package will result in the damage to the goods during the long-distance transportaion. A.Suitable B.Good C.Improper D.Strong

4.According to the contract,transshipment is not( b ). A.allowing B.allowed C.being allowed D.allow

5.The products were processed,packed,stowed and transported( a ) the food hygienic requirements. A.under B.in C.on D.by

6.The product was inspected and quarantined by the competent authority,in accordance( d ) the relevant regulations.

A.on B.to C.for D.with

7.The sample is of no ( a )value.

A.commercial B.commerce C.comet D.commence

8.The goods were packed ( c )plywood cases,with gunnies covering the outside. A.about B.on C.in D.up

9.The representative samples were ( c )at random. A.being drawn B.drawing C.drawn D.draw 10.The total ( d ) of the goods is $20,000. A.quantity B.weight C.quality D.value ◎汉译英

1.“Certificate of Quality”正确的翻译为( a )。

A.品质证书 B.原产地证书 C.熏蒸证书 D.植物检疫证书 2.“date of shipment”正确的翻译为(b )。

A.生产日期 B.装船日期 C.卸货日期 D.进口日期 3.“freight”正确的翻译为( d )。

A.飞机 B.飞行 C.空运 D.运费 4.“wharf”正确的翻译为( c )。

A.仓库 B.货物 C.码头 D.港口 5.“purchase”正确的翻译为( d )。

A.批发 B.销售 C.推销 D.购买 6.“container”正确的翻译为( d )。

A.机舱 B.船舱 C.车厢 D.集装箱


7.“Brazil”正确的翻译为( a )。

A.巴西 B.巴拿马 C.比利时 D.英国 8.“agent”正确的翻译为( c )。

A.买方 B.卖方 C.代理商 D.生产商 9.“invoice”正确的翻译为( c )。

A.报检单 B.合同 C.发票 D.装箱单 10.“treatment”正确的翻译为( d )。 A.熏蒸 B.除虫 C.消毒 D.处理 ◎英译汉

1.“索赔”正确的翻译为( a )。

A.claim B.calm C.clean D.clear 2.“进口”正确的翻译为(c)。

A.port B.export C.import D.income 3.“意大利”正确的翻译为( d )。

A.Ireland B.Iceland C.India D.Italy 4.“信用证”正确的翻译为( c )。

A.packing list B.sales contract C.letter of credit D.sales confirmation 5.“运输工具”正确的翻译为(b )。

A.send B.conveyance C.sail D.tool 6.“发货人”正确的翻译为( b )。

A.consignee B.consignor C.centre D.contract 7.“启运口岸”正确的翻译为( a )。

A.port of dispatch B.port of arrival C.port of destination D.port of origin 8.“包装”正确的翻译为( a )。

A.package B.commodity C.weight D.quantity 9.“交货”正确的翻译为( a )。

A.delivery B.decrease C.payment D.buy 10.“数量”正确的翻译为( b )。

A.quality B.quantity C.qualify D.quarter

◎Write out the word with the first letter given in each blank space.

As soon as an o ffer is accepted by the customer the exporter sends him a contract to c onfirm the sale. In so doing, some Chinese import and export corporations use a sales confirmation. B oth are documents in the nature of a contract. Usually a sales contract or sales confirmation contains some general terms and conditions as well as the s pecific terms which vary with the c ommodity , but such details a a the names of seller and buyer , descriptions of goods , quantity , unit price , total amount , terms of delivery , terms of payment , port of shipment and destination and so on are i ndispensable . The sales contract or sales confirmation is normally made out in two originals one for the e xporter himself and t he other for his customer .The number of copies may be decided according to need. Signing a sales contract or a sales confirmation means c onclusion of business in written form .



以下是一份单据的部分内容,请从各题给出的答案选项中选出最适合的答案。 Sales Contract



China National Cereals,Oils & Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation,Shenzhen Branch,hereinafter called the ( ),agree to sell and China Native Products,INC,Los Angeles,California,( ), hereinafter called the Buyers,agree to buy the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated ( ):

1.Name of Commodity & Specifications:ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber 50 tins*200 grams 2.Quantity and Weight:100 Cartons/1 000kg.


3. ( )Price:C&F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco US$20.00 per carton. 4.Amount:US$2 000.00

5.Time of shipment:During Oct./Nov.,2012. 6. ( ):In Cartons.

7.Marks & Nos.: ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber NO.1-100

8.Loading( ) and Destination:From Shenzhen,China to Los Angeles or San Francisco. 9.Insurance:To be ( ) by the Buyers. 10.Terms of Payment :To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable( ),for the total value of goods in US$2 000.00,( )10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellers’s option,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides.

11.Inspection:Certificate of quality & weight and phytosanitary certificate ( )by China Entry & Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall be provided to the Buyers.The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final.

1. A.Buyers B.Importers C.Sellers D.Shippers 2. A.China B.Germany C.Japan D.U.S. 3. A.on B.below C.in D.there 4. A.Buying B.Selling C.Total D.Unit

5. A.Packing B.Loading C.Shipping D.Specifications 6. A.Vessel B.Port C.Town D.Cargo 7. A.accepted B.covered C.mailed D.sent

8. A.Contract B.Bill of Lading C.Letter of Credit D.Packing List 9. A.allowing B.deducting C.indicating D.prohibiting 10. A.inspected B.issued C.printed D.stamped ◎综合实务判断题

请根据所提供的单据判断填制“出境货物报检单”有关内容的正误。 SALES CONFIRMATION

NO.: MH2009-1058 DATE: July3rd,2012

The Buyer:Thunderain Worldwide Import & Export Corporation,Buenos Aires,Argentina The seller: Shanghai Red Dragon Industrial & Trade Corporation (1) Name of Commodity Quantity Unit Price Total Price LCD TV set 43”16:10 2 000 SETS USD200/SET USD400 000 Type:RD43W 2 000 CTNS (Red Dragon Brand)2 000 SETS (2)Packing:In Cartons (3)Port of loading: Yang Shan Port,Shanghai,China (4)Port of Destination: Buenos Aires Port,Argentina (5)Shipping Mark: LCD MONITOR 43”16:10 CTN NO.1-2000 (6)Date of shipment: December 2012/By Sea

(7)Terms of Payment: Letter of Credit(NO.:TR0069)

(8)Documents Required:Certificate of Quality by CIQ indicating the No.of L/C 1.“收货人(外文)”栏填写“Thunderain Worldwide Import & Export Corporation”。 (√ ) 2.“H.S.编码”栏填写“85285110”。 (X ) 3.“信用证号”栏填写“TR0069”。 (√ ) 4.“货物总值”栏填写“400 000元”。 ( X )

5.“合同、信用证订立的检验检疫条款或特殊要求”栏填写“无”。 (√ ) 6.“需要证单名称”栏的填写应包括“品质证书”。 (√ )

