
发布时间 : 星期三 文章7月全国综合英语(一)自考试题及答案解析更新完毕开始阅读


C. a hundred science fiction books are published D. many books are classified as science fiction 37. You can find science fiction ______. A. only in modern literature

B. only in books written for children

C. in books written today and hundreds of years ago D. as a new development in literature

38. Most of the classics of science fiction have been written within ______. A. the last few hundred years B. the last one hundred years C. the last two hundred years D. the last three hundred years 39. Modern science fiction writers are interested in ______. A. writing about men from Mars

B. writing about everything but politics

C. imagining future world with the results of technical developments D. writing space adventure stories

40. Science fiction writers may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems of


A. conflict used by different political theories

B. adopting new technology and adapting quickly to its effect on society C. conflict caused by different religious beliefs D. space adventure

Ⅲ.用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音。(每小题0.5分,共10分) 41. achieve 42. cork 43. comfort 44. Jewish 45. corps 46. private 47. stagger 48. violin 49. worthless 50. quality 51. basis 52. genius 53. awkward 54. context 55. laughter 56. occupy 57. banquet 58. calmly 59. outwardly 60. problem Ⅳ.完形填空(每小题0.5分,共10分)

A. 从下列单词中选择恰当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。 something anything but which what until crowd return much reply wrapped greatest I soon realized that I had entered an unusual kind of shop. There were no goods on display; there was no shop window: nothing 61 numbers of empty shelves at one end of the room in front of 62 a man was standing on a raised platform, and shouting loudly that the 63 sale of the year was about to begin, I decided to stay and see 64 would happen. An assistant began to pile the shelves with small beautiful packets 65 in bright red paper. When he was quite satisfied that a sufficiently large 66 of people had collected, he began distributing the packets, asking for threepence in 67 and declaring the value of the contents was fifty of sixty times as 68 .I paid threepence for my packet and was informed not to open it 69 after the sale. I decided I had better go before being tempted into buying 70 I did



not want. I went down the street and opened my prize packet, only to find that I had been rewarded with a cheap bottle of scent!


It is widely believed that every word has a correct meaning, that we learn these meanings mainly 71 teachers and grammars and that dictionaries and grammar books 72 the highest authority 73 matters of meaning and usage. Few people ask 74 what authority the writers of dictionaries and grammars say 75 they say. I once got 76 an argument with an English woman 77 the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary. The English woman said firmly,“What for? I am English. I was born and brought 78 in England. The way I speak is English.”Such confidence about one’s own language is not uncommon among the English. In the United States, however, anyone who is willing to quarrel 79 the dictionary is regarded 80 out of his mind.


81. The three things the author says about time in the first three paragraphs of The Time Message are ______.

82. Andersen laughs at the people who ______ in the Emperor’s New Clothes. 83. After the old man died, the Marine told the nurse that the old man . 84. The old man didn’t know the Marine wasn’t his son because the medicine made the old man’s eyes weak and he could only dimly see ______.

85. Bill didn’t stop or look back when the other man called him because Bill ______.

86. And yet, she had loved him-sometimes. Often she had not. What did love mean now? Now she understood ______.(From The Story of an Hour) 87. In “The Great idea of Mr.Budd”,Mr.Budd was afraid when the newspaper printed the story of his Great Idea because ______.

88. According to the writer of “The Emotional Bank Account”,the “deposits” in the Emotional Bank Account are ______.

89. In “Another School Year—What For?”,the author thinks the basic difference between a technical training school and a university is that ______. 90. In “Freedom in Dying”,Jim is suffering from ______.

Ⅵ.将下列句子译成英语。(每小题2分,共20分) 91. 你的计划是以什么为依据的?

92. 他常常为儿子的教育问题和妻子吵架。 93. 对这些工人应该按其劳动的多少来付报酬。 94. 他挣扎着站起身,一句话也没说就走了。

95. 我从窗户向外看去,看见了一列急驰而过的火车。 96. 第三世界的许多孩子都被剥夺了受教育的权利。 97. 就人口而言,四川是我国最大的省。 98. 我们很小心,没有提及她母亲去世的事。 99. 他迫不及待地打电话告诉他父母那个好消息。 100. 他连电视都买不起,更别说电脑了。

