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上海 2012 届高考英语二模卷试题集(11) 闸北区

You don?t have to be part of the pro-life group to have concerns about this kind of scientific

inquiry. James Thomson, the University of Wisconsin biologist has said, “If human embryonic stem cell research does not make you at least a little bit uncomfortable, you have not thought

about it enough.” However, the president?s new order suggests we should not think too much.

Recently, supporters of embryonic stem cell research called on president to allow experiments using ?surplus (多余的)? frozen embryos in fertility clinics, arguing that they would

be disposed of anyway. But Obama didn?t limit his new policy to these fertilized eggs. “

On the contrary, he left open the possibility of funding studies using embryos created

specifically so their cells can be harvested. He did, however, reject another option. ,We will

ensure,, he said, ,that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human

reproduction. It is dangerous, profoundly wrong and has no place in our society, or any society.,

But this position is hard to square with his professed (声称的) approach. On one hand, the

president says his policy is ,about letting scientists do their jobs, free from pressure,. On the other, he will use pressure to keep them from doing reproductive cloning.

What this policy means is simple: It may be permissible for scientists to create cloned

embryos and kill them. It?s not permissible to create cloned embryos and let them live. Their cells

may be used for our benefit, but not for their own. ,

It?s the policy that is risky not just to days-old human embryos. The rest of us are sure to

receive important medical benefits from this research one day. But we may lose something even

more important in a moral sense.

72. It?s implied in the fourth paragraph that pro-life group _____.

A. support the research on embryonic stem cells B. don?t agree with any kind of scientific research C. agree with James Thomson?s opinion

D. rarely think of the consequences of embryonic stem cell research

73. The underlined phrase ,square with, in the paragraph is closet in meaning to _____.

A. find a square tool for B. be in line with

C. quarrel with D. pay off,

74. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The author thinks there?s a big difference between a 5-day embryo and a 8-month embryo. B. In Obama?s policy, embryonic researchers can only use surplus embryos in fertility clinics. C. President Obama hasn?t expressed his attitude toward human reproductive cloning.

D. The Research on embryonic stem cells may bring people great medical benefits in the future.

75. The author thinks the policy is worrying in that _____.

A. scientists are not really working without pressure

B. ban on human cloning is on the long run harmful to human development C. the research is against the law, D. we may suffer morally for the research

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Section C

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A. State policies concerning pension (退休金). B. The city bankruptcy process. C. The reasons for Stockton?s possible bankruptcy. D. The possible breakdown of pension system. E. The ever-growing burdens on city pension. F. The scale of city pension and its management 76.

When the city manager of troubled Stockton, California, had to tell city council members why it was on track to become the biggest American city yet to go bankrupt (破产), it took hours to get through the list. There was the free health care for retirees, the unpaid parking tickets, the revenue bonds without enough revenue to pay them. On it went, a grim drumbeat of practically every fiscal malady imaginable, except an obvious one: municipal pensions. ,

77. ,

Stockton is spending some $30 million a year to pay for them, but it has less than 70 cents set aside for every dollar of benefits its workers expect. Some public pension experts think they know why pensions were not on the city manager?s list. They see the hidden hand of California?s giant

state pension system, known as Calpers, which administers hundreds of billions of dollars in retirement obligations for municipalities across the state.


Calpers does not want cities like Stockton going back on their promises, and it argues that the state law bars any reduction in pensions — and not just for people who have already retired. State law also forbids cuts in the pensions that today?s public workers expect to earn in the future, Calpers says, even in cases of severe financial distress. Workers at companies have no comparable protection. ,


As the United States population ages and more and more public workers qualify for

retirement, the cost of their pensions is growing fast, turning into a major drag on many local

governments? finances. The pension contributions that cities must take every year are rising, but their revenue, which often depends on property taxes, is not keeping up. Taxed-out residents,

many of whom have lost their own pensions in the private sector, are unwilling to pay more.


Now Stockton is in the midst of a mediation process with its creditors that will determine by the end of June whether it will file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, which would allow the city to

negotiate reductions in its debt in court. For Calpers, the prospect of a California city bankruptcy indicates a potential failure of its pension system. Such a challenge could blow an unsustainable hole in what experts consider pension protection which used to be most airtight. The Calpers is now awaiting a vague future.

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上海 2012 届高考英语二模卷试题集(11) 闸北区

Section D

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

A commercial transaction, in its simplest form, involves a customer paying for goods or

services. But these days, that is just the first step. Businesses want your opinion of them, too, and

their requests for feedback now seem to come with every purchase. ,

Prime reason for the trend is that software companies like SurveyGizmo and QuestionPro

have made it possible for small companies to create customer surveys at a small part of the cost of traditional surveys. Out of desperate thirst to lock in customer loyalty, businesses of all sizes see

surveys as a window into the emotional world of their customers which serve like a database that

will offer guidance in that field.

Consumer patience may be fraying with the surveys. The constant bothering has led to a

condition known as survey tiredness and falling response rates. The declines can be reasoned from two angles. The frequent requests with no incentives (奖励) just have people stop doing it. In the old days, you felt as though you had been selected represent the community. But this is the

information age, and people know their information is worth something. ,

Another reason sticks with the survey itself. Many businesses, often against the advice of the experts they have hired to construct their surveys, cannot resist the temptation to ask, ask and ask

yet again. Angry consumers, assured that it will take only five minutes, often complain that they

approach the 10-minute mark on a survey which have too many items.

To fight survey tiredness, companies are pressing consumers with renewed material urge. On their register receipts, stores like Wal-Mart include a Web address and an invitation to fill out a

survey, with the chance to win a prize. At Staples, the price is a $5,000 store card. In the auto

industry, which tries to measure customer satisfaction at every possible stage, from the first

tentative Web search to the last service visit, surveys will finally fall into performance assessment on staff of different levels. No wonder dealers sometimes throw in a free tank of gas or a free oil change as a quid pro quo to get a favorable review in their dealership?s satisfaction survey.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

81. Why do all companies want to know about customers? feelings?

82. Two reasons for customers? dislike to fill out surveys are _____.

83. To raise customers? interest, companies provide _____.,

84. What makes car dealers bribe customers while doing surveys?

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第II 卷(共45 分)

I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 她的女儿把大部分的业余时间都花在弹钢琴上了。(spend)

2. 他刚一坐下,就发现桌子还没收拾好。(Hardly) ,

3. 再尝试与失踪孩子的家人或朋友联系,否则只能求助警方来追查他的下落。(or)

4. 许多人喜欢中药,主要是因为它不仅有效而且没有副作用。(free)

5. 世界各地的导演、演员不远万里齐聚一堂,令本次电影节受到了广泛的关注和报道。


II. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given

below in Chinese.

下列图表中数据反映的是某高中学校对全体学生英语学习动机的调查结果,请就此调查结果 写一篇作文。你的文章必须包括以下内容: 1. 描述图表;

2. 根据图标得出的结论;

3. 谈谈你的看法。




通过考试(65%) 家长和社会要求(25%) 个人兴趣(8%)



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