空气调节课程设计 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期五 文章空气调节课程设计 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

摘 要





冷冻水泵选择的是两用一备,冷却水泵选择也是两用一备,冷却塔置于屋顶。 关键字:风机盘管加新风系统;送风方式;制冷机房;水泵


The object of this design is a lholidayinn construction which is located in Wuhan. The main content includes:the load computation, the amount determination of new wind, the air treating processes design, the suppose counts with the computation of air current organization, the equipment shaping, the water power computation of aqueous system and the wind system, the systems control plan,and so on.

Combine the practice and the characteristic of architecture,establish the plan of the air condition design. On the basis of truthfulness,making the systerm more functionality and more operationality.So we design the Fan coil and fresh air system ,The small room with little people or short residence time and the small room that is not easy to send a fresh air will rely on the natural ventilation to achieve the purpose of the air exchange. From the first level to the ninth level are use of ceiling air conditioning units, fan coil are used the way of downward air supply.Guest Rooms are use the way of Side air supply, the other room to send the wind use the way of downward air supply.

The fresh air unit of first layer is placed in the kitchen of outdoor ,it can maximum reduce the effect of noise, and from the second layer to the ninth floor of fresh air unit is placed in the appropriate room ,

Refrigeration room is located in the ground floor of the west, the choice of a screw chillers in summer for chilled water, chilled water pump selection is a dual-use equipment, cooling water pump of choice is a dual-use equipment, cooling tower are placed on the roof.

Key words:blower fan coil with new wind; Air supply mode; Refrigeration room;Water pump

目 录

1 设计条件 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。 1.1 工程概况 ......................................... 1

1.2设计采用的气象数据 ................................ 1 1.3空调房间的设计条件 ................................ 1 1.4维护结构的热工性能 ................................ 2 1.5室内照明 ......................................... 2 1.6室内设备 ......................................... 3 1.7 室内人员散热 ..................................... 4

2 系统方案初步确定 .................................. 4 2.1 系统方案 ........................................ 4 2.2 初选系统方案 .................................... 5 3 负荷计算 .......................................... 5 3.1 冷负荷计算 ....................................... 5

3.1.1外维护结构冷负荷计算 ......................... 5 3.1.2 内围护结构冷负荷 ............................ 6 3.2湿负荷计算 ....................................... 8 3.3新风负荷计算...................................... 8

4 送风量的确定 ....................................... 8 5 室内气流组织的计算 ................................. 9 5.1 气流组织的形式 ................................... 9

5.2 散流器送风 ...................................... 10

6 水力计算 .......................................... 11 6.1 风管的材料和形状 ................................ 11

6.2风管内的风速..................................... 12 6.3 风管的布置 ...................................... 12 6.4风管水力计算..................................... 12 6.4.1 沿程阻力的计算 .............................. 12 6.4.2 局部阻力的计算 .............................. 13 6.5水管的材料和形状 ................................. 13 6.5.1空调管路系统的设计原则 ....................... 15 6.5.2管路系统的管材 ............................... 16 6.5.3冷冻水温度的确定 ............................. 16 6.5.4.管径和流速的确定 ............................ 16 6.5.5.冷凝水管的设计 .............................. 15 6.6水管的水力计算 ................................... 17

6.6.1沿程阻力的计算 ................................ 19 6.6.2 局部阻力的计算 ............................... 20 6.6.3 水系统不平衡率 ............................... 20

7 空调设备的选型 .................................... 21 7.1空气处理机组的选型 .............................. 21

7.2制冷机组的选型 ................................... 18 7.3风机的选型 ...................................... 21 7.4水泵的选型 ...................................... 25

8. 其他设备 ......................................... 26 8.1 消声 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。

8.2 减振与隔振 ...................................... 27 8.3 保温 ............................................ 27

9 致谢 ............................................. 22 10 参考文献: ....................................... 37
