新目标七年级下unit 6用所给词的适当形式填空

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新目标七年级下unit 6用所给词的适当形式填空

新目标七年级下unit 6用所给词的适当形式填空50个

1.---How is the weather in Chongqing? ----It_____(rain)now.

2.Do you like _____(wind)days?

3.It was very_____(cloud)yesterday.

4.Today is _____(sun).Let's go shopping. 5.______it_____(snow)in Moscow now?

6.What _____the people_____(do)in the picture? 7.Tom often______(stay)at home on the weekends. 8._____it often____(rain) here in summer? 9.It is very ______(rain)in this city.

10.A____ _____ ______the street now.(clean) 11.Please give______some fruit.(they) 12.Mr Wu teaches _____(we)math.

13.She is ______(wear)a new skirt today.

14.September is the_____(nine)month of the year. 15.Look!there are lots of ______(cloud)in the sky.

16.Usually my father_____(not go)to work on Sundays. 17.Some_____(sing)are singing this popular song. 18.Look!it_____(rain)heavily outside. 19.In winter,it often_____(snow)here. 20.Lin Tao_______(ride)to school now.

21.---Where is Jack?---He____(sit)under the tree. 22.A thief _____(take)away my bag .

23.There are about a _____(thousand)people there. 24._____speak English and French in Canada (Canada) 25.Look at the weather.It is very______(wind). 26.Thank you for_____(join)our show. 27.It's a beautiful,______(sun)day. 28.There_____(be)many people here.

29.The____(France)are wearing a kind of scarf on _____(they)heads. 30.Look!They're_____(ride) camels.

31.Now we're______(walk)in the desert in Egypt. 32.We're talking_____(photo).

33.It's very_____(hot)in winter in Beijing. 34.A______(music)singing in the street.

35.How_____(be)the weather in Chongqing? 36.It's _____(rain)now in the city.

37.Look!The children_____(put)on their clothes. 38.It's ______(wind)outside now.

39.It's 7:00pm.Tom's family_______(have)dinner. 40.Lily often______(do)some reading in the evening. 41.It is a______(snow)day today.

42.Can she ______(go)out?

43.It______(rain)three hour now. 44.It's snowing______(have)now.

45.China has a history of five_______(thousand)years. 46.We have different kinds of______(scarf). 47.They are taking a lot of ______(photo)there. 48.Where's Miss liu?She______(sit)in the office. 49.Do you enjoy______(ride)camels? 50.Thank you for______(tell)me that.
