
发布时间 : 星期三 文章北京市东城区2020届高三英语上学期期末考试试题(含解析)更新完毕开始阅读


考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这次接近死亡又被拯救的个人经历后,我意识到在有些情况下,没有其他的选择可以去医院,直升机是唯一的途径。A. possibility可能性;B. privilege特权; C. alternative选择;D. necessity必要性。根据下文的直升机是唯一的方法可知,没有其他可选择的途径。故选C项。 【29题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那个时候,最美妙的声音,就是听到直升机的声音。 A. familiar熟悉的;B. unexpected意料之外的;C. deafening震耳欲聋的;D. wonderful极好的。根据上文,直升机在某些情况下是送人去医院的唯一途径,受伤的人听到直升机的声音会有即将获救的如释重负,所以直升机的声音听起来是美妙了的,极好的。故选D项。 【30题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他们和警察一起到来时,我一生中从来没那么地感激。 A. honored荣幸的;B. grateful感激的;C. motivated有积极性的;D. confident自信的。Colleen受伤了,所以对急救人员和警察的到来是感激不已,并非其他。故选B项。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)



The Youth Science Discovery Experience (YSDE) teams students and teachers with practicing scientists to pursue semester-long (整个学期) projects in fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.


Introduce new scientific topics, especially those not typically covered in traditional courses in high schools.

Encourage lifelong learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Develop science reasoning skills and an understanding of the scientific research process.

Prepare students to face challenges of college, career, and continuing


Develop creativity, build self-confidence, and promote friendship among the youth.

Program Overview

The YSDE program uses a project-based learning model. Each research team consists of six tenth-grade students, one teacher, and one practicing scientist. Together the team investigates an area of current scientific concern.

The program integrates in-residence experiences with continuing education activities conducted in the students’ and teacher’s school setting YSDE begins with a five-day residential session in the center where students will learn principles of scientific inquiry. Each research team works with its scientist to plan an approach to its project. Session in residence allows YSDE members to participate in the magnificent outdoor natural laboratory provided by the surrounding national forests. Then the teams return to their home institutions and continue working on research projects throughout the semester.

YSDE concludes with a final session in residence where teams present their research.

Program Features Physical Environment

YSDE facilities include science laboratories, a computer center, and arts and music studios. The area provides an outstanding natural laboratory for teaching and experimentation. Being separated from the usual disturbances of cities provides a nurturing atmosphere.

Intensive (集中的), Cooperative Learning

The residential part of YSDE offers near “around-the-clock” learning opportunities in a challenging yet friendly setting. Cooperative learning encourages teamwork and cooperative skills using science as a common language to allow students to learn from peers, staff, and visiting experts.

Professional Partnerships

YSDE’s relationship with partner organizations helps complete the program.

Partner organizations are selected and invited on their interest in developing project-based learning activities for students in high school. YSDE’s partnerships with organizations like the Canaan Valley Institute and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory provide unique access to world-class facilities and human resources.

For more information about YSDE, please visit our website at www.nysf.com, or write to us at Post office Box 715, Charleston, WV 15358-352. 31. One of the purposes of YSDE is to ______. A. provide young scientists with assistance B. promote the mode of science thinking C. introduce new university courses D. encourage education research

32. The YSDE program participants will ______. A. do research in the natural environment B. spend five days organizing the program C. live in the center throughout the semester D. present research result in their own schools 33. What makes the YSDE program special? A. Competitive learning atmosphere. B. Access to various physical activities. C. Methods of acquiring science language. D. Support from cooperative organizations. 【答案】31. B 32. A 33. D 【解析】

这是一篇广告类的说明文,主要介绍了YSDE的一些情况。 【31题详解】

推理判断题。由Goals部分的“Develop science reasoning skills and an understanding of the scientific research process.”可知,培养科学推理能力,以及促进对科学研究过程的理解。这是YSDE的目标之一,培养学生科学的一些方法合理,即推广科学思维的模式。故选B项。 【32题详解】

推理判断题。由program Overview部分第二段的“Session in residence allows YSDE members to participate in the magnificent outdoor natural laboratory provided by the surrounding national forests.”可知,(5天的)入住阶段可以允许YSDE成员加入到由周边的国家森林形成的壮丽的室外天然实验室中去。换句话说,参与者可以在室外做“实验”,即研究。故选A项。 【33题详解】

推理判断题。由Professional Partnerships部分的“YSDE’s partnerships with organizations like the Canaan Valley Institute and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory provide unique access to world-class facilities and human resources.”可知,YSDE与像迦南谷学院和国家天文台这类组织的合作伙伴关系,(给学员们)提供了独特的接触世界级设备和人力资源(的机会)。由此可见,YSDE跟一些组织的合作,给YSDE这方提供了许多的支持,人力和物力方面的。故选D项。


When Brody, a 4-year-old Connecticut boy, was asked what wish he wanted to come true, his only dream was that he could be able to play outside.

Brody was born premature (早产) at 27 weeks, which caused him to overheat and burn easily. That means he can't spend any time outside and he'll get burn blisters (水疱) on his face even when he is driven to the hospital. Besides, there are a lot of things he can't do. He has trouble walking and only began talking one year ago. Brody can't eat or drink and has to wear a backpack 24/7 that contains a pump that feeds him. “I can't even count the number of surgeries he's had since he was born,” Brody's mother said. “He's spent probably half his life at the hospital.”

When Make-A-Wish Connecticut, an organization that creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, heard about Brody's request to play outside, they immediately jumped into action. “It's the most simple, most sweet wish, just to play outside but it seems to be the most difficult to realize.” said Debbie Artinian, the manager of Make-A-Wish Connecticut.

Artinian and her team determined that a temperature-controlled tent outside Brody's home where he could play and not be in the sun would be the best option. But they had to find a tent that could stand weather conditions like wind and snow
