最新人教版新目标英语初二下册Unit 2 单元教案

发布时间 : 星期四 文章最新人教版新目标英语初二下册Unit 2 单元教案更新完毕开始阅读

⑥excited 激动的:excite(使激动) +d

⑦kindness 仁慈,善良:kind(和蔼的) +ness


①several: a few, some ②joy: happiness ③lonely: alone ④repair: fix up

⑤take after: look like ⑥clever: smart

⑦care for: look after; take care of ⑧call up: telephone ⑨give out: hand out

【设计意图】根据构词法(转换 、派生和近义词等方法)记忆单词非常有效。英语的词汇无限,英语的词根有限,很多词是通过附加词缀变化而来,或是转换,或是派生而来的。)

C. Remember the phase by matching Column A with Column B. A B 1. clean up 振奋起来 2. cheer up 建立 3. set up 打扫干净 4. give away 赠送

5. put off 参加…选拔 6.try out 推迟 7.come up with 曾经 8.used to 影响

9.make a difference 想出,提出

【设计意图】 语块记忆即关注词的搭配是一种有效的记忆短语的方式。 Step 3: Consolidate the words and phrases

1. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese of Unit 1 on Page 116 and Page117. Cover the English words and phrases , look at the Chinese and say the English for them. Write down the words they haven’t grasped.

2. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and try to remember them. Then have a PK between boys and girls. Groups BOYS Marks GIRLS [操作说明] 先让学生速记5分钟,然后将学生分成男女组 采用英汉互译的方法进行PK。 【设计意图】为巩固单词,让学生读记本单元单词。然后将学生分成男女组 采用英汉互译的方法进行PK。激发学生兴趣,让学生动起来。


Step 4 : Read and translate

1. Ask the students to read the passage and translate it into Chinese. Jim is a clever boy with kindness. He takes after his father. He likes volunteering and caring for others.

He used to help to clean up the city parks and raise money for the children who were sick or poor. When he saw those children get better or the look of joy on their faces, he had a strong feeling of satisfaction.

Now he comes up with a new idea. He gives out

some notices and calls up friends to collect old or broken bikes for him

He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and gives away to children who don’t have bikes.

【设计意图】词汇教学应采用词—句—文的教学模式,让学生将单词用到句子和语篇中。在学生记忆本单元单词的基础上,再学习由本单元的生词编成的一篇文章, 体现了词不离句、句不离文的教学原则,有助于学生学习理解和使用本单元的词汇。 Step 5: Mind map(思维导图)

1. Get the students to remember the words.

2. Get the students to retell the passage according to the mind map.

[操作说明] 通过思维导图,使学生从逻辑范畴上理解单词的意思,让学生归类记忆词汇。 【设计意图】把学生活动和思维导图结合起来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,。进一步把词汇和具体语境的连接起来,巩固对词汇的记忆。 Step 6: Class test (当堂检测)


1. Tom is a v_____________ in an old people’s home.

2. Yesterday I went to a bookstore and bought s_________ interesting books.


3. Who is the o_______ of that dog? It’s running everywhere. 4. We had a great j__________ last summer.

5. We need to make some n__________ for the Clean-Up Day. 6. Lots of old people are l_______ .We should care for them. 二、根据汉语提示,完成句子。

1. The boy could _________ _____(分发) food at the food bank. 2. You could help to _______ ________(打扫) the city parks.

3. She is very upset. Let’s do something to _____ _______ ______(让她振奋起来)。 4. Look at the signs. Who _______ ________ ________(张贴的它们)?

5. My grandpa often tells me stories about the past and how things ______ _______ _________(曾经是)。

6. I want to ______ ________ (推迟) my plan to travel until next summer because I’m too busy.

7. Can you ________ _______(修理)broken bicycle parts, like wheels? 8.Linda _____ ______(与。。。像) her father very much.

9.My father_____ _____(捐赠)many books to a children’s home yesterday. 10.I tried to _____ ____ ____ (想出)a good way to help him.







1.volunteer 2. several 3.owner 4.journey5.notices 6.lonely 二、根据汉语提示,完成句子。

1. hand out/give out 2. clean up3. cheer her up4. put them up5.used to be6. put off 7. fix up 8. takes after 9.gave away 10. come up with

Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.

Period 2 Section A (1a-2d )

Teaching Goals:

1.Review the main target languages of Unit7.

2.Enable the Ss to express offering help with such patterns as “I’ll…/I’d like to…/You could…”They should master how to use some phrasal verb like “give out, hand out, set


up, clean up, cheer up, call up, put off, come up with and think up” after finishing the listening and speaking tasks. Enable the students to form a positive attitude to help others. Like an old saying: “The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose.”


Step1. Review and preview. 1. Revise what they learnt last class. Fill in the blanks according the picture.

1) The woman _______ (志愿) to take care of the homeless children. 2) Look at the ______ (布告), we’ll have a meeting.

3) A lot of young people go to _______ (城市) to find a good job. 4) Your idea ______ (听起来) pretty good.

5) The old man lives in the mountain himself, but he never feels _____ (寂寞). 2. Preview

I. Do you know something about International Volunteer Day, International Year of Volunteers and Chinese Volunteer Day? If not, please look at the following passages.


1985年12月17日,第四十届联合国大会通过决议,从1986年起,每年的12月5日为“国际促进经济和社会发展志愿人员日”(International Volunteer Day for Social and Economic Development 简称:国际志愿者日(IVD)/(国际志愿人员日)),中国的港、台和东南亚等地称做“国际义工日”。其目的是敦促各国政府通过庆祝活动唤起更多的人以志愿者的身份从事社会发展和经济建设事业。



为向世界人民展示志愿者作出的卓越成就,并在全球范围内倡导志愿精神和推进志愿服务事业,1997年11月20日,第52届联大通过了包括中国在内的123个国家提交的52/17号提案,决定把2001年确定为国际志愿者年(International Year of Volunteers)。这一年发起了帮助实现国际志愿者年的四大目标:充分认识志愿贡献、积极支持志愿活动、建立志愿网络体系和倡导弘扬志愿精神。2001国际志愿者年的揭幕仪式于2000年11月在联合国总

