最新人教版新目标英语初二下册Unit 2 单元教案

发布时间 : 星期二 文章最新人教版新目标英语初二下册Unit 2 单元教案更新完毕开始阅读

I volunteer to……help clean up the streethelp old peoplecheer up sick kidsgive out food at the food bank

设计意图:用图片引导学生说出本单元的重点词汇和句子,让学生进行抢答,课堂气氛活跃,为写作活动做好铺垫。 Pre-writing activities Step 2 Warming up and leading in

T:All of us know everyone needs help and everyone can help others. I like to help the people who are in trouble. His or her smile is enough. Do you want to be a volunteer ? Ss: Yes.

T: Boys and girls, let’s come to Section B 3a on Page 15.What could you do?

(3a) Look at these kinds of volunteer work. Can you add more? What would you like to do?

Discuss it with a partner. Working in an old people’s home Helping kids in an after-school program Being a guide at a museum …… ( First, ask the students to discuss the volunteer work above, Then ask the students to say their own volunteer work before the class. For example: Volunteering at a library.)

设计意图:引导学生先完成讨论3a内容,再讨论自己喜欢的志愿活动,用竞赛形式调动学生积极参与课堂,联系生活实际和所学的知识点,自然导入新课。 Step 3 Group work (3b)

Task1. Answer the following questions:

T: Let’s discuss the following questions in pairs and write down your answers, show your best answers to the class. Questions Answers 53

Which volunteer job do you want to do? What are your interests and hobbies? How can these help you to do the job? Why do you want to do the volunteer job? When are you free to do the job? (Ask the students to write complete sentences to answer the questions above and show the best answers on the blackboard. Then read together and remember them.) Task2.Groupwork

T: Now, let’s talk about the following structures with your own ideas in groups. Then choose the best one in your group to show your answers. I’d like to / I’m interested in / I want to volunteer as… I’m good at / I’m strong in / In my free time, I like to …so I think I’d be good at this job. I want to help out as a volunteer in your old people’s home / school museum / group because… I’m free to help in / on… Task3 Fill in the blanks using the information above. I want to volunteer at . . .I’m good at In my free time, I like to so I think I’d be good at this job. I want to help out as a volunteer in the because I’m free to help in / on (Ask the students to say the answers.)


Step 4 While-writing activities

Task1. Help the Ss make sure the composition must include the following things before they start to write their own composition.

Topic sentence:/ Reasons: / The time to do the work: / The simple present tense Task2. (3b) Write a letter to the place you want to volunteer at.

T: Boys and girls, let’s write a letter about your favorite volunteer work using the information above. Choose one student to write the letter on the blackboard. Dear Sir or Madam,

Yours truly,



Step 5 Post-writing activities Task1. Show your best letter.


1. After all the students finish writing,first ask the students to check the letter on the blackboard together with the teacher according to the following evaluation scale. Is there a topic sentence? Are there reasons? Is there the time to do the work? Did he / she use the simple present tense ? Are there any grammatical mistakes? (Choose several students to evaluate the composition item by item in the evaluation scale.)

2. The students work in pairs and check their partner’s composition according to the above evaluation scale.

3. Choose several students to read their composition. The other students listen carefully and prepare for answering the teacher’s questions later on.

4. Ask the students about what they think of their classmates’ letter and why. In this way, the students learn to make comments.

设计意图:展示典型作文,用竞赛形式调动学生积极参与课堂。通过师生评价,生生互评,提高写作能力 Task2.Interview

1. T: Please choose an interviewer from your group to interview the student in another group according to the following chart. Interviewer Which volunteer job do you want to do? What are your interests and hobbies? How can these help you to do the job? Why do you want to do the volunteer job? When are you free to do the job? The student who is Interviewed 2. Report: Ask the students to give a report like this: Li Dong wants to volunteer at . . .He’s good at In his free time, He likes to so he thinks he would

be good at this job. He wants to help out as a volunteer in the . . because He’s free to help in / on (Choose the best one in the group to show the report in class. Encourage the students in time.) 设计意图:以上写后活动根据具体情况,通过采访活动和调查报告让学生能掌握重点句型,分别用第一人称和第三人称练习书面表达,循序渐进地培养学生在具体的语境下运用英语写作的能力,并发挥小组自主学习、合作探究的作用。 Step6 Self check

Task1 Fill in each blank with a possible verb to make a phrases..

1. _____ up 2. _____ off 3. _____ away 4. _____ out of 5. _____ after 6. _____ up with (Ask the students to check the answers.)

Task2 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or infinitives..

Last week, Jimmy, the Bike Boy ________ of money _______ old bikes. He was unhappy, so


everyone was trying _______ him up. He _______ some signs asking for old bikes and _______ all his friends on the phone ________ them about the problem. He even _________ notices at the supermarket. Then he told the teacher at school about his problem and they _______ a call-in center for parents. The ideas that he _______ with worked out fine. He now has 16 bikes _______ up and _________ to children who don’t have bikes. (Ask the students to check the answers.)

The end-of class test 当堂检测(如果时间紧张,可用于课后作业) 一 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words.

1. Many of my classmates work as __________ (volunteer) in the Children’s Hospital. 2. I often get a __________ (feel) of joy after helping others. 3. I used to __________ (teach) my brother English. 4. I’m hungry, I can’t put off __________ (have) lunch 5. The success brought him great __________ (satisfied) 6. You must give up __________ (smoke)

7. The boy tried his best make himself __________ (understand)

8. I can get enough money to help the poor children because of your __________ (kind) 9. Let’s help the__________ people who can’t walk. (able)

10. She had __________ (difficult)in learning math. So she asked us for help 二 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of phrasal verbs in the box. give away take after come up with give out fix up 1. Be quiet please, class .I’m going to __________ your test papers.

2. My friend Dave __________ a great idea just now! We’re going to make a pen pal website. 3. I __________ some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.

4. Uncle Wang __________ old TV sets and gives away to the families who don’t have TVs. 5. Jim __________ his father. They are both clever and a bit quiet.



Write a passage about your favorite volunteer work.

亮点: 采访活动和调查报告新颖独特,让学生能掌握重点句型,分别用第一人称和第三人称练习书面表达,循序渐进地培养学生在具体的语境下运用英语写作的能力,调动组内成员的积极性,并发挥小组自主学习、合作探究的作用。鼓励学生思考和展示,激励先进,提升优等生的能力。


使用建议:课堂容量稍大,可以根据自己班级学生的实际情况对教案进行调整或删减。 Keys( 答案 ): Step4 (3b)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you about volunteering at the library. I’m interested in computers and teaching, and I want to volunteer as a computer teacher for people who lack computer skills.

I love working with computers and I’m good at explaining how to use new software to younger students at my school. I’ve taught my grandparents how to use e-mail and word processing software.

I like to help people to enjoy computers as much as I do, so I think I’d be good at this job.

