(新版)外研社(三年级起点)小学英语四年级下册全册教案 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期四 文章(新版)外研社(三年级起点)小学英语四年级下册全册教案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

2.技能目标 : 运用句子This is ….He’s /she’s ….来进行会话练习。 3、情感目标:增强小组合作意识,增进同学之间的友谊。 重点: words and sentences 教学重难点 难点: How to use the words and sentences to discribe a person. 教学准备 cards / Tape-recorder 教学过程 教学过程 ⅠPreparation 1. Greetings T:Good morning ,boys and girls.How are you? S:Good morning,Miss Liu.I’m fine ,thank you.And how are you? T:I’m fine ,too. 2. Free talk. T:Can you introduce your friends to me?(For example:This is Dongdong.He’s very clever.) S:,,,,, 让更多的学生做这个练习,旨在复习前一课知识,为新课做准备,在学生之间做练习时,教师可以顺便去问一下,Are you naughty\\clever\\shy\\?让学生了解这种一般疑问句。 ⅡPresentation 1. So we can use “ This is …,He’s\\She’s…”to introduce a person.Panpan uses it to introduce his friends to us in M1U1 In this lesson,he wants to introduce his family member to us.Look, this is Panpan’s big brother . I think he’s cool.(板书题目并且学习cool) 2. 领读题目,布置任务 T:This class we’ll learn M1U2He’s cool.Cool is an adjectives. So this class,we’re going to useadjectives to describe a person. After learning, you can try to introduce your family member . 个性化设计

ⅢPractice 1. Listen to the tape, try to find Panpan’s family member. S;mother big brother little sister father friend. 学习little,然后领读所有家庭成员 2. Listen again,then answer question T:How does Panpan describe his family member? S:nice cool(学习cool) cute(学习新单词) clever naughty 3. listen and repeat,then read in groups. 4. Ask some students to read the text. 5. Now close your books,and look at the picture on the blackboard. T;Look at Panpan ‘s mother. S:She’s very nice. (练习挂图中所有图片,让学生更加熟练课文,为下面的拓展练习作准备) ⅣProduction 1. Talk about their family T:Panpan can introduce his family,can you? For example,My mother is very tall.My father is very clever…Now talk with your partner. 2完成练习册第一题 3earn and say the poem ⅤSummary 1. Listen to the tape and repeat for 5 times ,then recite the text. 2. Write the words for 5 times. 板书设计 查看更多内容请链接:德被天下http://jianyi-le.blog.163.com/ 教学后记:

备课人 课 题 使用人 London is a big city. 学科 课时 英语 3 1、words: London, capital, about, beautiful, Buckingha教学目标 m Place, Queen. 2、Sentences: London is a big city It’s very big. 1、使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。 教学重难点 2、能够灵活的运用所学的形容词及句型,并能够做到举一反三。 教学准备 课件,点读机 教学过程 Step 一、导入 利用卡片教授“capital”, 反复领读,读熟之后带入句子“London is a big city.”中。Then translate it into every palace. 找生用英语说出“大本钟,女王宫等名建筑。”鼓励学生踊跃参加抢答赛“地名”,学生可以用中文说。 Step 二、新授 在愉快的氛围中,师告诉学生:“Amy 和Lingling 是同班同学。一天,Amy 带来了一本关于自己家乡—伦敦的书。Lingling 看见这本书后非常好奇,于是就请Amy 向她介绍伦敦的情况。现在我们就来跟 Amy 学一学怎样描述城市和景物。今天学习过后,请大家也来介绍一下自己熟悉的城市、地区或景物。 个性化设计

请学生听录音,听一听Amy 和 Lingling 之间的对话。师:“Where is London?” 生在地图上指出伦敦的位置。 再放一遍录音,让学生在自己的书上勾出描述城市的形容词 (nice, big, beautiful, small)。 请学生根据插图和上下文猜一猜每个生词的意思。“beautiful”一词教师要反复示范,借助肢体语言帮助学生读清并理解这一单词。个别单词处理完之后,教师领读课文几遍。然后鼓励学生分角色大胆试读,教师及时给予表扬。 Step 三、练习 完成SB 第一单元活动3。 把全班分成两人一组,分别扮演 Amy 和 Lingling,进行问答练习。 例如: 1、A: What’s this? B: It’s a book about London. It’s very nice. 2、A: What’s the capital of England? B: It’s London. 板书设计 查看更多内容请链接:德被天下http://jianyi-le.blog.163.com/ 教学后记:
