
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017-2018学年秋人教版九年级英语全套能力提升测试题(含答案)Unit8更新完毕开始阅读


C.might D.should

( )4.—How are you these days? —I've got a ________. A.cough B.to cough C.coughing D.coughed

( )5.I wonder ________ the scientist will come to our school this weekend. A.that B.what C.which D.if

( )6.________ you come, you can see beautiful flowers in our school yard. A.Whatever B.Wherever C.Whenever D.Whoever ( )7.—________ red coat is it? —It's mine.

A.Who B.How C.When D.Whose

( )8.I heard someone ________ in the next door just now. A.speak B.to speak C.speaking D.speaks

( )9.—What do the clouds ________? —Many animals.

A.be like B.look like C.like D.liked

( )10.—Is Mr.Smith over there?

—It ________ be him.He has gone to Beijing on business. A.can't B.must C.might D.can 四、完形填空。

I have a strong and faithful dog, Bruce.The dog likes __1__ with me.Sometimes he also follows my father to work.

One morning when my father worked in the field, he __2__ his coat and put it under a big tree.He turned to the dog and said, “__3__ my coat, Bruce!”

Bruce sat down on the coat.Later, my father remembered he had to buy some food.__4__ he hurried to the shop.__5__ shopping, he went home directly and forgot completely about his __6__ and the dog.

In the evening, I looked for my dog __7__ in the house, but I __8__ find him.At this time, my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog.He went

back to the tree __9__.He found that Bruce was __10__ sitting on the coat! ( )1.A.playing B.dealing C.agreeing D.arguing

( )2.A.took out B.took off C.took away D.took up

( )3.A.Watch B.Look C.See D.Notice

( )4.A.But B.So C.Because D.Though

( )5.A.Since B.Before C.After D.When

( )6.A.shop B.food C.coat D.work



( )7.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.nowhere D.anywhere

( )8.A.could B.couldn't C.can't D.mustn't

( )9.A.at once B.after all C.as usual D.just now

( )10.A.yet B.even C.still D.so 第3课时 (Section B)

课前自主预习 一、单词拼写。

请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。 名 词:1.a________外星人 2.B________大不列颠 3.m________奥秘;神秘事物

4.h________历史学家;史学工作者 5.l________领导;领袖 6.m________仲夏;中夏 7.p________目的;目标 8.e________精力;力量 9.p________位置;地方 10.b________埋葬;安葬 11.a________祖宗;祖先 12.v________胜利;成功 13.e________敌人;仇人

14.p________一段时间;时期 动 词:1.l________着陆;降落 2.e________表示;表达 3.r________ 接受;收到 4.p________阻止;阻挠

形容词:1.m________医疗的;医学的 2.h________工作努力的;辛勤的

兼类词:1.s________ n.西服;套装 v.适合 2.c________ n.圆圈 v.圈出

3.h________ v.尊重;表示敬意 n.荣幸;荣誉 二、短语翻译。

请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。 1.run ________追逐;追赶

2.________ the same time同时;一起 3.communicate ________...和??联系 三、完成句子。


1.Stonehenge, a rock circle, is ________ ________ one of Britain's most famous historical places ________ ________ one of its greatest mysteries.巨石阵,一个巨石围成的圈,不仅是英国最著名的历史圣地之一,而且它也是英国最大的谜团之一。

2.They think the stones can prevent illness and ________ people________.他们认为这些石头能够预防疾病并且使人保持健康。

3.No one is ________ ________ Stonehenge was ________ ________, but most agree that the position of the stones ________ be for a special purpose.没有人可以肯定巨石阵究竟是用来做什么的,但大多数人认为这些石头的摆放位置肯定有一个特殊的目的。



课堂基础练习 单项填空。

( )1.It's our duty to prevent the environment ________ being polluted . A.of B.for C.from D.in



Light and bright colors can make people ________ ________ happier ________ ________ more active.



1.Many people believe that there are a________ on other stars. 2.Please stand in this c________.

3.He is a ________ (领袖) respected by all of us. 4.We felt happy when we got the ________ (胜利). 5.How can you ________ (表达) your feelings? 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.We have Mr.Green as our ________ (lead).

2.Tom ________ (burial) his dead dog in a hole. 3.We should fight with our ________ (enemy). 4.The machine is a ________ (medicine) tool.

5.The Nile River (尼罗河) is the ________ (long) river in the world. 三、单项填空。

( )1.Tom has ________ many presents from his friends. A.receive B.receives C.received D.receiving

( )2.I like eating meat, ________ beef. A.special B.specially C.especially D.even

( )3.What is this tool used ________? A.on B.to C.for D.from

( )4.Mike ________ want to go with me, but I'm not sure. A.might B.must C.can D.can't ( )5.Professor Yuan Longping is ________ the name “Father of Hybrid Rice”. A.honor B.honored for C.honored with D.honor with

( )6.The girl can ________ sing, ________ dance. A.either; or B.neither; nor C.not only; but also D.both; and

( )7.Driving carefully can prevent accidents________ happening. A.of B.to C.away D.from

( )8.________ Tom is very tired, he continues to work. A.Even B.Though C.Unless D.If ( )9.There are many different styles of the suit.________, I don't like them at all.

A.So B.Because C.However D.Then



( )10.We don't know ________. A.when was the old temple built B.when the old temple was built C.when is the old temple built D.when the old temple is built 四、短文填空。

UFO stands 1.________ unidentified flying object.It is a general term for anything seen in the sky 2.________ cannot be explained or identified.After World War II, there were many reports of mysterious “flying saucers”.They are 3.________ flying saucers because the 4.________ common shapes described are plate-like.For quite 5.________ long time, strange shapes had been reported in different parts of the world.Pictures and films were taken of flying saucers of UFOs seen in the sky.Some pilots of planes reported that round flying machines once followed them 6.________ moved at great speed.Some unofficial experts and newspapers suggested that some creatures from other planets were watching us.Some people said a UFO had landed the 7.________.A space creature got out of the UFO, walked around, and then 8.________ off again.There is much disagreement about whether UFOs are really alien spaceships.Many UFO sightings and photographs have been proved to be mistakes or fake.For 9.________, once the picture of a UFO turned out to be a military aircraft.

What lies ahead of us?We don't know, but we can be sure that whatever happens, 10.________ are living in an age which will grow more interesting.


话题8 奥秘

1.It ________ ________ Mary's.它肯定是玛丽的。

2.I think somebody must have ________ ________ ________.我想肯定有人把它捡起来了。

3.One woman in the area ________ something ________ ________, but it was dark ________ she is not sure.该地区的一位妇女看见有个东西跑过去了,但天太黑她不太确定。

4.However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this ________ ________ ________ because Stonehenge was ________ so many centuries ago.然而,历史学家保罗·斯托克认为这不正确,因为巨石阵是许多世纪之前就建造好的。

根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容,描述一下Mr.and Ms.Green家里发生了什么。

参考词汇:burglar n.窃贼 steal (stole, stolen) v.偷

