剑桥雅思8 test4阅读词汇测试版

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New Learning Vocabulary Test

IELTS Reading Vocabulary-C8T4

Name____________ Score________________ Passage 1 Land of the Rising Sum

1. attainment 3. consistent 5. identity 7. accessible 9. supplementary 11. accuracy 13. spacious 15. compulsory 17. keen 19. ignorance 21. comprehensive 23. render 25. struggler

2. variation 4. standardise 6. loyalty 8. elaborate 10. foster 12. incidentally 14. mutual 16. presumably 18. centralise 20. distribute 22. homogeneity 24. circulate 26. inspirational Passage 2 Biological Control of Pests

1. counter-productive 3. resistance 5. immune 7. yield 9. outlay 11. perpetual 13. plague 2. disorder 4. potent 6. boost 8. necessitate 10. account for 12. minimum 14. devour New Learning Vocabulary Test 15. reckless 17. engender 19. chemical-resistant 21. agroecologist 23. hovoc 25. avidly 27. invasion 29. indiscriminate 31. predator 33. parasite

16. synthetic 18. emergence 20. lethal 22. treadmill syndrome 24. intensive agriculture 26. outbreak 28. escalate 30. detrimental 32. eradication 34. indigenous Passage 3 Collecting Ant Specimens

1. specimen 3. compatible 5. spot 7. extract 9. concentrate 11. minimal 13. intervention 15. exhaustive 17. taxonomy 19. confine 21. utilise 23. debris 25. marshy 2. caste 4. overlook 6. elusive 8. sift 10. evaporate 12. maintenance 14. complicated 16. estimate 18. vegetation 20. forager 22. preservative 24. encounter 26. capture
