
发布时间 : 星期四 文章2018-2019上海浦东新区周浦中学高二上期中英语试题(图片版)更新完毕开始阅读



II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20分) Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Overcoming the Depression

Then I was in junior high school, darkness began filling my mind. I don't know the day or the reason why it began. All I know is that I started feeling hopeless and worthless. I hid in my room,

_____21____(stare) out of the window, thinking about all my failures.I even questioned_____22____being alive was worthwhile. My dark mood wasn't constant It would fade at times,_____23____ it always returned.

It was my parents that helped me identify the shadow _____24____ hung over my life-- depression. Depression is a mental illness that drains your energy and prevents you_____25____ (enjoy) life. It can keep you from succeeding at school or work or from connecting with others. At its_____26____(bad), depression can even lead to suicide.

When your mood is dark, how do you know whether you are depressed or just sad? Think about how long the feelings_____27____(last). If they have persisted for weeks or months, get help.

No one_____28___ face depression alone. If you're depressed, find someone-a friend, parent teacher or pastor--and tell them your feelings. Consider seeing a doctor or psychologist, if they are getting worse.

When I was depressed, I was_____29____(embarrass)to tell anyone. I didn't want to seem weak or needy. But when I told my friends, they supported and encouraged me.

In fact, _____30____depression affects many people worldwide, treatments are available and can bring hope and joy back into their life. 【参考答案】 21. staring 22.whether 23. but 24. that 25.to enjoy 26.worst 27.have lasted 28. can 29. embarrassed 30. though Section B (10分)

Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. marketed B. experience C. increased D. deliberately E. indicate F. controlled G. potentially H. currently I. convenience J. backed K. access Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks, such as Monster, Red Bull and Rock Star, 31 causing heart problems and other life-threatening conditions, according to the findings of new researches. During a presentation at the annual Cardiac Scientific Sessions 2014 meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA), researchers warned about the risk of allowing young children 32 to the energy drinks, which contain high amounts of caffeine(咖啡因) and other stimulants. Researches 33 that the energy drinks are not intended for young children and are not safe for them to consume. Steven Lipshultz, M.D., lead author of the study, is calling for a 第 1 页 共 6 页

warning on all energy drink cans and bottles, warning parents of the risk of allowing children to drink them.

Researchers say it is difficult to know exactly how much caffeine is contained in each can or bottle of energy drinks, since they are often 34 as dietary supplements (补充物), which allow the manufacturers to avoid FDA regulations.

Energy drink manufacturers have compared the amount of caffeine in their products to that in hot drinks sold in coffee houses, but their products are often packaged in very large sizes and they are not sold in 35 environments like coffee houses, which typically would not serve young children. Energy drinks are widely available in 36 stores next to traditional soft drinks, typically packaged in very similar cans and using similar marketing techniques.

Some energy drinks in many of the popular lines can contain up to 400 mg of caffeine per can. In comparison, a cup of coffee typically has around 100 mg of caffeine. Caffeine poisoning can occur in adults at levels higher than 400 mg a day; however, children under 12 can 37 caffeine poisoning at only 2.5 mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight.

A study published in September 38 up the new findings, revealing energy drinks may cause serious heart problems. French researchers revealed the popular energy drinks may be linked to 39 risk of irregular heartbeats and even sudden death.

The FDA is 40 investigating health concerns surrounding the drinks after numerous negative event reports have been made in recent years connecting energy drinks to severe injuries and deaths.

【参考答案】31-35 G K E A F 36-40 I B J C H

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word of phrase that best fits the context.

I take the firm position that parents do not owe their children a college education. If they can (41) it, they will certainly send them to the best universities. But they need not feel

(42) if they can’t. If the children really want to go, they’ll find a(43) . There are plenty of loans and(44) for the bright and eager ones who can’t afford to pay.

When children grow up and want to (45) , their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house. They do not have the duty to baby-sit their grandchildren. If they want to do it, it must be considered a(46) not an obligation.

Do parents(47) their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a personal(48) . A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly (49) to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so(50) , so afraid of failing that he (or she) won’t try at all. Of course they should be(51) corrected when they do wrong, but it’s often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves (52) . All our parents should do is to trust them, respect them, tolerate them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand(53) . When criticisms are really needed, they should be(54) with praises, with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children(55) 41. A. find 43. A. supply 44. A. allowance

B. get B. help B. money C. afford C. good C. hand C. credits 第 2 页 共 6 页

D. accept D. proud D. way D. scholarships 42. A. pity B. guilty 45. get married 46. A. pleasure B. get a job B. favor C. get abroad C. habit C.owe C. belief C. referred C. unsure C. nearly C. at once C. progress C. shared C. teach D. live alone D. service D. due D. respect D. talked D. unfair D. possibly D. right now D. test D. balanced D. learn 47. A. need B. claim 48.A. worth B. affair 49. A. related B. compared 50.A.unknown 51. A. properly 53. A. failure 54. A. mixed B. unusual B. gently B. honor B. satisfied 52. A. now and then B. in time 55. A. feel B . need 【参考答案】41-45 CBDDA 46-50 BCABC 51-55 ABADD

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


In 2013 alone at least 20,000 African elephants were killed for their teeth. In South Africa over the last two years more than 2,200 rhinos were killed for their horns. These numbers are alarming, because current rates of illegal hunting are faster than birth rates, which could lead to extinction for these ecologically important creatures in their environment. Indeed, some elephant and rhino populations are on track to be locally extinct within the next decade.

If you are reading this, you may already be aware of these facts. But you might not know that wildlife trafficking(非法交易) not only threatens the existence of elephants and rhinos but is also leading to extinction of other species, such as tigers, tortoises, sea turtles-and the world's most trafficked mammal(哺乳动物) —pangolins.

Pangolins are the only mammals that are entirely covered in tough scales(鳞), which makes them look very strong. But actually they are endangered mammals. There are eight different species of pangolins, four in Asia and four in Africa, and all are threatened with extinction. Although pangolins are protected throughout most of the countries where they live, high demand in East Asia, where the delicious pangolin meat is considered a delicacy and where their scales are used in traditional medicines, is driving an illegal trade in both live animals and pangolin parts. The number of pangolin trafficking is shocking. Experts believe that over the last 10 years more than 1 million pangolins were taken from the wild. It is estimated that between 40,000 and 81,250 pangolins were killed for the illegal trade in 2013 alone.

In February, the United States released a plan to deal with wildlife trafficking, which lays out the steps we will take to fight the illegal trade in wildlife, including pangolins. We are strengthening the carrying out of the plan; building international cooperation and contribution to protect wildlife; raising awareness to drive down the demand that is fuelling the illegal trade.

Get involved and remember World Wildlife Day (March 3) by spreading the plan. Use social media and tell everyone that now is the time to get serious about wildlife crime and end the demand that threatens species, big and small, from the huge elephant to the shy pangolin. 56. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?

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A. Eight species of pangolins live on the same continent.

B. Pangolins are not protected in most of their natural habitats.

C. The scales of pangolins can be used as an ingredient for cooking.

D. High demand contributes to the illegal trade of pangolins in East Asia. 57. What can we know about the plan released by the US? A. Social media will be used to spread World Wildlife Day. B. Whether the plan will be worked out remains to be seen.

C. The US will work together with other countries to protect wildlife. D. More and more people are advised to increase their needs of pangolins. 58. What is the author's intention of writing the passage? A. To inform us something about World Wildlife Day. B. To raise awareness of protecting endangered wildlife. C. To explain why pangolins are illegally traded in East Asia.

D. To show how the United States is to fight the illegal trade in wildlife. 【参考答案】56-58 D C B


Wake up late, have a big breakfast and then wander down to the beach for the first swim of the day. A round of golf, a few cocktails and then dinner on one's yacht at sunset.

You might think this is how the wealthy envisage the autumn of their lives but in Britain it seems that this is not the case. A new survey shows that almost 60% of wealthy people in the UK don't want to quit working even when they pass the retirement age of 65.

The organization Barclays Wealth interviewed 2,000 people, defining 'wealthy' as those with over £1 million (10 million yuan) in assets to invest. It found that more people in the UK are shunning the traditional concept of retirement than in any of the 19 other developed countries surveyed.

Not everybody wants to spend the autumn of their lives at leisure.

The group even has a nickname; those who never want to be retirees are called \in the survey.

And their number is likely to grow over the coming years with 70% of people under the age of 45 in the study indicating that even a golden handshake (丰厚的退休金) will not be enough to make them hang up their boots.

\drive (to keep working), many looked to create their wealth early on in life with a view to enjoying it when they retired,\

\report reflects a different attitude, with wealthy individuals wanting to continue to challenge themselves well beyond the traditional retirement age,\

The survey was reported in many newspapers in Britain and it found its critics. \point in working till you drop,\not live to work.\

Sarah Harper, Professor of Gerontology at the University of Oxford, disagrees. She says: \age when you're incredibly experienced you may want to start a second career or even do something completely different from your previous professional life.\

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